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my current version of QWISO


Active member
Credit is due to the member Gray Wolf on this message board for the original protocol. I had it saved and attempted a few times, modified a little.

#extractnotsieve #jk #bubblehashftw

Here's my current method for making quick wash iso. The other thread has something with the pictures on the last page so I thought I'd
start a new one.

Glass French press
Pyrex measuring cup and baking dishes
Solvent (EtOH > Iso in my opinion, more expensive, although getting better at venting the volatile iso fumes)
Vacuum funnel with filter paper and small vacuum pump
Coffee filters
Strong lemon press
Large styrofoam cooler packed with bags of salted ice and/or blocks of dry ice

side note: I am kind of guessing iso is one of the stronger solvents used here. While I would love to have
water-separated crystals (honestly, thc doesn't dissolve in water), I try to minimize the 'contamination.'
Small solvent volume and quick time I think are key, iso will make your concentrate green, brown, or waxy (ashes)
rather quickly compared to other methods. I haven't worked much with butane but I think similar principles apply.
Starting with bubble hash, I might try this with top grade laboratory solvent drop wise, instead of a heated rosin press.

Broken apart or whole nugs or ground. This depends a lot on the age and type of flower. I do not want to powder or grind the leaf/flower at all, but I am focused on maximizing yield here. For the denser nugs, I wanted to break them open. Emphasis here is on mechanical separation/dissolving the thc with friction and mechanical pressure under the lowest temperature for the shortest time possible. Each run I usually think to myself this could/should have went faster. Using material that isn't so finely broken apart, temperature, and time are a few variables that can be titrated to adjust the ratio of green/waxy material (undesirables) to final product yield quality etc.

Try to keep everything cold, at times wearing nitrile gloves over mechanic's gloves, but now this method is nearly 100% hands-free.

Immediately after pouring ice cold iso into bud (here I'm using 500 mL for each ~45 grams at a time),
strong agitation with glass thermometer for 15-25 seconds. Then press down, slowly but with quite
a bit of pressure and pour that into measuring cup.

There could be one more photo here, on a plastic bag I laid out a smallish piece of folded cheesecloth and dumped the bud out,
then squeezed it about as hard as was comfortable (I broke the last lemon press) into the measuring cup.

Here's the vacuum funnel with 2 layers of 25 micron polyester felt filter media and 5-10 layers of filter paper.
Some solids separate via gravity here, and you can decant the solution carefully so as not to disturb the sediment.

After a few minutes (up to you at this point) 4-7 coffee filters can be placed into the top of the funnel to
separate more of the sediment out. Previously I wrung out these coffee filters with gloves and piece of string,
but here with the vacuum funnel everything has been working good with gravity and vacuum alone.
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Active member
Near the garage's exhaust fan I placed a smaller fan to blow filtered air over the glass trays. The plastic bag kept filtered air over the trays as they dried. More polyester filter media tied around the fan's intake.



Overnight with the fans on, and the next morning I did not notice any iso fumes anywhere including right up near the trays (for the first time!)
This run went well, quite soft or terpy extract compared to clear or more brittle shatter for example which has happened, either from using
heat or different material/timing. Doing a batch with 7 grams of flower compared to 50 grams, things will inevitably turn out a little different
unless you modify the protocol a little each time to try and compensate for the larger or slower run.

Left is sativa (skunk) hybrid which I could have just by itself for daytime, about 30 grams of flower I think but I still
did not accurately weigh the flower and end product this time.
Right is what I think is an Afghan and the color probably relates to the bud being older and I think some strains have darker resin.

In other words, the 'goal' here is clear gold extract, but I'm not sure that's 100% accurate because I'm not sure all trichomes are clear.


Looking closely you can see the distribution of what might be expected in a fractional distillation/separation step or HPLC,
vertical filter paper whatever. So this is both a crude filtered extract and contains all the THCA crystals, THC, terpenes etc.
Why use million dollar equipment and then mix it back together like a soda parlor when you can just juice it.
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Active member
You can see some little crumbs of dust or bud that fell when I was adjusting the light so technically not "lab grade dust free" but pretty much.



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White Beard

Active member
Looking good! When mine gets down to the last stage you show (fully evaporated), I zap it in the nukawave for ~22 sec, brings out residuals (if it snaps, crackles and pops a lot, I’ll give it another 11 sec to finish).