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Visene as folier spray


Overkill is under-rated.
Dude I just met a guy who did a flush on his plants with contact lens solution, he "figured" it would help rinse out the salts.

Well sure, sodium isn't bad for plants, right?

Visene is a vasoconstrictor coupled with sodium hydroxide, you pretty much conuldn't pick something worse to spray on foliage.

If you're serious, what on earth would possess you to do this?

As I told the guy I mentioned, "You do not get to guess at what will work, there is no "figuring" allowed at any time. If you don't know what you're doing and why, you simply may not do it."


no wuckin furries!
and they same as some dick years ago writing "with mites spray with insect spray" DOH!!

homer-"Spider poison is People poison?"

some things ppl add either kill the plant or hurt the user when smoking it...geeeeesh.HH. =]-~


Active member
So you figure Scope will work? I knew a guy who used Exlax. All he got was shit weed. Tried whiskey. All my girls got seeded and all I got was a hangover...Wonder what viagra would do? If the buzz lasted over 4 hours would I call a doctor or smoke another???

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