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Another GOP Candidate Says Legalize


weed fiend
Gary Johnson's pro-legalization for years. Doesn't stand a chance in the GO T Party.
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Well-known member
Gray Johnson's pro-legalization for years. Doesn't stand a chance in the GO T Party.
sounds right, more about the favorable(at least not hostile) mainstream media coverage
having 2 pro MJ legalization candidates seems like a modest breakthrough


May your race always be in your favor
All it will ever be is a conservative talking point and a liberal talking point too. They will say what everyone wants to hear about MJ, but once elected it seems to change. We see that happening now with Obama, why should we expect it be any different under anyone else.
Until big Pharma gets it figured out in their favor, it'll won't be legal. When big Pharma gets it figured out, then it will be legal just for them to grow and make gazillions from. It won't be the politicians that move MJ forward it will big big conglomerate campaign donors. MY TWO CENTS......
I hope I'm found to be in error about all this, but I'm not going to hold my breath.


In the end Obama was just another ratsucking politician. We need business people to run our country. And I'm not talking Jeffi Immelt corporate pigs. Real people who have scratched up their own money and put it on the line following their mind and hearts. A real business person would see the folly of prohibition and would unleash the genius of American entrepenuers who would immediately start profitable enterprises and pay taxes and hire people. That's what we need, regardless of political philosophy. Right wing, left wing, it's the same turkey. Freedom is the answer. He or she who embraces the most liberty is getting my vote. All others need to go the fuck away.

Tripp Inmiasov

I often wonder if there is more than just campaign money that coerces politicians to allow cannabis prohibition to continue. Could it be that threats of physical harm and/or damage to reputation of politicians and their families play a larger role in their decision making?

Who is really behind the scenes forcing these decisions? :peek:

Have you noticed that even Obummer nervously laughs off any questions about it? :yikes:

I cannot understand why any moral person, politician or not, would allow the status quo of such injustice to continue to be allowed.

The violence and death associated with drug turf wars, the inhumane and unfair treatment of innocent human beings by law enforcement and the resulting harm to the welfare and reputation of millions of families...it doesn't make sense.

What is it that we really don't know? :Bolt:


Well-known member
i see this as part of the slow and steady trend
politicians don't change much, whatever stripe they have on their backs
big pharma will get a piece of the cannabiz, that probably can't be stopped completely
but compared to 20 years ago, it's progress


Active member
"We need business people to run our country"

i would have to disagree,they are too ruthless,what we need are intelligent moral people in there perhaps a dr.
and i would also say its just as much the voters fault for beleiving media sound bites that get run 10 times a day until its drilled into your concience,i think this day and age we have to turn off the TV for a while and do our own critical thinking.
and once the whole country is thinking for itself then progress can be made.

and isnt this the guy who got caught drunk driving and then blammed the pot ?

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