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What do I do about broken/dead roots?


I did a stupid thing. I put my clones into DWC and apparently there was still some physan 20 residue in the buckets. Its shocked the hell out of the plants and appears to have killed the roots the clones had.

They have since started growing new roots and are starting to recover. My question here is, what do I do about the dead roots? They are in the hydroton in the net pots, i can't really take the plants out and remove them or get at them to pull them all out. I want to try and do something before they rot and possibly infect my system.

Would hygrozyme or whatever eat them up? I generally run a sterile rez with dutchmaster zone so, bennie teas and such aren't really an option.

Any ideas?

yts farmer

Well-known member
Try and remove as much dead roots as possible is what i would do.

What type of media did you use for your cutting?

I would normally use rockwool or peat pellets, so i would try and remove this cube or pellet from the hydroton and cut away moste of the dead roots.

What is zone? Is it liquid oxygen?

I would then rinse the hydroton the bucket and the cube/pellet in solution of water and liquid oxygen to sterilize everything and re plant.

If your using a air stone i think hygrozyme might gunk up your reservoir.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Give something like Cannazyme for the rest of the grow, it'll soon clear up


Thanks. I use hydroton. I dont use any other media the clones are done in an aero cloner.. I ended up very carefully removing the hydroton so i could get all the roots out..

dutchmaster zone is like a chloramine product as far as im aware. Keeps the rez sterile for the most part but big chunks of dead root would have been bound to cause problem
Remove as much of the dead roots as possible. Cannazyme or sensizyme will take care of the rest. Have you thought about running beneficials instead of being sterile? If you are willing to try orca for beneficials, I highly recommend it. FYI I wouldn't worry about the lost roots either.

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