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1 dollar some fluff = heaven



yes fresh good grass taste good...shwaggy now i wouldnt eat that shit..i cant believe i smoked it for so many years...the shwag that is

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
You get high even if you eat it fresh from the bush, just depends on how much you eat, it doesnt work like smoked or cooked but it does work.


i wonder if the deer that eat my out door are doing it cause there stoner deer..lol
Farmer John said:
You get high even if you eat it fresh from the bush, just depends on how much you eat, it doesnt work like smoked or cooked but it does work.


Custom User Title
Mr. Nevermind said:

THC is a fat soluble substance and can remain in the lungs and brain tissue for up to 3 weeks

meaning that it needs a transport of fat to be able to be taken into your cells. Without fat you are wasting it. Same as eating carrotts with no butter. Most vitamins in carrotts are fat soluble so unless you put fat on it then vitamins will not be processed in your body.

Without fat it will just be broken down and not absorbed in your body. The peanut butter used for firecrackers is used due to fat. Butter dont speed it up, without it nothing would happen.

Care to share any sources? Eating carrots without butter? What in the hell are you talking about? If it needs a "transport of fat" in order to be effective, all these people that have eaten straight bud are just lying to us?

I don't mean to sound agressive, but before you try to tear people's arguments apart, make sure your "information" makes sense, and have some sources to back it up with.

Misinformation is a terrible thing, and people that spread it are even worse.
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I'm with bounty on this one, what the hell are you talking about?

If any of you don't believe that you can get high from eating pot, just try it. Your on a weed forum meaning you must have weed around at least every once in a while so if you don't have any now eat some the next time you have some. I promise it will knock your socks off, it might take 3-4 hours for you to really feel it but when you do it just keeps getting stronger to the point of you passing out, fresh bud shouldn't take as long to digest.

Try it before you deny it!!!!!!


Active member
bud dwyer said:
I can confirm that eating raw weed can get you baked. I had no noticeable effects for about 3 hours and then it hit me hard. My eyes were red as fuck and I was baked for a good 2 hours afterward.

That doesnt sound like it

Weed is alot stronger than that...mostly 7-12 hours


one in the chamber
IMO the pizza would work better if you broke the buds up better (increased surface area for THC to bond to fat molecules). That's a great idea though! I'm going to have to try that ;)


well try it my friend..after all its your opinion...by the way it worked fantastic


Active member
how about if you took all the cheese off(while still frozed) then put the bud under the cheese,i'ed think that would work better?


free your SELF
Or simply grate a big pile of cheese up and throw it over the top of the buds n pizza for some extra cheesy, thc ridden munchies.