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‘Too Big to Fail’: Russia-gate One Year After VIPS Showed a Leak, Not a Hack


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One year later, the VIPS memo contending that the DNC emails were leaked and not hacked has yet to be successfully challenged. Meanwhile, the country sinks deeper into the morass of the new McCarthyism, comments Patrick Lawrence.
By Patrick Lawrence
Special to Consortium News

A year has passed since highly credentialed intelligence professionals produced the first hard evidence that allegations of mail theft and other crimes attributed to Russia rested on purposeful falsification and subterfuge. The initial reaction to these revelations—a firestorm of frantic denial—augured ill, and the time since has fulfilled one’s worst expectations. One year later we live within an institutionalized proscription of proven reality. Our discourse consists of a series of fence posts and taboos. By any detached measure, this lands us in deep, serious trouble. The sprawl of what we call “Russia-gate” now brings our republic and its institutions to a moment of great peril—the gravest since the McCarthy years and possibly since the Civil War. No, I do not consider this hyperbole.
Much has happened since Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity published its report on intrusions into the Democratic Party’s mail servers on Consortium News on July 24 last year. Parts of the intelligence apparatus—by no means all or even most of it—have issued official “assessments” of Russian culpability. Media have produced countless multi-part “investigations,” “special reports,” and what-have-yous that amount to an orgy of faulty syllogisms. Robert Mueller’s special investigation has issued two sets of indictments that, on scrutiny, prove as wanting in evidence as the notoriously flimsy intelligence “assessment” of January 6, 2017.
Indictments are not evidence and do not need to contain evidence. That is supposed to come out at trial, which is very unlikely to ever happen. Nevertheless, the corporate media has treated the indictments as convictions.
Numerous sets of sanctions against Russia, individual Russians, and Russian entities have been imposed on the basis of this great conjuring of assumption and presumption. The latest came last week, when the Trump administration announced measures in response to the alleged attempt to murder Sergei and Yulia Skripal, a former double agent and his daughter, in England last March. No evidence proving responsibility in the Skripal case has yet been produced. This amounts to our new standard. It prompted a reader with whom I am in regular contact to ask, “How far will we allow our government to escalate against others without proof of anything?”
This is a very good question.
There have been many attempts to discredit VIPS50 as the group’s document is called. There has been much amateurish journalism, false reporting, misrepresentation, distortion, misquotation, and omission. We have been treated to much shoddy science, attempts at character assassination, a great deal of base name-calling, and much else. Russia is routinely advanced as the greatest threat to democracy Americans now face. Is there any denying that we live amid an induced hysteria now comparable to the “Red under every bed” period of the 1950s?
None of this has altered the basic case. VIPS and forensic scientists working with it have continued their investigations. New facts, some of which alter conclusions drawn last year, have come to light, and these are to be addressed. But the basic evidence that Russia-gate is a false narrative concocted by various constituents of national power stands, difficult as this is to discern. Scrape back all that is ethically unacceptable and unscrupulously conveyed into the public sphere and you find that nothing has changed: No one “hacked” the Democratic party’s mail in the summer of 2016. It was leaked locally. From what one can make out, it was done to expose the party leadership’s corrupt efforts to sink Bernie Sanders’ insurgent campaign to win the Democratic nomination.
But in another, very profound way, more has changed since VIPS50 was published than one could have imagined a year ago. American discourse has descended to a dangerous level of irrationality. The most ordinary standards of evidentiary procedure are forgone. Many of our key institutions—the foreign policy apparatus, the media, key intelligence and law-enforcement agencies, the political leadership—are now extravagantly committed to a narrative none appears able to control. The risk of self-inflicted damage these institutions assume, should the truth of the Russia-gate events emerge—as one day it surely will—is nearly incalculable. This is what inspires my McCarthy and Civil War references. Russia-gate, in a phrase, has become too big to fail.
This column is an attack on no one. However it may be read, it is not intended as another round of vituperative argument adding to the din and fog we already suffer daily. No shred of ideology informs it. I write a lament—this for all we have done to ourselves and our institutions this past year, and to the prospect of an orderly world, and for all that must somehow be done to repair the damage once enough of us indeed recognize what has been done.

New VIPS Findings
The forensic scientists working with VIPS continued their research and experiments after VIPS50 was published. So have key members of the VIPS group, notably William Binney, the National Security Agency’s former technical director for global analysis and designer of programs the agency still uses to monitor internet traffic. Such work continues as we speak, indeed. This was always the intent: “Evidence to date” was the premise of VIPS50. Over the past year there have been confirmations of the original thesis and some surprises that alter secondary aspects of it. Let us look at the most significant of these findings.
At the time I reported on the findings of VIPS and associated forensic scientists, that the most fundamental evidence that the events of summer 2016 constituted a leak, not a hack, was the transfer rate—the speed at which data was copied. The speed proven then was an average of 22.7 megabytes per second. That speed matches what is standard when someone with physical access uses an external storage device to copy data from a computer or server and is much faster than a remote hack, reliant on communications topology available at the time, could achieve.
Binney experimented into the autumn. By mid-autumn he had tested several routes—from East Coast locations to cities in eastern Europe, from New Jersey to London. The fastest internet transfer speed achieved, during the New Jersey–to–Britain test, was 12.0 megabytes of data per second. Since this time it has emerged from G-2.0’s metadata that the detected average speed—the 22.7 megabytes per second—included peak speeds that ran as high as 49.1 megabytes per second, impossible over the internet. “You’d need a dedicated, leased, 400–megabit line all the way to Russia to achieve that result,” Binney said in a recent interview.
To my knowledge, no one with an understanding of the science involved, including various former skeptics, any longer questions the validity of the specific finding based on the observed transfer rate. That remains the bedrock evidence of the case VIPS and others advance without qualification. No one—including the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA—has come out against this finding,” Binney said Monday. “Anyone who says the speed we demonstrated can be achieved remotely, our position is ‘Let’s see it. We’ll help any way we can.’ There hasn’t been anyone yet.”
There is also the question of where and when leaks were executed. Research into this has turned out differently.
Evidence last year, based on analysis of the available metadata, showed that the copy operation date-stamped July 5, 2016, took place in the Eastern U.S. time zone. But Forensicator, one of the chief forensic investigators working on the mail-theft case anonymously, published evidence in May showing that while there was activity in the Eastern zone at the time of that copy, there was also a copy operation in the Pacific time zone, where clocks run three hours earlier that EST. In an earlier publication he had also reported activity in the Central time zone.
Plainly, more was awaiting discovery as to the when and where of the copy operations. The identity of Guccifer 2.0, who claimed to be a Romanian hacker but which the latest Mueller indictment claims is a construct of the GRU, Russian military intelligence, has never been proven. The question is what G–2.0 did with or to the data in question. It turns out that both more, and less, is known about G–2.0 than was thought to have been previously demonstrated. This work has been completed only recently. It was done by Binney in collaboration with Duncan Campbell, a British journalist who has followed the Russia-gate question closely.

Peak Speed Established
Binney visited Campbell in Brighton, England, early this past spring. They examined all the metadata associated with the files G–2.0 has made public. They looked at the number of files, the size of each, and the time stamps at the end of each. It was at this time that Binney and Campbell established the peak transfer rate at 49.1 megabytes per second.
But they discovered something else of significance, too. At some point G–2.0 had merged two sets of data, one dated July 5, 2016, which had been known, and another dated the following September 1, which had not been known. In essence, Campbell reverse-engineered G–2.0’s work: He took the sets of data G–2.0 presented as two and combined them back into one. “G–2.0 used an algorithm to make a downloaded file look like two files,” Binney explained. “Those two shuffled back together like a deck of cards.”
G–2.0 then took another step. Running another algorithm, he changed all the dates on all the files. With yet another algorithm, he changed the hours stamped on each file. These are called “range changes” among the professionals. The conclusion was then obvious: G–2.0 is a fabrication and a fabricator. Forensicator had already proven that the G–2.0 entity had inserted Russian “fingerprints” into the document known as the “Trump Opposition Report,” which G-2.0 had published on June 15, 2016. It is clear that no firm conclusions can be drawn at this point as to when or where G–2.0 did what he did.
“Now you need to prove everything you might think about him,” Binney told me. “We have no way of knowing anything about him or what he has done, apart from manipulating the files. We detected activity in the Eastern time zone. Now we have to ask again, ‘Which time zone?’ The West Coast copy operation [discovered by Forensicator] has to be proven. All the data has been manipulated. It’s a fabrication.”
This throws various things into question. The conclusions initially drawn on time and location in VIPS50 are now subject to these recent discoveries. “In retrospect, giving ‘equal importance’ status to data pertaining to the locale was mistaken,” Ray McGovern, a prominent VIPS member, wrote in a recent note. “The key finding on transfer speed always dwarfed it in importance.”
The indictments against 12 Russian intelligence officers announced in mid–July by Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney-general, also come into question. They rest in considerable part on evidence derived from G–2.0 and DCLeaks, another online persona. How credible are those indictments in view of what is now known about G–2.0?
Binney told me: “Once we proved G–2.0 is a fabrication and a manipulator, the timing and location questions couldn’t be answered but really didn’t matter. I don’t right now see a way of absolutely proving either time or location. But this doesn’t change anything. We know what we know: The intrusion into the Democratic National Committee mail was a local download—wherever ‘local’ is.” That doesn’t change. As to Rosenstein, he’ll have a lot to prove.”

What Role does Evidence Play?
Rosenstein’s predicament—and there is no indication he understands it as one—brings us to an essential problem: What is the place of evidence in American public discourse? Of rational exchange?
The questions are germane far beyond the Russia-gate phenomenon, but it is there that answers are most urgent. What is implicit in the Rosenstein indictments has been evident everywhere in our public sphere for a year or more: Make a presumption supported by circumstantial evidence or none and build other presumptions upon it until a false narrative is constructed. The press has deployed this device for as long as I have been a practitioner: “Might” or “could” or “possibly” becomes “perhaps,” “probably” and “almost certainly,” and then moves on to unqualified fact in the course of, maybe, several weeks. Now this is how our most basic institutions—not least agencies of the Justice Department—routinely operate.
This is what I mean when I refer to ours as a republic in peril.
There is the argument that certain things have been uncovered over the past year, and these are enough to conclude that Russia plots to undermine our democracy. I refer to the small number of Facebook advertisements attributed to Russians, to strings of Twitter messages, to various phishing exercises that occur thousands of times a day the world over. To be clear, I am no more satisfied with the evidence of Russian involvement in these cases than I am with the evidence in any other aspect of the Russia-gate case. But for the sake of argument, let us say it is all true.
Does this line up with the Russophobic hysteria—not too strong a term—that envelops us? Does this explain the astonishing investments our public institutions, the press, and leading political parties have made in advancing this hysteria as they did a variant of in the 1950s?
As global politics go, some serious thought should be given to a reality we have created all by ourselves: It is now likely that America has built a new Cold War division with Russia that will prove permanent for the next 20 to 30 years. All this because of some Facebook ads and Twitter threads of unproven origin? Am I the only one who sees a weird and worrisome gap between what we are intent on believing—as against thinking or knowing—and the consequences of these beliefs?
There was an orthodoxy abroad many centuries ago called Fideism. In the simplest terms, it means the privileging of faith and belief over reason. It was the enemy of individual conscience, among much else. Fideism has deep roots, but it was well around in the 16th century, when Montaigne and others had to navigate its many dangers. Closer to our time, William James landed a variant on American shores with an 1896 address called “The Will to Believe.” Bertrand Russell countered this line of thinking a couple of decades later with “Free Thought and Official Propaganda,” a lecture whose title I will let speak for itself. Twenty years ago, none other than Pope John Paul II warned of a resurgence of Fideism. It is still around, in short.
Do we suffer from it? A variant of it, I would say, if not precisely in name. There seems to be a givenness to it in the American character. I think we are staring into a 21st century rendition of it.
To doubt the hollowed-out myth of American innocence is a grave sin against the faith.It is now unpatriotic to question the Russia-gate narrative despite the absence of evidence to support it. Informal censorship of differing perspectives is perfectly routine. It is now considered treasonous to question the word of intelligence agencies and the officials who lead them despite long records of deceit. Do we forget that it was only 15 years ago that these same institutions and people deceived us into an invasion of Iraq the consequences of which still persist?
This was the question Craig Murray, the former British diplomat (who has vital information on the DNC mail theft but who has never been interviewed by American investigators) posed a few weeks ago. Eugene Robinson gave a good-enough reply in a Washington Post opinion piece shortly afterward: “God Bless the Deep State,” the headline read.
How we got here deserves a work of social psychology, and I hope someone takes up the task. Understanding our path into our self-created crisis seems to me the first step to finding our way out of it.
Patrick Lawrence, a correspondent abroad for many years, chiefly for the International Herald Tribune, is a columnist, essayist, author, and lecturer. His most recent book is Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century (Yale). Follow him @thefloutist. His web site is www.patricklawrence.us. Support his work via www.patreon.com/thefloutist.


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Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence

Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence

In a memo to President Trump, a group of former U.S. intelligence officers, including NSA specialists, cite new forensic studies to challenge the claim of the key Jan. 6 “assessment” that Russia “hacked” Democratic emails last year.

FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job?
Executive Summary
Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computer. After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device.

Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying was performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies [see here and here].
Independent analyst Skip Folden, who retired after 25 years as the IBM Program Manager for Information Technology, US, who examined the recent forensic findings, is a co-author of this Memorandum. He has drafted a more detailed technical report titled “Cyber-Forensic Investigation of ‘Russian Hack’ and Missing Intelligence Community Disclaimers,” and sent it to the offices of the Special Counsel and the Attorney General. VIPS member William Binney, a former Technical Director at the National Security Agency, and other senior NSA “alumni” in VIPS attest to the professionalism of the independent forensic findings.

The recent forensic studies fill in a critical gap. Why the FBI neglected to perform any independent forensics on the original “Guccifer 2.0” material remains a mystery – as does the lack of any sign that the “hand-picked analysts” from the FBI, CIA, and NSA, who wrote the “Intelligence Community Assessment” dated January 6, 2017, gave any attention to forensics.
NOTE: There has been so much conflation of charges about hacking that we wish to make very clear the primary focus of this Memorandum. We focus specifically on the July 5, 2016 alleged Guccifer 2.0 “hack” of the DNC server. In earlier VIPS memoranda we addressed the lack of any evidence connecting the Guccifer 2.0 alleged hacks and WikiLeaks, and we asked President Obama specifically to disclose any evidence that WikiLeaks received DNC data from the Russians [see here and here].
Addressing this point at his last press conference (January 18), he described “the conclusions of the intelligence community” as “not conclusive,” even though the Intelligence Community Assessment of January 6 expressed “high confidence” that Russian intelligence “relayed material it acquired from the DNC … to WikiLeaks.”
Obama’s admission came as no surprise to us. It has long been clear to us that the reason the U.S. government lacks conclusive evidence of a transfer of a “Russian hack” to WikiLeaks is because there was no such transfer. Based mostly on the cumulatively unique technical experience of our ex-NSA colleagues, we have been saying for almost a year that the DNC data reached WikiLeaks via a copy/leak by a DNC insider (but almost certainly not the same person who copied DNC data on July 5, 2016).
From the information available, we conclude that the same inside-DNC, copy/leak process was used at two different times, by two different entities, for two distinctly different purposes:
-(1) an inside leak to WikiLeaks before Julian Assange announced on June 12, 2016, that he had DNC documents and planned to publish them (which he did on July 22) – the presumed objective being to expose strong DNC bias toward the Clinton candidacy; and
-(2) a separate leak on July 5, 2016, to pre-emptively taint anything WikiLeaks might later publish by “showing” it came from a “Russian hack.”
* * *
Mr. President:
This is our first VIPS Memorandum for you, but we have a history of letting U.S. Presidents know when we think our former intelligence colleagues have gotten something important wrong, and why. For example, our first such memorandum, a same-day commentary for President George W. Bush on Colin Powell’s U.N. speech on February 5, 2003, warned that the “unintended consequences were likely to be catastrophic,” should the U.S. attack Iraq and “justify” the war on intelligence that we retired intelligence officers could readily see as fraudulent and driven by a war agenda.
The January 6 “Intelligence Community Assessment” by “hand-picked” analysts from the FBI, CIA, and NSA seems to fit into the same agenda-driven category. It is largely based on an “assessment,” not supported by any apparent evidence, that a shadowy entity with the moniker “Guccifer 2.0” hacked the DNC on behalf of Russian intelligence and gave DNC emails to WikiLeaks.
The recent forensic findings mentioned above have put a huge dent in that assessment and cast serious doubt on the underpinnings of the extraordinarily successful campaign to blame the Russian government for hacking. The pundits and politicians who have led the charge against Russian “meddling” in the U.S. election can be expected to try to cast doubt on the forensic findings, if they ever do bubble up into the mainstream media. But the technical limitations of today’s Internet are widely understood. We are prepared to answer any substantive challenges on their merits.
You may wish to ask CIA Director Mike Pompeo what he knows about this. Our own lengthy intelligence community experience suggests that it is possible that neither former CIA Director John Brennan, nor the cyber-warriors who worked for him, have been completely candid with their new director regarding how this all went down.
Copied, Not Hacked
As indicated above, the independent forensic work just completed focused on data copied (not hacked) by a shadowy persona named “Guccifer 2.0.” The forensics reflect what seems to have been a desperate effort to “blame the Russians” for publishing highly embarrassing DNC emails three days before the Democratic convention last July. Since the content of the DNC emails reeked of pro-Clinton bias, her campaign saw an overriding need to divert attention from content to provenance – as in, who “hacked” those DNC emails? The campaign was enthusiastically supported by compliant “mainstream” media; they are still on a roll.
“The Russians” were the ideal culprit. And, after WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange announced on June 12, 2016, “We have emails related to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication,” her campaign had more than a month before the convention to insert its own “forensic facts” and prime the media pump to put the blame on “Russian meddling.” Mrs. Clinton’s PR chief Jennifer Palmieri has explained how she used golf carts to make the rounds at the convention. She wrote that her “mission was to get the press to focus on something even we found difficult to process: the prospect that Russia had not only hacked and stolen emails from the DNC, but that it had done so to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.”
Independent cyber-investigators have now completed the kind of forensic work that the intelligence assessment did not do. Oddly, the “hand-picked” intelligence analysts contented themselves with “assessing” this and “assessing” that. In contrast, the investigators dug deep and came up with verifiable evidence from metadata found in the record of the alleged Russian hack.
They found that the purported “hack” of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 was not a hack, by Russia or anyone else. Rather it originated with a copy (onto an external storage device – a thumb drive, for example) by an insider. The data was leaked to implicate Russia. We do not know who or what the murky Guccifer 2.0 is. You may wish to ask the FBI.
The Time Sequence
June 12, 2016: Assange announces WikiLeaks is about to publish “emails related to Hillary Clinton.”
June 14, 2016: DNC contractor Crowdstrike, (with a dubious professional record and multiple conflicts of interest) announces that malware has been found on the DNC server and claims there is evidence it was injected by Russians.
June 15, 2016: “Guccifer 2.0” affirms the DNC statement; claims responsibility for the “hack;” claims to be a WikiLeaks source; and posts a document that the forensics show was synthetically tainted with “Russian fingerprints.”
We do not think that the June 12, 14, & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.
The Key Event
July 5, 2016: In the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied 1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device. That speed is much faster than what is physically possible with a hack.
It thus appears that the purported “hack” of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 (the self-proclaimed WikiLeaks source) was not a hack by Russia or anyone else, but was rather a copy of DNC data onto an external storage device.
‘Obfuscation & De-obfuscation’
Mr. President, the disclosure described below may be related. Even if it is not, it is something we think you should be made aware of in this general connection. On March 7, 2017, WikiLeaks began to publish a trove of original CIA documents that WikiLeaks labeled “Vault 7.” WikiLeaks said it got the trove from a current or former CIA contractor and described it as comparable in scale and significance to the information Edward Snowden gave to reporters in 2013.
No one has challenged the authenticity of the original documents of Vault 7, which disclosed a vast array of cyber warfare tools developed, probably with help from NSA, by CIA’s Engineering Development Group. That Group was part of the sprawling CIA Directorate of Digital Innovation – a growth industry established by John Brennan in 2015.
Scarcely imaginable digital tools – that can take control of your car and make it race over 100 mph, for example, or can enable remote spying through a TV – were described and duly reported in the New York Times and other media throughout March. But the Vault 7, part 3 release on March 31 that exposed the “Marble Framework” program apparently was judged too delicate to qualify as “news fit to print” and was kept out of the Times.
The Washington Post’s Ellen Nakashima, it seems, “did not get the memo” in time. Her March 31 article bore the catching (and accurate) headline: “WikiLeaks’ latest release of CIA cyber-tools could blow the cover on agency hacking operations.”
The WikiLeaks release indicated that Marble was designed for flexible and easy-to-use “obfuscation,” and that Marble source code includes a “deobfuscator” to reverse CIA text obfuscation.
More important, the CIA reportedly used Marble during 2016. In her Washington Post report, Nakashima left that out, but did include another significant point made by WikiLeaks; namely, that the obfuscation tool could be used to conduct a “forensic attribution double game” or false-flag operation because it included test samples in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Farsi.
The CIA’s reaction was neuralgic. Director Mike Pompeo lashed out two weeks later, calling Assange and his associates “demons,” and insisting; “It’s time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is, a non-state hostile intelligence service, often abetted by state actors like Russia.”
Mr. President, we do not know if CIA’s Marble Framework, or tools like it, played some kind of role in the campaign to blame Russia for hacking the DNC. Nor do we know how candid the denizens of CIA’s Digital Innovation Directorate have been with you and with Director Pompeo. These are areas that might profit from early White House review.
Putin and the TechnologyWe also do not know if you have discussed cyber issues in any detail with President Putin. In his interview with NBC’s Megyn Kelly, he seemed quite willing – perhaps even eager – to address issues related to the kind of cyber tools revealed in the Vault 7 disclosures, if only to indicate he has been briefed on them. Putin pointed out that today’s technology enables hacking to be “masked and camouflaged to an extent that no one can understand the origin” [of the hack] … And, vice versa, it is possible to set up any entity or any individual that everyone will think that they are the exact source of that attack.”
“Hackers may be anywhere,” he said. “There may be hackers, by the way, in the United States who very craftily and professionally passed the buck to Russia. Can’t you imagine such a scenario? … I can.”
Full Disclosure: Over recent decades the ethos of our intelligence profession has eroded in the public mind to the point that agenda-free analysis is deemed well nigh impossible. Thus, we add this disclaimer, which applies to everything we in VIPS say and do: We have no political agenda; our sole purpose is to spread truth around and, when necessary, hold to account our former intelligence colleagues.
We speak and write without fear or favor. Consequently, any resemblance between what we say and what presidents, politicians and pundits say is purely coincidental. The fact we find it is necessary to include that reminder speaks volumes about these highly politicized times. This is our 50th VIPS Memorandum since the afternoon of Powell’s speech at the UN. Live links to the 49 past memos can be found at https://consortiumnews.com/vips-memos/.
William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center
Skip Folden, independent analyst, retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology US (Associate VIPS)
Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan (associate VIPS)
Larry C Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.)
Michael S. Kearns, Air Force Intelligence Officer (Ret.), Master SERE Resistance to Interrogation Instructor
John Kiriakou, Former CIA Counterterrorism Officer and former Senior Investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Linda Lewis, WMD preparedness policy analyst, USDA (ret.)
Lisa Ling, TSgt USAF (ret.) (associate VIPS)
Edward Loomis, Jr., former NSA Technical Director for the Office of Signals Processing
David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.)
Ray McGovern, former U.S. Army Infantry/Intelligence officer and CIA analyst
Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East, CIA
Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel (ret.)
Cian Westmoreland, former USAF Radio Frequency Transmission Systems Technician and Unmanned Aircraft Systems whistleblower (Associate VIPS)
Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, SIGINT Automation Research Center, NSA
Sarah G. Wilton, Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); Commander, US Naval Reserve (ret.)
Ann Wright, U.S. Army Reserve Colonel (ret) and former U.S. Diplomat
Editor’s Note: This VIPS Memo included two mistaken dates. Neither affected the Memo’s main conclusion; i.e., that the July 5, 2016 intrusion into DNC emails that was blamed on Russia could not have been a hack – by Russia or anyone else. The portions of the Memo affected by the mistaken dates have been corrected.
A short explanation of the corrections:
-(1) June 14, 2016 (not the 15th, as the VIPS memo erroneously stated) was the day Crowdstrike said malware had been found on the DNC server and claimed there was evidence the malware was injected by Russians. (On the following day – the 15th) – “Guccifer 2.0” claimed responsibility for the “hack” and claimed to be a WikiLeaks source.)
-(2) Although the VIPS Memo indicated, correctly, that on June 15, 2016, “Guccifer 2.0” … posts a document that the forensics show was synthetically tainted with ‘Russian fingerprints,’” other language in the Memo was mistaken in indicating that evidence of such tainting was also found in the “Guccifer 2.0” metadata from the copying event on July 5.



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Publications from the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

Publications from the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

VIPS Memos


Publications from the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
VIPS Tells Media Support for Brennan is Not Unanimous
SUBJECT: Support for Brennan Far From “Unanimous”
August 29, 2018
VIPS Asks Twitter to Restore Van Buren’s Account
MEMORANDUM FOR: Twitter Board of Directors
SUBJECT: Suspension of VIPS Associate Peter Van Buren’s Twitter Account
August 8, 2018
VIPS Plead for Humanitarian Asylum for Julian Assange
MEMORANDUM FOR: The US Embassies of Ecuador and the United Kingdom, and the U.S. State Department
SUBJECT: Humanitarian Asylum for Julian Assange
August 6, 2018
VIPS to Trump: Intel on Iran Could be CATASTROPHIC
SUBJECT: Intelligence on Iran Fails the Smell Test
August 1, 2018
Memo to the President Ahead of Monday’s Summit
SUBJECT: Info Your Summit Briefers May Have Missed
July 15, 2018
VIPS Call on Senate Intel Panel to Vote Against Haspel
MEMORANDUM FOR: Members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
SUBJECT: Opposition to Gina Haspel as CIA Director
May 8, 2018
VIPS Call on Trump Not to Pull Out of Iran Nuclear Deal
SUBJECT: Being “Played” By Bogus Evidence on Iran
May 7, 2018
Trump Urged to Seek Evidence Before Attacking Syria
SUBJECT: Evidence Required for Military Decision on Syria
April 13, 2018
Trump Should Withdraw Haspel Nomination, Intel Vets Say
SUBJECT: Request to Withdraw Nomination of Gina Haspel
March 25, 2018
Growing Risk of U.S.-Iran Hostilities Based on False Pretexts, Intel Vets Warn
SUBJECT: War With Iran
February 26, 2018
Intel Vets Tell Trump Iran Is Not Top Terror Sponsor
SUBJECT: Is Iran the “World’s Leading Sponsor of Terrorism?”
December 21, 2017
Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence
SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job?
July 24, 2017
Intel Vets Voice Doubts on Syrian Crisis
OPEN MEMORANDUM FOR: The American People
SUBJECT: Mattis ‘No Doubt’ Stance on Alleged Syrian CW Smacks of Politicized Intelligence
April 26, 2017
Trump Should Rethink Syria Escalation
MEMORANDUM FOR: President Trump
SUBJECT: Syria: Was It Really “A Chemical Weapons Attack”?
April 11, 2017
A Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof
MEMORANDUM FOR: President Obama
SUBJECT: A Key Issue That Still Needs to be Resolved
January 17, 2017
US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims
SUBJECT: Allegations of Hacking Election Are Baseless
December 12, 2016
Obama Warned to Diffuse Tensions with Russia
October 2, 2016
US Media Ignores CIA Cover-up on Torture
MEMORANDUM FOR: Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Vice Chairman, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
SUBJECT: U.S. Media Mum On How Your Committee Faced Down Both CIA and Obama
September 16, 2016
Merkel Urged to Temper NATO’s Belligerence
MEMORANDUM FOR: Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
SUBJECT: NATO Summit in Warsaw
July 6, 2016
Intel Vets Call ‘Dissent Memo’ on Syria ‘Reckless’
MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
SUBJECT: Beware Foggy Bottom Dissent
June 25, 2016
Intel Vets Urge Fast Report on Clinton’s Emails
SUBJECT: Those “Damn Emails” – “Really a Concern”
May 23, 2016
VIPS Offers Advice to Candidates
MEMORANDUM FOR: Dr. Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Bernie Sanders, Dr. Jill Stein, and Donald Trump
February 26, 2016
A Call for Proof on Syria-Sarin Attack
MEMORANDUM FOR: Secretary of State Kerry & Foreign Minister Lavrov
SUBJECT: A Call for Proof on Syria-Sarin Attack
December 22, 2015
U.S. Intel Vets Decry CIA’s Use of Torture
SUBJECT: Veteran Intelligence Professionals Challenge CIA’s “Rebuttal” on Torture
September 19, 2015
Obama Should Release MH-17 Intel
SUBJECT: Releasing an Intelligence Report on Shoot-Down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
July 22, 2015
Judith Miller’s Blame-Shifting Memoir
MEMORANDUM FOR: Americans Malnourished on the Truth About Iraq
SUBJECT: A New “Miller’s Tale” (with apologies to Geoffrey Chaucer)
April 7, 2015
US Intel Vets Oppose Brennan’s CIA Plan
SUBJECT: John Brennan’s Restructuring Plan for CIA
March 9, 2015
Curbs on Surveillance State Urged
MEMORANDUM FOR: Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Subject: Two Administrations and Congress Dismantled the Constitution How Can It Be Restored?
March 5, 2015
Udall Urged to Disclose Full Torture Report
MEMORANDUM FOR: Senator Mark Udall
SUBJECT: Stopping Torture
December 29, 2014
Warning Merkel on Russian ‘Invasion’ Intel
MEMORANDUM FOR: Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
SUBJECT: Ukraine and NATO
August 29, 2014
Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence
SUBJECT: Intelligence on Shoot-Down of Malaysian Plane
July 29, 2014
Needed: Obama-Putin Summit on Ukraine
SUBJECT: Urgent Action on Ukraine
May 4, 2014
Obama Urged to Show Restraint on Ukraine
SUBJECT: Russia, Ukraine, and the U.S. National Interest
April 28, 2014
NSA Insiders Reveal What Went Wrong
SUBJECT: Input for Your Decisions on NSA
January 7, 2014
Obama Urged to Fire DNI Clapper
SUBJECT: Fire Clapper
December 11, 2013
Time for Proof on Syrian CW Attack
MEMORANDUM FOR: Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
SUBJECT: Time for Proof on Syrian CW Attack
October 1, 2013
Obama Warned on Syrian Intel
SUBJECT: Is Syria a Trap?
September 6, 2013
An Appeal to Gen. Dempsey on Syria
MEMORANDUM FOR: General Martin Dempsey, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
SUBJECT: Syria and Our Oath to Defend the Constitution
August 30, 2013
Brennan’s Loose Talk on Iran Nukes
MEMORANDUM FOR: Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
SUBJECT: Due Diligence on John Brennan
February 22, 2013
A Persian Gulf ‘Hot Line’ Proposed
SUBJECT: Avoiding Spiraling Violence in the Persian Gulf
July 31, 2012
Avoiding Another Long War
SUBJECT: Avoiding Another Long War
January 4, 2012
Obama Warned Israel May Bomb Iran
SUBJECT: War With Iran
August 3, 2010
Intelligence Vets Back Torture Probe
SUBJECT: Accountability for Torture
September 27, 2009
Memo to President Obama on Torture
SUBJECT: Torture
April 29, 2009
Obama Urged to Back Chas Freeman
MEMORANDUM FOR: Admiral Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence
SUBJECT: Obama’s DNI Urged to Back Freeman
March 8, 2009
Dangers of a Cornered George Bush
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity & Dr. Justin Frank
SUBJECT: Assessing the potential dangers and possible countermeasures available to constrain GW Bush
July 27, 2007
How Not to Counter Terrorism
SUBJECT: Have Bush administration policies made Americans safer from the threat of terrorism since 9/11?
June 18, 2007
Intel Vets Question the Iraq-UK Crisis
SUBJECT: Brinkmanship Unwise in Uncharted Waters
March 29, 2007
Intelligence Vets’ Memo to Congress
MEMORANDUM FOR: Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader
SUBJECT: Denouement on Iraq: First Stop the Bleeding
March 14, 2007
Bush Urged to Counsel with “Wise Women” on Iraq
SUBJECT: Recommendation: Try a Circle of “Wise Women”
August 24, 2005
Advice for Bush’s State of the Union
SUBJECT: Your State-of-the-Union Address
January 13, 2004
One Person Can Make a Difference
MEMORANDUM FOR: Colleagues in Intelligence
SUBJECT: One Person Can Make a Difference
October 13, 2003
Intelligence Vets Urged to Speak Out on Iraq Intel
MEMORANDUM FOR: Colleagues in Intelligence
SUBJECT: Now It’s Your Turn
August 22, 2003
Intelligence Unglued
SUBJECT: Intelligence Unglued
July 14, 2003
VIPS to Annan: Return UN Inspectors to Iraq
LETTER TO: The Honorable Kofi Annan, Secretary General, The United Nations
May 19, 2003
The Iraq War Intelligence Fiasco
SUBJECT: Intelligence Fiasco
May 1, 2003
The Stakes in the Search for Weapons of Mass Destruction
SUBJECT: The Stakes in the Search for Weapons of Mass Destruction
April 24, 2003
Arafat Interviewed by VIPS’ Christisons
INTERVIEW: Arafat Interviewed by Christisons
March 26, 2003
Iraq Intel: Forgery, Hyperbole, Half-Truth
SUBJECT: Forgery, Hyperbole, Half-Truth: A Problem
March 18, 2003
Cooking Intelligence for War in Iraq
MEMORANDUM FOR: Confused Americans
SUBJECT: Cooking Intelligence for War
March 12, 2003
Powell’s UN Speech and the Case for War
SUBJECT: Today’s Speech By Secretary Powell At The UN
February 5, 2003



Active member
Let me guess - You were the exact kind of sucker that bought into Pizzagate, and you're even a little intrigued by 'Q-Anon'.


Well-known member
Yup, the alt-right AND the Russians are desperate to downplay any involvement in the stolen election!:tiphat:

The bonkers Seth Rich conspiracy theory, explained:
How a young Democrat's murder became the right's favorite fake news


In death, Rich has become a martyr to the right, buoyed by a host of characters each with their own ulterior motives: There is WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who wants to downplay the connections between WikiLeaks and the Russians; there are the Clinton haters, who want to spread the idea that the Clintons are murderers; there are the Trump supporters, who want to minimize the idea that Russian hackers helped deliver the election to their candidate; and there are the talking heads on Fox News, who last week needed something other than negative Trump stories to make conversation about.

moose eater

I'd requested my account be deleted earlier yesterday, but it has obviously not been.

That said, it was me who referenced this article (and links) to Gry, who was somewhat familiar with it, and obliged my request to post it up.

It is not a merely R or D thing that partisans look at content briefly, lacking their own in-depth analysis of the unique piece before them, and either shoot the messenger, or, in this case, blindly accuse the source. Or both.

If you research who VIPS is, you would know they don't play partisan games. Ray McGovern puts the HERE in hero. He's been an altruist for years.

If those criticizing the source would look at the lengthy list of memos above, sent by VIPS to both R & D administrations, when those at VIPS perceived BS in the wind or water, pointedly telling those Admins to get on course for the sake of National integrity & peace, then you would likely see, obvious as it can be, before your eyes in the documents that have graciously presented and properly linked for you (minimizing the amount of effort you'd need to spend in finding that stuff), that these folks are -absolutely- not a partisan hatchet job.

Ray McGovern is a high-standing member of Veterans for Peace, and is both a former US Army member, and a CIA analyst from years ago. He has been bruised and battered by security at presentations, for as little as merely unzipping a goose-down vest, and revealing a 'Veterans for Peace' t-shirt. He has been tracked, surveiled, and endured 'bolo' arrests with no charges, being released after the presentations he legally sought to attend, simply for trying to enter presentations by both Donald Rumsfeld and HRC.

His injuries can be viewed on-line from those incidents, as well as some enlightening commentary about those events.

Partisan jerseys are the death knell toward any free-thinking that might pull this planet and country out of the fire-pit it's currently in. It is akin to forfeiture of objective thought and analysis 'for the team's sake.' It often leads to the places we now find ourselves.

Where did Gry or anyone else mention Seth Rich?

Why are straw-man arguments of presumptuousness the first cheap blow any time someone tells someone their team is suspect in something?

In a way, those sorts of reactions are the partisan example of the Hatfields and McCoys; it is not helpful, insightful, accountable, honest, genuine, or brilliant. it is gullible, and forfeits thought to those in power who least deserve such gifts.

Now, I hope to be gone from here with my account deleted.

Good luck with your futures. From what I can see at this place/Nation/etc., you will most definitely need Lady Luck smiling upon you.

Peace... to those who deserve it.
Last edited:

moose eater

BTW, Consortium News is one of the last true sources of investigative journalism in the Nation.

If they and VIPS are telling you you're being spun, I might advise you spend some time assessing whose Gravitron you're riding, and at which carnival.

Take care Gry. You're fair-minded, and knowledgeable. it's been a pleasure.

"See you in the funny pages."

Bourbon Kush

from then free disctionary:

That which is so dense and secretive as to be totally indecipherable or impossible to foretell. It is from a line used by Winston Churchill to describe the intentions and interests of Russia in 1939: "I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest." Many versions, variations, and appropriations of the quote, its structure, and its meaning have since been in use.

so, there have it...


BTW, Consortium News is one of the last true sources of investigative journalism in the Nation.

If they and VIPS are telling you you're being spun, I might advise you spend some time assessing whose Gravitron you're riding, and at which carnival.

Take care Gry. You're fair-minded, and knowledgeable. it's been a pleasure.

"See you in the funny pages."

dont leave moose eater.

everything passes and changes with time.

you are needed here.

let the weak fall, stay strong


Active member
His name was Seth Rich... most sheeple know him as ‘muh russia’.
Inb4 ‘he was killed during a robbery where he was left with a $10k watch and wallet.’


Active member
Moose eater, no need to leave a pot site over this!!!!

hacked or copied still equals stolen.:tiphat:

Come on man. You can’t possibly believe this can you? When for a year straight it’s been muh Russia muh russia muh russia HACKED the DNC you can’t possibly believe A LEAK = a HACK... even worse you can’t possibly believe there is no difference between a DNC employee and a 3rd party nation do you?

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Thanks for posting this Gry. I've been following VIPS for a while now after being pointed to consortiumnews by the one and only moose eater. I can honestly say it's completely changed how i consume my news. To reiterate what moose said those of you who think these articles are in the same vein as 'pizzagate' or anything conspiracy related would do very well spending some time actually reading and then researching where these articles come from.

Also, like many others if you do decide to leave IC moose, I will very much miss your level headed postings as well as the eloquent way in which you communicate. Your posts always make me think and your stories tend to brighten my day. You gotta do what you gotta do, but you'll be sorely missed mate.


Well-known member
Can't say if we will see him post, again. He would not leave the weak, the fallen or anyone else behind.

White Beard

Active member
With respect to all parties, including VIPS, I notice they make no note of the transfer speeds available to the compromised machine(s). By itself, it would be a meaningless quibble, but MY professional opinion - given a net connection faster than a land line - less than 2 GB in a minute and a half is FAR from impossible. The top rate of the pipe plays in, of course, but we’re mostly likely *not* talking about Kermit @1200bps....