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NorthDakota Greenhouse no blackout system.


Microbial Repositories
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August 13th update.

August 13th update.

KiefRichards, Thanks for stopping by. Here is a couple updated pictures from earlier today. About half the plants are starting to flower now.
China Yunnan.
Lilly x MaPettit.
Acapulco Gold.
Orient Express x NepJam.
Well that's all for tonight. I hope you all have a great week. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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Well this morning a few more ladies have joined the party. The Acapulco Gold, Angola, Peyote Purple, Purple Mexican, Destroyer, Oaxaca, Michoacán. I'm still waiting on the Orient Express x NepJam, Malawi pink hair x MaPettit, Malawi x Kali China. I expect them to join in by the end of the week. Have a great and safe week. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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Greenhouse update

Greenhouse update

Just a couple pictures of some of the ladies this week. The Malawi x Kali China and the Malawi(pink hair) x MaPettit are still in pre flower. There may be a pistol or two on them but I couldn't find any.
China Yunnan.
Malawi x Kali China.
Orient Express x NepJam.

These branch shots are of the Lilly x MaPettit. This plant is very robust and covered in bud sites. I'm curious as to the type of bud she will produce. I'm guessing it will be multiple columns. Time will tell, I don't have a crystal ball. I may have an orb of confusion. Peace

Farm Hero

Awesome greenhouse and crazy huge collection of genetics, very impressive. I did have a couple thoughts... knowing my genetic line pretty well, I've learned to top them when they are around 4 feet tall to finish in the classic round bush shape at around 9-12 ft tall. I saw how fat the meristem you topped was, I worry that something so drastic could trigger some varieties go hermaphroditic. Just something to think about.

This season I started seeds indoors late February under an approximate 14/10 light schedule, then slowly raising the light hours as spring comes, matching the day length of the sun so they can go outside without going into shock/early flower, this gives me a great head start but also you can tell which plants are the later-flowering varieties beforehand by which are the first to preflower, also makes sexing easier since the plants are 2 months old before going outdoors. I guess this would be handy if you had a ton of seeds to pop and could discard early flowering varieties and males before the season has really begun. Just another thing to consider.

I cannot wait to see how this turns out, i've never seen such impressive sativas so far north unless on the coast. Great project, sattys are my favorite as well. Best of Luck!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Thanks farm hero, a lot of what I'm doing is experimental. I don't know exactly how multiple strains will react outdoors at this latitude. Some may not work at all. I agree with topping earlier as well. But if I did I wouldn't have known if I had to for sure. I prefer to let everything be as natural as possible. I'm not going for volume just quality. Thanks for stopping by. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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Agent Pothead

Agent Pothead

Agent Pothead, It has purple meristem, branches and stems. It came up a double meristem plant. One meristem is green and so are all the branches and stems. One meristem has 9 and 11 leaf sets. While the other has 7 and 9 leaf sets. I can take some pictures of her in the morning. I'm off work tomorrow so I can give better discription from my notes as well. Peace:tiphat:


Just this guy, ya know?
Agent Pothead, It has purple meristem, branches and stems. It came up a double meristem plant. One meristem is green and so are all the branches and stems. One meristem has 9 and 11 leaf sets. While the other has 7 and 9 leaf sets. I can take some pictures of her in the morning. I'm off work tomorrow so I can give better discription from my notes as well. Peace:tiphat:
That's rad man. I've heard there is purple strains but never actually seen one, it looks beautiful!


Microbial Repositories
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China Yunnan Update

China Yunnan Update

The left meristem is all green. It also is sativa dominant with 9 and 11 leaf bracts. Now the China Yunnan is an Indica right? Yes it is but even a full Indica plant can carry recessive genes that get expressed rarely when conditions are right. This double meristem plant is the product of a single seed. This is also a rare occurrence. I surmise that one is equal in effect with the other. The length of the light cycle here in North Dakota is 17 hours plus for an extended period of time. If this germinated seed had been grown indoors under HPS or MH lights I doubt it would have expressed the recessive genes. The right Meristem is more robust in structure. The leaf sets are wider and longer than the left meristem. Both meristems now have pistils. The right colorful meristem showed pistils a full week before the left meristem had a single pistol. The right meristem started showing color early on in growth. The 7th node of vegetative growth started the transformation. At this time all color is limited to stalk, branches, stems and veins. There isn't any actual coloring of any leaves. My other Indica plants are the Peyote Purple's offered by CBG. Oddly enough neither of these plants has started flowering yet. They are both still fully green with no colors being expressed yet. My most colorful plant is a Nepalese Highland x Jamaican 85. While the structure of these two plants is very similar. One plant has been flowering for two weeks and the other has not started yet. Anyway I hoped this answered some questions. The diversity of these plants is incredible. This is my first greenhouse grow. I have done some outside growing and mostly indoor growing in this state. I love seeing the different expressions of growth. Just by changes in the environment. Peace


Just this guy, ya know?
Oh man that's so much information, now I see why you guys keep notes, I'd never just remember all that. Thanks for all the information and the awesome pictures! Keep up the awesome grows!


Microbial Repositories
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Purple Goodness

Purple Goodness

Agent Pothead, Here is a picture of the Peyote Purple. It is a beautiful plant with great flavor and color.


Just this guy, ya know?
That is rad! The stems appear to be green still. I wonder if it would be possible to breed a strain that had purple stems and purple leaves?


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
There are some house plants with very colorful leave. If you notice they all have some green as this is the chlorophyll the plants need to make the sugars and other enzymes the plants need for healthy growth. Cannabis plants expend so much energy in flowering with rapid growth. Stretching, pistil formation and flower/bud formation. I don't believe it's possible to breed for just leaf color and still have any potency or productivity. But Dubi or DJ Short would be the ones to answer that question. From my experience color and quality don't go hand in hand.(without much work) Plant selection over many generations and a ton of HPLC testing is required. Many breeders stop short, get the colors give it a cool name and Wholla!. There is only a handful of plants that have the whole package. (Packistani Chitral Kush, Peyote Purple, Black Domina, NepJam x Kali China) to name a few. Truth is bag appeal only raises the price you pay for your medicine or smoke. It all looks the same when burning. Thanks again for stopping by my friend. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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8-27 update

8-27 update

Hello all, I wanted to put up a few pictures of the girls this week. almost all of the plants have started flowering. Only four plants haven't produced pistils yet.
NepJam x Kali China
Lilly x MaPettit
Golden Tiger
Orient Express x NepJam. Just a picture in the door of left side of greenhouse. Have a great week, Happy growing! Peace


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello all, I have recently been having an issue with sand flies. The larvae suck juices from the leaf veins until their wings form. So I have 2,000 lady bugs on their way to clean the plants of eggs and larvae. The insect specialist didn't think it would be a full blown infestation. The sand flies aka (noseeum's) are a carnivorous insect and prefer flesh. I can attest to that. While taking note's I had the shit bitten out of me. Like horse flies but smaller. Well at least I was able to figure out the issue and work towards resolving it. Happy growing. Peace


Just this guy, ya know?
Woah good luck! And we need a smiley with some bugspray.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
AgentPothead, Thanks for the support brother.. Homer seems to be spraying plenty of bug killer. I'm going to set my computer in the greenhouse so he can get some on my plants. Peace


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I will get around to a flowering update later today after I get some sleep. Many of the ladies are looking very good so far in early flowering. Peace


Microbial Repositories
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Bump, I will post a few pictures of the girls flowering after I get some chores done. Have a great day! Peace