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Fasten Your Seatbelts


We Wait

I'm in a legal state and what was posted was the view of the prosecutor for my area so I don't think the bulk of your post applies to me.

Where I'm at I can't see any trouble from having the 12 plants or less for rec and with outdoor you can get around this by running multiple guerilla plots.
Where I am there is also medical with non plant limit, here it would be hard to sort thru rec and med grows. Which tells me unless you are making any it abundantly clear you are growing on a very large scale they'll leave u alone.

These changes are more for huge production and the government's fear or trafficking to non legal states where the value is higher and they lose out of all taxes from black market sales.

Now for the large scale legal and non legal grows there might be a problem. Where I'm at they are planning to open many huge multi acre greenhouse grows this coming year, these guys might have a problem as they want to grow thousands of plants.

The federal limit is 100, I wouldn't not grow over 99 no matter your legal status or legal plant numbers.

I'm in a medical legal state also. What state are you in?

This is the entire east coast, I'm talking about that does this, not just one state.

Haha, twelve plants. I eat that for breakfast.

Grow those plants out and pop those seeds, time is a wastin.

They will get nothing in the end.

I't does not apply to you because you have never got caught. Get caught then your tune will change.


Well-known member
I will say this now, im from Indiana and will not vote for legalization if it comes from a democrat after watching how much they seriously fucked the small guy in California. I also believe Hillary would have empowered big Pharma and many other corporations over the common people when it comes to cannabis and fuck that. Democrats can keep their filthy corrupt hands off my weed. Jim Lucas is a republican leading the fight in my state and he is Republican.

We Wait

I will say this now, im from Indiana and will not vote for legalization if it comes from a democrat after watching how much they seriously fucked the small guy in California. I also believe Hillary would have empowered big Pharma and many other corporations over the common people when it comes to cannabis and fuck that. Democrats can keep their filthy corrupt hands off my weed. Jim Lucas is a republican leading the fight in my state and he is Republican.

Well said. The thing is though that you won't even get a vote. It's just a bunch lobbyist,lawmakers,politicians and the governor sitting around in a room trying to figure out all of this. They only complicate things and make things worse due to greedy thinking.


Active member
We're all fucked... we are now... always were... always will be. When we elect assholes, we get what we deserve. We allow ourselves to be deceived over and over again. Rep vs. Dem... they're one and the same. Why do we continue to allow Pharaoh to keep us all divided? Pharaoh rules the world and his giant cock ass-rapes us all every day, at his whim. We, the masses, are so easily led. Pull down your pants and bend over... Pharaoh is cumming.

We Wait

We're all fucked... we are now... always were... always will be. When we elect assholes, we get what we deserve. We allow ourselves to be deceived over and over again. Rep vs. Dem... they're one and the same. Why do we continue to allow Pharaoh to keep us all divided? Pharaoh rules the world and his giant cock ass-rapes us all every day, at his whim. We, the masses, are so easily led. Pull down your pants and bend over... Pharaoh is cumming.

Why all the We's. It should say you. I never voted because the system is already rigged and they never listen so all one can do is smoke herb and grow plants, We all win.

We Wait

You mocking me.

We as in I have God standing behind me. Who did you bring to the party?


Boreal Curing

I thought only the king referred to himself in the third party. Now I'm waiting for Trump to refer to himself as "We" soon.


If people knew there rights and how to exercise them in court, we wouldn't have these problems with over reaching local, state, and federal entities.


Active member
+++++++++++++original quoted post was deleted/terms of use+++++++++++++++++

The US economy is fueled by oil. Manufacturing has gone elsewhere so PV, wind gen, etc. profits will go to those countries. When oil fails, the US economy fails.
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Well-known member
Well "aspiring organic grower" we can have all of our power through "eco" means like solar wind and good old nuclear without dirty coal or gas or oil. In ten years most cars will be electric. Who needs oil? Or you are one of those morons that want their children to work in coal mines or at oil rigs?
At present do you think “eco power” is going to power all vehicles if they are electric? Hey, I’m all for green but reality also has to play a part. The electric car argument always puzzles me. Just plug it in, no toxic emissions, good for the environment. The big question is, where is all this electricity going to come from?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
After living for years in a situation where power was sporadic at best, thru many-many 'brown-outs' from a broken grid, and the constant messing around with generators to try and compensate.....I was just happy to be able to get some power, to run lights to see with at night and maybe a fan to keep cool with during the heat of the day.

Never take power for granted, and be grateful that we live in an age where many of us, (not all) .. can acquire it.....at a price.

As to how power is generated.......that seems to be the last thing on everyone's mind when you are without it, you turn that switch on, and no power comes out to light your way or cool your day and its WTF! time.