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Angel Hearts- Yummy !!!


Liberty's Kitchen
Recipes for Recreation and Health

Here's a DAY OF DEAD TREAT :eek:

Also a favorite for Xmas, their called Angel Hearts
You can also have them any time of year, There so YUMMY & Stoney
Fruit & Chocolate Bites (a sort of a Truffle )
Great with afternoon Tea or Coffee ( French Press Only Please )
French Press is also known as Christain Crank HAA HAA HAA
So lets get Started,

Angel Hearts:

1 pound (454 grams) Bittersweet (DARK) or Milk Chocolate melted on a very low heat or better yet , use a double boiler.

2/3 cup or more Powdered sinsemilla flowers ( 3.5 to 14 grams use )

1/4 cup melted butter (Super Dose use cannabutter too)

1/4 cup of half & half

Thoroughly mix !! and heat low for 5 min.

Cut squares of Aluminum Foil to receive Tablespoons of the mix

Now spread the mix thin, on the foil

Now put dabs of red rasberry PRESERVES in the center of the chocolate with a teaspoon.

Finally spread a layer of chocolate over the preserves.

Cool until harden , CONSUME :D :D :D

Refrigerate any that are left :p
****NOTE when using large amounts in this mix of cannabis , LEAVE out the butter, your flowers have enough oil for the mix ;)

****Variaton : to make like a Chunky Candy Bar ADD, 1/2 cup of nuts or raisins to the melted choclate.

Enjoy :D
Liberty Balance :wave: