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San Pedro


I got 21 cuts off 6 mother plants. They grow very fast for cactus, the mother plants were cuttings themselves last summer. I'm planning on getting a couple of them into the bio-buckets as soon as they take root.

I'm also starting to bubble my nutes for the spring.
Ahhh, like a nice dark beer, look at that head.



Looking great! things are really progressing and starting to feel like summer might be on its way. Nice pedro's i need to get mine cut up but i going to wait till they come out of being dormant i think? I haven't seen one in hydro before have you tried it already?
Keep it green!


Couple of questions

Got any pics of flowering Datura? They are truley beautiful plants and flowers, but I really don't like to grow them b/c of their effects.

Also have you ever gotten your hawian baby woodrose to ever flower. I have seen reports of HBRW to rarley flower when not in the tropics.

Also ever try grafting cacti? You can make unusually slow plants grow alot faster on a host plant. IE peyote on san pedro or other similar grafting stock.


Pedro's are cool, they seem to give off a presence or vibe or something. I saw one in ebb and flow at the hydro shop the other day and it gave me the idea. I had a few of the bigger cuts start rotting under the soil line so I re cut and am drying out a little before I replant them. The smaller ones don't seem to mind but I think the bigger ones are a little too juicy.

Soon man, very soon ;)
I've got three standard datura's that I plant each year; a standard white inoxia, a triple yellow metel, and my personal favorite is the triple purple metel. I like Datura's cousin Brugmansia better though. They're much better suited for containers, much bigger and smellier, and I think they look cooler. I just got a lot of cool stuff out of Florida. I got one that's supposed to flower continously and another that's a quadruple flower.
Very exciting stuff!!! :pointlaug
Sorry, no pics yet.
Never gotten my Woodrose to flower but a local nursery has one that's basically overtaken an entire greenhouse and it does it all the time. It's a beast, really cool looking flowers.
As for the cactus grafting I've got four diffrent grafting stocks for lopho's. I need a little practice with them but I'll keep everyone posted. Got a good looking website for 'em and they're suprisingly cheap.

Had to bring the MJ out of the greenhouse to avoid the short days so I could veg outside all summer. However, we decided to flip a few anyway.
5 weeks from the 12/12 flip

:bigeye: :smoke:


A runner trying to break away from the pack

And a tomato plant that I put in today

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If it is your first time grafting I would let your lophs grow a little befor grafting. I know some peope that will germ a loph seed and let it grow two weeks and then graft it. For me my hands shake to much to handle a small speckle of green. Good luck with all you special plants you have growing you don't know how lucky you are you have a nice and secure place to grow plants with so much power. That is a pipe dream for now.


thats a killer indoor grow you got there LB. Impressive.

Gh is looking sweet too. Nice work all around.


"One problem I seem to be having is that when I first add the nutes the water changes color but the next day I go out and most of the water is clear again. Small deposites accumulate in the PVC and I've got a feeling a lot is sticking to the feed lines as well. I've been running a toilet brush through the return pipe every few days and this seems to help remix the solution. Does anyone know if this is common with bio-buckets? I'm thinking about making a tea bag to just rest in the res. Any suggestions are more than welcome."

are your ferts hydroponic ferts, becuase a lot of the organic stuff isn't totally water soluable. if your going to be growing hydroponic vegtables outdoors were everyone can see then it is probably safe for you to order your nutes from a regular hydroponic supply place instead of a growshop that has stealth shipping. this place i found has really good prices on nutes and stuff like seaweed additives and fulvic acid. www.hydro-gardens.com
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You're right economist,
it was the organic nutes I was using. Kinda 50/50 now. I still like using the Maxicrop and molasses. The rest will be PBP and other Botanicare products, I kinda have a crush on them. I ran into an iron defeciancy during the switch though.


I think my San Pedro cuts are starting to take root, you can this years growth compared to last years

I also did my first graft on one of 'em about a week ago. It was tricky, you can see a little gap between the two but it seems to still be alive. We'll see how it goes..... Nam Myoho renge Kyo

Here's the donor; any possible I.D. would help me out a lot.

The tomatoe is about 1 month from the last pic and is ready to put out fruit. I ran out of trellises so they're kinda just growing freestyle. I love my bio system; I hardly ever fuck with it and still grows my plants fine.

oh yeah, and we got a Trainwreck mom!!!! :woohoo:
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Hopefully the vascular rings are well enough connected to allow good nutrient flow. In the next month or two you should start seing some new growth good luck!!

P.S. Do you have any other grafts planned on in your future? maybe get into the loph family :chin: ?


Here's the donor; any possible I.D. would help me out a lot.
what are you lookin for an ID on? the scion (the little spiney guy u grafted onto the Trichocereus) ?

if so it's nothing interesting. sorry :( nice pedro collection tho! try any yet?


ethereal said:
what are you lookin for an ID on? the scion (the little spiney guy u grafted onto the Trichocereus) ?

if so it's nothing interesting. sorry :( nice pedro collection tho! try any yet?

Nice avatar! Alex grey is awsome :woohoo: .


yea alot of companys grow hydro now ....for lettuce and tomatos ...everyone seems to be going hydro :p


hydro outdoors blows up!!! Can't wait to see your harvest, I bet it'll be FAT


Active member
Hey LB

As a lover of bruggies myself, got any pics yet? How about the other plants?

Seems like you must be busy...maybe trimming!!! :chin: :wink: