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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread

I wanted to start a thread or find one where people like me who want to stop drinking alcohol. A thread where like minded Cannabis users can share stories of success or failure and ways to help people give up this dangerous drug. This thread is not for people to make fun, argue or discuss the choice to live without alcohol, but a place to offer support and check in to let others know they are not alone in this quest.

I've been thinking about starting a thread like this. Quitting cigarretes was one of the hardest thing I did, I was only able to because I got really sick back in the day and used that to quit since I couldn't smoke for a couple months anyway. Cannabis was my ally and with Cannabis, I was able to quit smoking that useless vice.

Alcohol seems even harder to drop however, because I love the flavor of beer and wine, when I drink, I get a false sense of euforia, and it's so readily available. It also is proving to be more and more confusing as the years go by, the side effects are devastating for me. My digestive system goes to crap, but worse is the confusion and mental depression it causes. It has clouded my mind for years and nearly ruined my marriage, which I am trying to patch together at the moment as well..

Over the years I can feel alcohol taking a toll on my emotions and irritability when I'm not drinking. It is a terrible man-made drug that is the biggest cause of ruined families, and personal confusion and conflict.

Anyone else feel the same? Anyone want to take the challenge? Check in here and give some people support. Imagine the amount of peole that will read this thread and hopefully be moved to at least try to substitute the poisonous alcohol for Cannabis only. Like Cigarretes, I know it's going to take a change in lifestyle even.

At first I decided to stay a period without drinking, a month, whatever, but I've tried that many times only to come back drinking again routinely. I came to the conclusion that I love Ale and wine like a chocoholic loves chocolate, I can drink it daily and in large amounts..I can't only drink one or two beers or a cup of wine..

I'll check in and give my progress daily if possible, and if i slip, I'll post it in hope of getting some support or some insight on my weaknesses. This is hard and embarrassing, but I know I'm not the only one who relies too much on alcohol when I have such a wonderful and inspiring herb that doesn't cause the side effects and destroying effects of alcohol.

Anyone have any stories or want to take on this daily mission, this battle? I'd love any input, techniques, success stories, failures, anything, anyone down for the challenge?

Substitute alcohol with life, and how Cannabis helps, or not.?

I am over poisoning my body and mind..:jump: you?
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weed fiend
I'll check in and give my progress daily if possible, and if i slip, I'll post it in hope of getting some support or some insight on my weaknesses.

AA says not to wane, cold turkey is the only avenue. I'm not suggesting you're an alcoholic and I wish you well with your journey. One of the first signs of alcoholism is that we can't control intake after the first drink, no matter how long we stay on the wagon. One doesn't have to knee-walk or black out to be an alcoholic. It just means a single drink leads to more. Degrees of alcoholism mean that many of us fail to realize the reality.

My sister is in AA. She was never diagnosed, it's a personal acceptance of her reality.


Freedom Fighter
I agree with you KG...however, I did the same thing, after 18 years as a Junkie, I substituted Cannabis & Alcohol for Heroin...it has been 15 years now, and tho I do have some issues with alcohol, I still consider it a success!!
Taking the lesser of the Evils my not be optimum...but it can work--:tiphat:


good luck, took me 2yrs to drop the drinking BS.
that's what it is BS pure BS
that false sense of euphoria is from your brains t cells having been destroyed by the alcohol
heroin does the exact same thing.
I think this is a great idea! I also wish you all the best on beating this thing.

Alcohol has fucked up many lives. I personally don't drink all that often - and usually have no more than a couple... but my friends on the other hand are made up of at LEAST 90% alcohol abusers. They scare me sometimes, but they are living their life and they are fully aware of the consequences. I do Love to give support to those of them whom need it though - so you can check me off as a supporter for this thread :)

I'll stop by and chat as often as I can! For this subject is both close to home, and extremely interesting to me.

PS - To go onto what Kharmagirl posted right above me...I personally got the vibes that this could be what the OP meant by substituting, but if not I think he's mature enough to -

When I personally tell my friends "Oh I'm gonna substitute weed for ______" I usually mean "Oh I'm gonna quit _____ but if there is ever a time where I feel too weak to hold my ground, or feel a craving too big to deal with, I'll take a few puffs."

More like a crutch to quitting...Insurance, if you will, than a substitute.
I agree with you KG...however, I did the same thing, after 18 years as a Junkie, I substituted Cannabis & Alcohol for Heroin...it has been 15 years now, and tho I do have some issues with alcohol, I still consider it a success!!
Taking the lesser of the Evils my not be optimum...but it can work--:tiphat:

I commend you on beating heroin, and being strong enough to admit you may have developed some alcohol problems out of it :tiphat:
Thanks for the great input, any input shows you care. KG - Great point, not substituting anything is the best, maybe poor use of words, maybe I meant, only using Cannabis should be th key word. What you mention is crucial though, I think part of working on cutting down on alcohol, or any drug, is realizing our compulsiveness and how they are damaging us.
If Cannabis doesn't negatively affect me, then it's a great way to focus on the "lesser of two evils" and eventually not abuse Cannabis even, I mean I smoke too much, I admit it, my tolerance could be lower and I could be less compulsive with herbs too!
However you have to agree, that Alcohol cannot be compared to Cannabis as you have..they are worlds apart in terms of damage to your body and soul! You are correct though, abusing anything is not good..

there will still be an underlying problem.

Life on this earth is the underlying problem, the solution is how we best deal with it...

I agree with you KG...however, I did the same thing, after 18 years as a Junkie, I substituted Cannabis & Alcohol for Heroin...it has been 15 years now, and tho I do have some issues with alcohol, I still consider it a success!!

Awesome, that's the kind of POSITIVE reinforcement people need around here, not a constant reminder of their underlying problems, because those everyone has!

chronic relapser checkin in, ill just listen, thanks for letting me share .

Hey Shawk, it was hard for me to start this thread, I know it's going to be hard, but these kinds of words and support mean the world. Again, no need to analyze what motivates people to drink, KG, just a support thread to help people like me who are trying to stop the status quo that society condones, the nastiest drug that this corrupt society pushes down our throats as they persecute Cannabis...thanks everyone! Keep em coming! Ignore the haters and doubters, will power and integrity goes a long way..
I think this is a great idea! I also wish you all the best on beating this thing.

Alcohol has fucked up many lives. I personally don't drink all that often - and usually have no more than a couple... but my friends on the other hand are made up of at LEAST 90% alcohol abusers. They scare me sometimes, but they are living their life and they are fully aware of the consequences. I do Love to give support to those of them whom need it though - so you can check me off as a supporter for this thread :)

I'll stop by and chat as often as I can! For this subject is both close to home, and extremely interesting to me.

PS - To go onto what Kharmagirl posted right above me...I personally got the vibes that this could be what the OP meant by substituting, but if not I think he's mature enough to -

When I personally tell my friends "Oh I'm gonna substitute weed for ______" I usually mean "Oh I'm gonna quit _____ but if there is ever a time where I feel too weak to hold my ground, or feel a craving too big to deal with, I'll take a few puffs."

More like a crutch to quitting...Insurance, if you will, than a substitute.

You guys mean the world to me, and it's not a substitute per se, that doesn't work, because they are not the same drug. I guess I mean that a reward for not drinking for me lately has been to spend the cash I usually would drinking on an eighth at the dispensary, more of a reward really. I believe that we have to make conscious decision to stop killing ourselves slowly and start living! Alcohol kills emotions, sensitivity, love, tenderness, alcohol kills those areas of our souls...thanks for all the cool posts!


love machine
ICMag Donor
Hi OP!

I used to be a drunk meself as well, before i met mary , jack was my best friend and also the green hinnie guy, we would get fuck up together everynight but in the morning they always bounce early and leave me a with a big headache, after a year and a half i had enough, they werent my friends because they always make me feel like shit after ..

then i found mary, o this lovely lady changed my whole life, she opened up my eyes to a new world and many great things and never once she let me down ...

i hope mary will help you like she did for me...

keep ya head up



alcohol is horrible stuff.

I was on a road to know where when I was like 19-22, I started drinking almost every day in the 10th grade so by the time I was 21 I was already a full fledged drunk. A friday night consisted of a litre or either rum or vodka and a 6 pack of red bulls, this is not a healthy way to live let me tell you. everytime I would go to a party I would feel the need to be the drunkest person there.

it took being in a very serious drunk driving accident to smarten me up.
I was on a 15 minute car ride with a driver than was totally wasted driving like 50mph down one way streets at like 3am. that had to be the scariest point in my life since I was much less drunk than the driver I remember way more than they did. it finally ended ramming at warp speed into a few parked cars. the car we hit went over the hood and stopped maybe a foot away from my head.

This made me realize how destructive drinking to excess can make you. from that day I slowly weened myself off of alcohol and gradually started smoking more and more marijuana. now many years later my desire to drink has all but gone away, I still drink a beer or two here and there for the enjoyment, I just happen to like the taste of beer. but the desire to get drunk is not really there, feeling drunk just makes me feel gross. I live an otherwise healthy life style with excercise and healthy eating so poisoning myself doesnt really interest me. I have fallen off the wagon a couple times over the years, mainly drinking too much to remedy my social anxiety at like weddings and stuff, those seem to be the worst.

I went to AA with a friend when I was in my early 20s, not for myself but to support my friend. I didnt like AA very much, too much emphasis on god, and whiny people that just like to wallow in the fact that they can not use drugs and alcohol any more and given the right scenario they would go back to their old ways in a millisecond.

The power to over come the demons in your life is within you, no religious icon can provide that for you. I also dont think quitting everything is the best way to go, these peeps seem to go back to their vices eventually. I found marijuana to be the anti drug, and I know many other ex hardcore drunks and drug addicts that will tell you the same.


Active member
I have heard of people quitting alcohol for good with edibles as a replacement.

they should test it on boozers


I have a brother who is in this boat(cannot control drinking) and I commend anyone who has the courage to try to quit, he has a few times but has seemed to give up in his old age, I always try to pump him up anyway though, anything is possible through will power, remember when it all boils down to it, your moving that drink to your lips no one else(Not ment to be an attack, I know addiction and it doesn't always feel like your actually you, I simple mean the physical act of moving the liquid to your mouth)

Much love and peace!


kudos for your courage to quit alcohol! been sober for 21 years now, no program, just went cold turkey... still get the craving for booze once in awhile but that's just me trying to con myself into thinking that a quick nip will be ok... for me, it's all or nothing with booze, and I'm so much better off without it in my life... at the same time i quit mary and the occasional vicodin-type meds... but, tried mary six months ago with no cravings for booze and lots of good positive thoughts... good luck!


proud to be alcohol free since May 1st of this year! :jump:

I was/am an alcoholic and didn't even know it. Almost all my family, and extended family have alcohol issues. Looking back now, they openly encouraged the use of alcohol(so does MSM,NFL,etc). This only leads to abuse.

It only took a few doctors visits to know for sure it was damaging my body, and making me depressed. I wasn't even a heavy user, but it was FREQUENT. I.E. 1-3 beers every weekday, 6-7 Sat/Sun.

gave up some friends(alcoholics), changed my habits, and quit cold turkey.

Health has improved, I smile more, laugh more.

I am a very young adult, but I plan to never have another sip in my life. Not even wine/champagne at my wedding. I wish only the best to all those just starting their alcohol-free journey. Spread the love of the healing plant, the safest medicine in existence.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
i am a major alcoholic it runs in my family. i have drank to excess every single day for the last year or more. it is my crutch for stress and my solution for insomnia. i hate it. at this point i drink so much beer my throat hurts the next day from all the carbonation. i am disgusted in my self but also know it is a nessary evil at the moment and this too shall pass. tomorrow actually. good luck young tree and good on you for recognizing and taking the initative to do something about it. admiting it is half the battle. i wish you the best of luck on your journey to control your choices.


Active member
Weed is great for kicking other stuff.
The deal is, I'm not going to drink at all, but I can have as much weed as I want, whenever I want it.

It helps
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Proud Cannadian Cannabist
i am really hoping that in the future i can have a healty relationship with alcohol. it really is nice in moderation.