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Stupid things you've done while high.



nothing too bad, just have spilled the bong a few times before lol


stone fool
Working in chicago, I had to go down to court for one of our guys and it was usually long and a boring wait, so I got stoned on the way. Walked into the courthouse and got in line. Then I realized the line was for a metal detector and search. Remembered I was carrying a 45 and a bit of herb.............so I went back out to my truck and left the stuff there.

The other one involves lipstick on my underwear, at work, and I ain't telling that one.


Active member
I was so high a couple weeks ago I posted in the Global Warming thread!!!!Them fuckers is smart :biggrin: I think I mighta even drooled a little in the bong.Mine keeps fillin up,gotta empty it twice a day!!
4 of us in a car, late like 2am on a tuesday, smoking dust...pouring rain and someone suggests the car has a flat, then we all agree it seems as if the car has all 4 flats. hobbled out of the car while raining cats n dog to look as police pull up aside of us to see 4 guys standing in the rain trying to figure out if the tires looked flat..."just checking the tires officer" this was like a decade ago, so before you make judgments like what a dust head, we were stupid


When I'm really high I'll stop at a stop sign like it's a red light. I'm just sitting there, waiting for the damn sign to turn green. One time when I was sitting there waiting for the sign to turn green for what had to be ten minutes. I looked to the left and saw a cop idling there in the intersection. I looked up and finally realized it was just a stop sign and not a stop light. I have no idea how long the cop was sitting there watching my stoner ass. Luckily he didn't pull me over.


Eugene Oregon
Pooped in a cabinet, does that count?

No I got really baked one time and thought I would try to go squirrel fishing.

Like with fishing line and a peanut to it, then you throw the line or a tree and dangle the peanut so they try and get it and then pull it up.



New member
I was already candyflipping (LSD & E) and my neighbor and I decided to go pick up some girls from Disneyworld (we lived in Winter Park, FL which is about 30 miles away from Orlando). When we got there, we forgot why we went in the first place and we instead went to Universal Studios already tripping balls and blew about 300 bucks that night on drinks in the "adult" part of Universal.


Active member
Ahem.. This just happened last night. I wasn't going to say anything because I still can't believe I did it. :wallbash: :whistling:

I got my pack of seeds and was all excited about getting a couple going. I was already baked and I thought I'll just throw a few seeds in a glass of water. Get them soaking before I put them in grow wool that night. So I did that and left them on the kitchen bench.

Later on when the lights had come on I thought I'll go into the room now and sort out those seeds. I go to get the glass and it's empty... :confused: :yoinks:

Yes I drank my seeds. :yummy:


When I'm really high I'll stop at a stop sign like it's a red light. I'm just sitting there, waiting for the damn sign to turn green. One time when I was sitting there waiting for the sign to turn green for what had to be ten minutes. I looked to the left and saw a cop idling there in the intersection. I looked up and finally realized it was just a stop sign and not a stop light. I have no idea how long the cop was sitting there watching my stoner ass. Luckily he didn't pull me over.

I was with a friend who did that backwards: stopped at a green light, in front of a cop. Nothing happened though.

The only time I did get arrested was the mistake of mixing weed and beer. Case of beer was in a cooler in the trunk of the car. We got wasted until about 4 a. m. before going home. Well I was wasted and the other guy was a bit older and could still drive. I noticed after getting the last beer that the trunk had popped open and I suggested we stop and close it. Other guy said don't worry, it's 4 a. m., so I didn't.

Just a few minutes later, cop finds us riding around with the open trunk and the big cooler, and that was the end of it.

I never speed but one time I did after drinking in a bar where I got enough weed to go to prison. Went speeding around 2 a. m. in no traffic except the trooper hiding on the side. Barely beat his breathalyzer and acted cool enough to not make him want to search.

Once I was so high I got pulled for going too slow.

Another time I was so high I got pulled for going too slow. I said we had not been drinking and smoking and I would have gotten away with it, but then my friend confessed we had been drinking and smoking, so we got searched. Fortunately the goods were at home that time.

One time I was so high I was going really slow on a voyage of four blocks and wound up twenty miles away.

One of the strangest buzzes I had was at the fair. Smoked a couple jays on the way and then consumed mushrooms. Was really stoned and walked around the fair waiting to trip and never did. Came down off the buzz in a few hours, left, hit another jay, and then for some reason, the shrooms kicked in. Hard. Road started arcing into the sky which happened to be filled with dragons. It was already a long way to go, so first, I got lost, and then I had to go real slow. The road never got back on the road. I had to take people home four or five different places. Someone should have stopped me.

I have lit innumerable cigarette filters as well as lighting one when I already had one, but even stupider, a right many times I have lit nothing, and that burns your lips.

The thing that was plain pot stupidity was the largest joint we ever rolled at some party. Oodles of papers and different people throwing in like an eighth or something. You plan on sharing, but a little while after I passed it, I had to track it doing laps around the swimming pool, and by the time the people who rolled it were able to catch it again, we got a second hit. Dangers of sliding glass doors--people can see and open them.

The time I was in an Amsterdam coffeehouse, I took a wrong turn going back out the door, surfed in dog feces for about four feet, and wound up almost at the Scientology headquarters explaining to their scout that it wasn't for me.

One of the funniest things was when I wasn't very high. It was dry and a friend gave me some leaves off plants he was growing. I headed home with enough for two joints at night. Some kid walked off the train tracks, started talking, so I figured heck, let's smoke it. So I rolled one joint and the kid wanted to see the leaves because "he might have ripped you off". Well, it was free, so that was weird. His buddy came off the tracks, and, I am not making this up: these kids looked at one joint's worth of leaves, then at each other, then took off running with it as fast as they could.


Active member
I have lit innumerable cigarette filters as well as lighting one when I already had one, but even stupider, a right many times I have lit nothing, and that burns your lips.

I've sometimes gone to light my beer like a pipe when I'm in the middle of a deep stoner conversation with mates which is embarrassing. :)



I've sometimes gone to light my beer like a pipe when I'm in the middle of a deep stoner conversation with mates which is embarrassing. :)

You mean like those "can pipes" we used to make by poking a bunch of holes in one side?

I guess that is stupid in itself, painted aluminum is not exactly the healthiest additive to inhaled byproducts of combustion...


Active member
I've just usually got a pipe in my hand not a beer so maybe it's a combination of being deep in thought, being deeply medicated :) and the feeling of the glass. Who can explain these things? :bongsmi:


Well-known member
Except for stopping at a stop sign and waiting for the light to turn green, I don't do stupid stuff when high.

But I have a friend who only gets high about once every five years and always acts stupid.

Anyhow, I just got an email saying he was very high and writing poetry, so this is what he came up with:

"Who is more truly grossa/Donald Trump or Omarosa? Can she make him into toasta/Or will Stormy give some blowsa? This makes great press--I 'sposa/Bring down Donald--I not knowsa. So let her mouth flap & flowsa/Give the mike to Omarosa!
HA,HA!Hope you like it!Robert Frost I'm not but who cares!"

:biggrin: This is so awful I just had to share, thanks!:tiphat:


Just forget what i'm doing a lot.

I find myself staring at nothing and then snapping out of it thinking 'what the hell am i even doing here??'


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I smashed a whipped cream pie into a cop's face. Sometime in the mid seventies.
He was a real asshole.
There was some sort of high school fair happening on the town common and he was there out of uniform hanging around the high school girls. He liked high school girls. Fucking fat ass dirtbag .
He was a real ball buster to just about everyone.
Rocketman was his nickname.
Anyhow there he is laughing at people getting hit with pies and I was high.
"Gimme one of those" I said to the kid doling them out.
I ran up to Rocketman and smashed that pie right in his fat face.
It was glorious. Almost like an assassination. I caught him by surprise. I can still see the look on his face , the look of both humiliation and rage, covered with pie guts.
He was PISSED and chased after me but being a fat bastard, couldnt catch me.
I avoided town for a while after that. These days an incident like that would result in an assault charge.

He had one of those Smokey and the Bandit Trans Ams. With the big chicken decal on the hood.
A year or so after the Great Pie Incident a couple kids he was harassing smashed the shit out of it with a sledge hammer and pickax one night. They totaled it.
I recall seeing it being towed down the road the next day with the pick still buried in the middle of the hood. LOL.

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