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whats the word on D.C. mmj???


Capital G

I remember there being a lot of hype surrounding D.C. and the implementation of its mmj program. Does anyone have the info on the current state of affairs??? I've only found minimal info on the subject. I think you can't grow your own and you have to buy from a dispensary...I wonder is this going to eventually set a precedent nationwide....only government sanctioned distributors....


I heard the system was supposed to be one where pot prices for poorer patients are subsidized. Richer patients pay full price, lower income patients pay less on a sliding scale. This was from a few friends from the DC area. I haven't read any legal papers on it.

Capital G

Good looking MrS!!! Do me a favor and stay up to the minute on this issue for me. Any links you can find would be much appreciated...the info I've seen online is minimal at best. There use to be a guy on here that was putting in some serious activist work in regards to the topic in d.c., but i guess he's no longer around.


From what I read somewhere, they will be implementing the dispenaries in June of this year, but it could easily be postponed, politicians keep finding ways of delaying the opening of these dispensaries. There is also a lot of backlash coming from the communities that were selected for the growing warehouses and the actual dispenaries. Most the places selected are in Northeast DC, and the residents in that area are scared the crime rates will rise once the grow warehouses are there


I am personally not a big fan of the DC MMJ program, its way too strict. But I'd still consider it progress in the long run


Old School Cottonmouth
I don't know much about it but I do want to say I think its a big deal.

Its a joke to have medical marijuana in our nations capital and for them to still vilify us.