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are aluminum grinders a health hazard?


Active member
Ha! Soda cans. I did that once at a party. Put some haze on it. It was electric haha.

Tinfoil will give you Alzheimer's sooner. Cannabis fights this though so that's a counter balance. Metal shavings and shit is never good and same with galvanized screens but those are stainless steel screens in those grinders.

Scrape the keif out. You could run a magnet over it to pick up any small shavings within the pile.

Plastic haha. We used apples and fruit. Imagine a hemp plastic bowl. If it burns it's ok, it's organic plastic you can inhale once, it will not harm you unlike plastic smoke.

What about the plastic ones?

Do they make grinders out of hemp plastic?

I have a few things made out of hemp but never seen a grinder?

your alzheimers comment...talk about misleading


Active member
Aluminum is in OTC antiperspirant... smoking is more likely to be a greater health hazard than potential aluminum dust.


Active member
Aluminum is in OTC antiperspirant... smoking is more likely to be a greater health hazard than potential aluminum dust.

Good point here...smoke from anything, including pot, is carcinogenic. Probably makes more sense to be worried about the potential cancer-causing smoke you're inhaling than the remote possibility that you might smoke a tiny speck of aluminum dust


Well-known member
Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earths crust. It is the 3rd most abundant element after oxygen and silicon.

It is a common ingredient in anti-persperants and antacids. It is in the food you eat, and the water you drink. The average person consumes 5 -10 milligrams a day.

As for toxicity, you'd have to consume around 15 grams if ingested. The only people at real risk for aluminum toxicity are people that work in smelting plants where it is processed and they are exposed to large quantities of fumes. Proper ventilation and filtration has eliminated this in modern plants.

Aluminum oxidizes pretty quickly when exposed to oxygen. The oxide layer takes more heat to melt than the aluminum does. Your Bic lighter does not produce enough heat to melt aluminum, let alone the oxide layer.

In short, it's not an issue


Well-known member
And any smoke has associated health risks. Smoking cannabis has associated health risks. That's a fact. Edibles is the safest way to consume cannabis.


Active member
Yea, I know. It's not really an issue. It's just one of many contributing factors though, that's for sure. Cannabis helps fight against this as proven.


certain studies have shown that extremely low doses of THC can have positive effects -- please stop misleading people by claiming that smoking a bunch of pot will cure alzheimers, you sound childish and you make us all look like a bunch of ignorant fools.

"Lung scrubbing green resin" aside ( :rolleyes: ), as has been stated numerous times, smoke by its very definition is carcinogenic. That means that yes, pot smoke could conceivably cause cancer as that is what carcinogenic means -- "cancer causing." Whether cannabinoids might have anti-carcinogenic or bronchodilating effects that could counter-act this is certainly up for debate, but let's call a spade a spade and stop hiding our heads in the sand.

Do some legitimate research please, you're setting us all back with dumb shit like this. Folks like you who take a small truth and try to spin it into something it isn't do the legalization movement no favors and are a large part of why most intelligent, educated people still look at the majority of folks representing the movement as idiots.


Active member
I never said that smoking cannabis will cure Alzheimer. All I was saying is that the cannabis plant contains a compound that can be enhanced through science that will make this stronger in it. A strain just for that, that treats it. We do not have this yet but I am sure cannabis contains it.

Fools. Only those who use that word are fools.

This is a different smoke. We are not inhaling plastic, we are inhaling tumor shrinking plant material that sticks within the resin and scrubs. Do your research on the differences in smokes and what elements they contain.

We have done all the research. The gov't lied. They even hinder it.

I try not to name call and I suggest you do the same.

Your whole fucking lives are a lie. A big lie. Just wait mother fuckers god is coming.

this in and of itself is more than enough to tell me that you're another stoned rambling idiot who doesn't even have a rudimentary grasp on basic science. ALL SMOKE contains carcinogens -- smoke by its nature is carcinogenic, and it doesn't matter where the smoke comes from. Whether it has LESS carcinogens than, say, tobacco smoke is certainly an argument that can be made, but it doesn't change the basic principle that smoke = carcinogens. Period, the end.

As for "calling names" -- welcome to the internet, I suggest you get a thicker skin if you intend to stick around. I call em like I see em and you're pretty clearly out of touch.


if it smells like fish
I am already drinking coffee and smoking a j ground in my alum grinder ......yeehaw.... in order for any alum to grind off it would have to work its way through the layer of resin....


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Mine is stainless steel, cut with a laser... probably one of a kind, no brand name is evident. I know it's not aluminum because it is magnetic, and holds it's magnetism... I can put it on the fridge door and it sticks :) Friend paid a fortune for it in the Haight a few years ago...

Midnight Tokar

Mine is stainless steel, cut with a laser... probably one of a kind, no brand name is evident. I know it's not aluminum because it is magnetic, and holds it's magnetism... I can put it on the fridge door and it sticks :) Friend paid a fortune for it in the Haight a few years ago...

Hmmm, that's interesting as Stainless Steel is not magnetic, it doesn't have enough carbon in it. If I recall correctly only 304 Stainless Steel has enough carbon in it to be slightly magnetic but it also stains and discolors quite easily.

I bought a Space Case knock-off called Chromium Crusher that is aluminum. I've had it a number of years and I don't think I would be without one anymore.
i just stopped smoking weed after many years of using it everyday.i havent smoked in 3 weeks only vaping and eating it.i can breath so much deeper already and my throat, damn does it feel better!bud taste ten times better out of a vape.smoke is really hot on the lungs.i believe that pot is one of the mildest things you could smoke if your going to smoke shit but it definetly has carcinigens especially non organic grown buds. i eat between 2 and 6 grams every night before bed. im feeling kick ass right now.eat the ganga peoples its better on the wallet.when pot is eaten thcdelta9 turns into thcdelta11[i prob got those technical terms mixed up]via the liver and the 2nd one thc11 is way stronger thats why eating it last so long an is so strong feeling.im 100% sure thats fact too.its no secret that the people that own tobacco co. have there fuking cocks deep up the medical an specifically the chemotherapy industries ass.that being said ciggs are designed to give you cancer.i doubt they accidentaly put a cancer causing combo of chemicals in ciggs just for the hell of it.the ratios of them all fuking crazy there designed to kill.ignorance is bliss i guess.sad world.

Former Guest

Active member
oral cancer can be caused by pipes, cigars, and cigarettes, in that order from worse to least harmful due to the temperature of the hit. it is caused when the cells regenerate to heal from smoking hot stuff whether it's tobacco or cannabis; it's the heat that causes what I'm dealing with. the cells heal mutated and changed and that is what causes cancer as that was explained to me. smoking increases the chances so that they are much greater as the damage is also exposed to carcinogens; especially while healing. at least that was explained to me as they did my biopsy on my tongue. I just think that this should be taken a bit more seriously and people should use filters like bongs or just limit themselves to hash/vaporizers. i think any kind of tar would be harmful and cause cells to be damaged and that healing process constantly combined with repeated use could long term have a significant impact in some way on health. we really don't know very much but will soon :)

as far as aluminum, any scratching removes the coating on pots and pans with little effort. over time possibly this should be a concern but they can be replace fairly cheaply I would guess. i think more people should be concerned about the heavy metals in their fertilizers...

Apache Kush


I think I have seen wooden grinders before...yup lol just watch video

I just use my mini-scissors right now hope they are not toxic plated..

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