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Best natural fibres for OutDoors?


New member

I´d like to hear your experiences / opinions on natural fibres and the fabrics made out of them. How do they function in different weather circumstances?

What are hemp clothes best for? Is it as good or better than linen? Wool, silk, everything!

Personally I try to avoid so called "technical" clothes cause they feel uncomphortable, smell bad and look nasty. :tiphat:


if it smells like fish
wool is nice as it holds heat in when wet ,but it can be itchy and heavy.....synthetics are nice....gore tex is nice but can be pricy...deluth firehose pants are nice and they make a lightweight version now too, military clothes otherwise for me. cheap and easy to get ....other than my camo outfits lol


Bump. I love hemp clothes, mines are actually 45% organic cotton and 55% hemp.
You are never to cold and never to warm in this fabric, mainly due to hemp I believe,

I have like 10 hemp long sleeve t-shirts and I wear them every day. They are quite durable. Search thought clothing if You will.
In winter I add a woollen sweater, keeps me nice and comfy.