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3+lbs per 1000 watts? 1.6g per watt. Anyone?


Not here to scam or troll. I’ve been a member of this site since 2009 just started posting so I could share. Transplanted 3 days ago. Clones were taken 3 weeks flower so just starting to grow out now. Clones were veg’d for about 3 weeks in small pots under flouros. Transplanted to 65 litre pots, 60/40 perlite to coco ratio feeding once a day till runoff. EC 1.2, PH 5.8-6.
Strain: Cherry bomb
Additives: fulvic, silica, seaweed and Plantmate drench (trichodermia)

N - 132
P - 32
K - 210
Ca - 162
Mg - 47
Si - 25
S - 80
NH4- 13


Not here to scam or troll. I’ve been a member of this site since 2009 just started posting so I could share. Transplanted 3 days ago. Clones were taken 3 weeks flower so just starting to grow out now. Clones were veg’d for about 3 weeks in small pots under flouros. Transplanted to 65 litre pots, 60/40 perlite to coco ratio feeding once a day till runoff. EC 1.2, PH 5.8-6.
Strain: Cherry bomb
Additives: fulvic, silica, seaweed and Plantmate drench (trichodermia)

N - 132
P - 32
K - 210
Ca - 162
Mg - 47
Si - 25
S - 80
NH4- 13



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Masochist Educator
Shit is getting real! So excited to watch these monsters fill out! Lots of respect for tolerating all that bullshit and still taking the time to show.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor


That’s the way. Hang a 315 bare bulb between them and it will be easier. Here’s to big frosty flowers.


Dude you are crazy for letting them reveg, but i like it and im tuned in for sure... #lurky

Read up on monstercropping. Properly revegged flowering clones can actually be quite bushy, vigorous and they stack flowering sites hard. These yields are achievable. Honestly the real variable for me is temperature, If you can nail that optimal temp range and vapor pressure deficit, and you have optimal watering practices, you will get this easily. It sounds like the op is doing that. Watering every hour is actually smart. I water three times a day in smart pots and it makes for way better yields in similar conditions to watering the way most people do. Im not the biggest fan of Bomb seeds. I just grow out their Berry Bomb ad it was pretty generic. Why harass someone like this? If you have 42 lights in a warehouse, you should be able to laugh if you really think its bogus, not get all uptight and defensive. Now, if he had come on and said he already got 4 lbs in 45 days, or something like that , it would be hard to believe. But achieving the upper end of normal , is just that, normal. What are your temps? Humidity Range? Water and Medium temps? Im rooting for you. I like your attitude. And sorry to seem to be picking on the guy I quoted about revegging, Im too lazy to quote multiple people.


Keyboard Warrior
Dude i know bout monster crops super crops etc still, just sayin i admire that style. I wouldnt want to replicate it, but i like watching it...not holding any disbelief in my posts, i grow dirt with mag ballast like im still in the 90s. Not gram per watt im gram per what?


Active member
"3 a light" book is a SCAM so is the "medicine man". Snake oil and an extremely over priced book.

You mean you aren't using Success Nutrients yet?

Not here to scam or troll. I’ve been a member of this site since 2009 just started posting so I could share. Transplanted 3 days ago. Clones were taken 3 weeks flower so just starting to grow out now. Clones were veg’d for about 3 weeks in small pots under flouros. Transplanted to 65 litre pots, 60/40 perlite to coco ratio feeding once a day till runoff. EC 1.2, PH 5.8-6.
Strain: Cherry bomb
Additives: fulvic, silica, seaweed and Plantmate drench (trichodermia)

N - 132
P - 32
K - 210
Ca - 162
Mg - 47
Si - 25
S - 80
NH4- 13

Hello, fellow 2009 member. I am going to use a ratio similar to this. I can't decide whether I want to do silica or low-dose chitosan. Regardless, :lurk:


What is deal with this 65 litters pots with coco. Thats crazy. Depending on plants I can hit up to 150 grams in 4 ltr. Pots. And more that 200 grams from 2 gallons or 7 litters. I really want to see how your roots looking in this 65 litters pots with 3 week veg. No offense to your numbers I think best way to hit such high yeild is sog in small pots with right pheno I can fit 33 plants in 2 litters pots in 4x4 under 600w. With good pheno I easily hit more than 30 grams per plant without veg from fresh small rooted clones. Thats give me around kilo under 600w. Good luck make grow journal and show us.

Better for me to get caught with 2 plants instead of 40.


You'll never post a journal. None of you little trolls ever do. You just want some approval from real deal growers, which you'll never get punk.

I dont have a tent. I have 42 lights in a warehouse. I mix all my own nutrients. What's your recipe? Not ratios. grams per gallon recipe.

Keep posting blurry pics of your friend's grow. You've managed to fool a few it seems.

I dont need approval. Just sharing so everyone can do it too. Im impressed with your warehouse numbers, thats a big op. I run everything through hydrobuddy so if you want “grams per litre” do it yourself. I wouldnt post pics of my friends grow on here because its not as good as mine but he’ll get 3 a light on his next run with a couple of tweaks thats for sure. Im not a punk but Johnny Rotten was


progro is most likely Andy Williams or Joshua Haupt. These guys are a couple of scammers/"entrepreneurs" currently operating in Denver. Andy doesn't even smoke cannabis just tries to hustle money.

They are trying to sell the “Three A Light” book a $500. picture book that will tell you the “secrets” of how to grow 3lbs with 1 light. They also try to sell grow consulting services for $500. an hour.

The product that they have been selling is very low grade, they target tourists that don't know any better. My guess is they will flop when they run out of tourists to buy their low grade product.

A couple of hustlers with snake oil.
No, just a regular grower who knows some shit. I only read scientific stuff not garbage and i dont charge $500 an hour for my advice, but maybe i should....


No mate. 4-5 weeks at most. I take my clones from my own plants when they’re 3 weeks into flower so by the time my clones go in they’re just starting to revert back to veg growth so they grow a bit spasmodic for a week and then off they go. Big pots, good drainage, good airflow, trichodermia, optimal nutrition, mass pruning during flower and lolliopping equals big yields

A 4-5 week veg time is an eternity. As Easy7 suggests on pg. 2, it would be interesting to see some mathematics and/or comparison trials with shorter veg times in order to assess whether all that 18hr/day electricity hogging up your calendar and spinning your meter is worth it.

Nothing personal against you, and sorry if there are already a zillion threads with this same criticism--but, veg period length is the main thing I'm interested in when I hear "x# per light" accounts.

Why are you doing the reveg thing with clones, and why are you taking them at week 3?