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OG down :(

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New member
Guys RC runs both sites Overgrow and Cannabisworld, I had heard he was really busy recently with his own current events, he didnt have time to handle the servers, which are both located in quebec in the same place, and they crashed, it takes a day to fix, stop being so damned paranoid, there is nothing LEO can do with your posts anyway


Active member
I tell you, it would be hard to tell the real growers from the bullshit artist! every once in a while I like to change things around like, grow style in or out! if LEO wants you it will be them getting you from your own mouth more than likely! loose lips sink ship and our ship is weed! telling your best freind can make it easier for you outta town trips watering responsiblities ect ect. but the more other know the more you are likely to get popped! even if they suspect it does hurt for them not to know you have a buddy you work with that has the killer! <wink> if you have pics of plants cant be used agaist you as far as a charge! now in court pics of you with some plants can say alot to a jury. best thing tell no-one Parania has its purpose but feds getting us through this or that website is highly unlikely. most of us personal growers are just not worth it!

ps if you have been around OG long enough it being down is nothing unussal! one of the things I hate about it!
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