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Anyone here tried Bhutanese sativas?

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Secondly, it's done in early November. It does go 2-3 weeks slower than most indica plants, but doesn't need that really super long period like strains from equatorial regions. Bhutan is around 25 deg. N so it's not even sub-tropical.

G `day Sat

26 to 40 lat is sub tropical .
Bhutan is high altitude but still in the sub tropical zone .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Bhutan is high elevation and outside the tropics, whats a long flowering sativa doing there to begin with?

Bhutan has something like all five climate zones, starting with subtropical climate (not latitude), and the lower half is not very elevated.

I have no clue how it started, but is not far from the Eastern Silk Road which went from Assam, India to Yunnan, China.

So yes, it is a bit of a geographic anomaly if the sativa is supposed to be "only" tropical. But, this kind was nowhere near as long-flowering as 20-24 weeks or late December or that kind of thing. In the Seed Hunter thread, everything was already chopped by the time he got there, and those look like bundles of long, fluffy sativas, probably about the same as this stuff.

He actually stated that it is not cultivated in the regions where Mandala seeds are from. Wangdu is the source of the White, and Paro for the Purple. So it may be a bit "wild caught" and then perhaps selected. The area is not much like Nepal, different kind of plant, and any smokers' culture is probably somewhat underground.

As such, I wouldn't call it the most intense, ultra powerful, blow you away kind of thing. More of a bright pleasant feeling that leaves you mostly functional. Probably mixes well with a certain kind of personality, like if you prefer a basset hound to a terrier.

I kind of had the same question before trying it and one of the persuading factors is that it is not "incredibly" long flowering, with no apparent hybrid used to reduce the time. I would guess it may be originally SE Asian stock that adapted to a higher latitude over a long period of time, but all I could be sure of is that it is a common weed all over the place with a much better yield than most wild cannabis as a five foot plant with five grams on top.


G `day Sat

26 to 40 lat is sub tropical .
Bhutan is high altitude but still in the sub tropical zone .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Ok that's probably correct I guess. Tropics are at 23 deg. Photo-period wise though, there's a lot of change in that range, and climate-wise, here at 35, we are just outside of that zone. I probably should have said "tropical".

Wangdu elevation is around 4,000 feet, and climate is sub-tropical. Not really in the flat lands and not really all that high. Probably more like somewhere in Mexico than Nepal.

I believe the plant has been observed to successfully ripen at higher latitudes up to 40 or 42. So far I've really just been smoking what the wind broke in mid-October, and have not touched the box of final harvest, and probably won't until some time next year. Don't know if the extra time will change its character.