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OG down :(

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i think I killed it :( I was in the middle of posting a HUGE post with pics, pressed submit and it died.. Not to mention that's the 3rd major site that has died when I went to post to forums :(


New member
customelement said:
i think I killed it :( I was in the middle of posting a HUGE post with pics, pressed submit and it died.. Not to mention that's the 3rd major site that has died when I went to post to forums :(

Ahh... well that would be pretty sad if thats all it took to do that


Dr. Doolittle
lol i know how you feel.. og seems to be going down alot lately.... hope they are not getting attacked... or they are just updated stuff.....
AmericanEscobar said:
Ahh... well that would be pretty sad if thats all it took to do that

I think it's god spiting me.. I fuct my ankle over really bad yesterday. Then shit kept going wrong from there.. this is just the cherry on the cake
hehe yer too overly paranoid man.. it's prolly a security flaw in the DB they are using and some idiot script kiddie figured it out and decided to play with it.
The thing with shutting down mj forums is this......the kiddie hackers get instant gratification from some really scared people. They're probably rolling on the floor laughing right now!:D

Or, it could be Carnivore....
some people just get there rocks off doing crap like that.. dont worry.. it'll be back as soon as someone notices and looks into what happened..


New member
i wouldnt be so paranoid if it didnt happen to 3 diff sites in a day

but they both use the same forum system vbulletin
so there must just be a new exploit out


yea i think its down

yea i think its down

icgm wont let me post pics etiher.... damn whats goin on..its been a weird day....i got warned for this stupid thread where everyone was being childish....im getting really annoyed with people on OG getin me in trouble or spreading bad K likes its fun


New member
Yeah alot of people have been saying that lately
More people are on there just to chat about everyday stuff rather than growing quality smoke
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