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Liberty's Humboldt High Chocolate Pudding

Liberty's Humboldt High Chocolate Pudding

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Liberty's Kitchen
Recipes for Recreation and Health

Desert : Humboldt High Chocolate Pudding

Mix together :

1/4 cup water.

3 Tablespoons of corn starch : set aside.

Whisk Now togather in a sauce pan.

1 egg (optional).

2 cups of milk or soy milk.

2 to 6 grams of powdered sinsemilla flowers.

3 Tablespoons Sugar.

6 Tablespoons Cocoa.

Heat on low, stiring , keeps it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Just before mix boils, stir in the corn starch and water mix, Stirring quickly until mix thickens,.

Serve Hot or Cold.

Makes 4 1/2 cups servings.

A easy varation:

instant pudding that uses heat and milk can be used, follow directions on box and ADD 1 - 2 Tablespoons per person,
For reg med dose use 1 teaspoon per person ( kind of weak I think I use the Tablespoon method ).

Liberty Balance :wave: