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Nevada Legislature Has Fucked Patients

I don't know how to edit my post, but I thought i was on the front page of the thread when I posted this. I was speaking on the wrong subject in my previous post and only alluded to what the actual thread was about.

I have mixed feelings on the subject of concentrates. I feel that if patients are making infused foods in their home with RSO, alcohol based concentrates, water hash, or kief than there should be no legal action. Those are all safe, tried and true medicines. However, the people that are doing light hydrocarbon extractions or super-critical extractions in their homes should have some form of punishment. You have the potential of causing death, injury, and sever property damage. Just my 5c


Rubbing my glands together
During the House judicial committee meeting in 2013 just before the legislature was to vote on the mme bill, wecan had taken up the no grow provision that my friend caught and mentioned during the senate judiciary committee hearing. No one else was there for that one.
He was there to testify that the no grow provision was and is in fact unconstitutional the way the nv constitution is worded. She and her friend, Micheal or whatever his name is talked them into extending the no grow until 2016. When my friend was talking to someone else about the provision being unconstitutional, the wecan bitch asked him and I quote, "Can't you just be happy with what you got."
Well neither of us are or were very happy about having a constitutional right taken away illegally. Much less having a self proclaimed marijuana "activist" bargaining to take away that right and expecting anyone to be happy with that.
After listening to her and her husband talk for several minutes it's not hard to pick up on the fact that she's an idiot opportunist that cares more about her own pocketbook instead of the patient's she claims to be looking out for. I have no respect for her at all. and I've known of her for years. Way before the whole wecan thing.
LVNORML used t be a decent org then it became a joke and I stopped any involvement with it when P Warner got involved with it. Not sure how it is now.
Vegas Cannabis Magazine seems to be a good publication. saw an article couple months ago from a reader asking why the vegas community seemed to be divided on medical mmj. The reason is, and they didn't touch on it, is the simple fact that the "activist" that claim to be working for patients rights really aren't concerned about patients rights. More like the right to put patients money in their pocket.
Hell, the wecan woman is supporting the dispensary that's opening over in Pahrump. The guy that's running it for the investor was sitting over at Armagosa Days telling anyone that would listen what his plan for when he opens is.
1-He wants to pull current patients power bills from before and after he opens to see if they are still growing their own or not. If they are he wants the sheriff's office to bust them. This way he gets their business. In reality, it's illegal for the power co to release anyone info. Also illegal to use leo to turn a profit for your business.
2-He wants to shut down the local hydro store so that patients won't have a place to buy their supplies.
Nice guy eh? And he's got wecans blessing. Wonderful little group.
This is the typical shit that leads me towards no respect or good will whatsoever for the wecan organization.
You believe in punishment? Really? I don't think anyone should be punished for any aspect of marijuana preparation. You blow something up then deal with the consequences.
It's been proven time and again, make something illegal and people are more prone to do it.
I don't know enough about any members of the WECAN organization to have any true opinions on them, but I do agree that a certain member is very opportunistic and I've experienced it first hand.

That is insane about the group from Pahrump, even from a business stand point. It makes no sense to punish people for gardening, regardless of the plants you grow. as for item #1 NV Energy actually has an agreement with local law enforcement that if there is any suspicious amounts of energy being used in a household they will be notified immediately - potentially giving probable cause for a search warrent.

As far as my opinion on hydrocarbon extraction/super-critical, I think the new punishment is overly excessive and needs to be toned down dramatically. That being said, people should not be putting themselves, their family, neighbors, and by-standards at risk. Its far too easy to cause a fire/explosion and it needs to be regulated. I don't care how safe people think their room/garage/kitchen/backyard is its too dangerous to not be in a controlled environment built specific to those needs.
As for you last statement I completely agree. If something is illegal than people will proceed to take the risk of doing. In my opinion the punishment should be used more as a deterrent so that people think twice about doing it and maybe evaluate the risks more. Currently the punishment is just as life ruining as a potential disaster, and it is unnecessary.