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USA strikes Syria again

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Maybe the USA was just clearing out old ordinance? Getting rid of some old Tomahawk missile and other bombs etc that the military/industrial corporation reckons should be replaced AT GREAT EXPENSE ? (to western tax payers).

The Ruski's are reporting that the vast majority of these missiles were shot down anyway, and the ones that did get thru didn't cause much if any disruption to anything....

I wonder what is the cost of raining over 100 cruise missiles and bombs down on Syria? Who profits, and who looses?......the truth is usually found if you just follow the money.


Maybe the USA was just clearing out old ordinance? Getting rid of some old Tomahawk missile and other bombs etc that the military/industrial corporation reckons should be replaced AT GREAT EXPENSE ? (to western tax payers).

The Ruski's are reporting that the vast majority of these missiles were shot down anyway, and the ones that did get thru didn't cause much if any disruption to anything....

I wonder what is the cost of raining over 100 cruise missiles and bombs down on Syria? Who profits, and who looses?......the truth is usually found if you just follow the money.

I heard that too about them shooting most of them down. I saw a video and it did look legit. It would explain the Syrians dancing in the streets better than as reported by MSM where they are saying its in appreciation of Trump hitting Assad.

This is bad. Its WW3 starting.


Seed Whore
Maybe the USA was just clearing out old ordinance? Getting rid of some old Tomahawk missile and other bombs etc that the military/industrial corporation reckons should be replaced AT GREAT EXPENSE ? (to western tax payers).
I'm sure North Korea would have bought them. :biggrin:


could be, hopefully not
it's a knee jerk strategy, which is to say it's no strategy at all
russia gets further inside syria's(or what's left of it) circle of trust

China backed Russia at the UN over it so we know where they stand.

How can it not escalate if America and Britain and France do this without ANY evidence for their mandate, just unanimous support among allies.

They WANT Syria because Israel want the oil and to lay pipelines. They have already started selling the rights in Israeli occupied Syria.

The deals are done, money has changed hands. They won't be derailed. War is the only way to make it pay.

Putin WILL go nuclear and they will push him till he has to. Thats the end goal. They want depopulation. A lot of people are getting wise. Its time for a reset. Denver airport, getty museum, they will be filling up about now, below ground that is.

Just recently Putin announced to the world EXACTLY what the nuclear protocol is for them - ANYONE attempts to invade Russia, its airspace or its waters and thats it, special briefcase time

What The allies have done could be the last thing Russia doesn't respond to. It was like a slap off some bitch. I doubt Putin will allow that shit next time.


Well-known member
China backed Russia at the UN over it so we know where they stand.

How can it not escalate if America and Britain and France do this without ANY evidence for their mandate, just unanimous support among allies.

They WANT Syria because Israel want the oil and to lay pipelines. They have already started selling the rights in Israeli occupied Syria.

The deals are done, money has changed hands. They won't be derailed. This is the same old shit.

Russia is getting what it wants, so what's to fight over?
words will fly, honor will be preserved(close enough)
but Russia start throwing punches? they don't need to
all comes to he who waits


Russia is getting what it wants, so what's to fight over?
words will fly, honor will be preserved(close enough)
but Russia start throwing punches? they don't need to
all comes to he who waits

Russia don't want war. They don't need anyone or anything. Soon they will cut of Britains gas supply. Putin doesn't want war, a reset, he has 90 percent approval The allies DO want war. The politicians are losing control and besides they are owned by banks like the Rothchilds that own the defence industry. Governments are their puppets, just there to collect the taxes to funnel into it. Wars are their business, have been since Napoleon - look it up they funded both sides of every war since including ww2 obviously, hence the Balfour declaration

Putin threw the Rothchilds out and started fixing Russia, making it great again, only he wasn't bullshitting. Thats when it went back to the evil Russia narrative in the Rothschild controlled west. Under Yeltsin who was a crime lord, pervert crook gangster Rothschild asset who screwed the Russian people and created all the oligarch billionaires, the cold war ended and Russia was cool. What utter shit.

If Russia wanted war they would just obliterate all the Nato allies on their borders. That would do it.

Unlike our crooks, Putin really did spend a shitload of the peoples money on stuff to survive and win WW3. There are bomb shelter in Moscow for every man woman and child. We don't have that in London. Do you have that in Washington or New York? Our countries just told us they have good stuff but they really didn't I bet because they don't want to win. They want to lose. From the safety and comfort of their bunkers that is.

update - Israel jets have bombed an airbase in Iran. shit....


ICMag Donor


The guys who make up the Free Syrian Army are or were, when the shit hit the fan,

mostly, - maybe 80% and more of them - Al Nusra Front.

Al Nusra Front's other name is Al Qaeda in Syria. There's lotsa footage of them driving by, shouting they are, and telling people they are in interviews.

The few other tiny groups that were supposed to be allies of theirs have gone their way, but the Al Nusra Front guys, are the Free Syrian Army.

It was some of the guys associated with F.S.A. who Hillary Clinton paid to have invade and topple Muammar Ghaddafi in his country. This is so well known because there are or were, several interviews with the people flipping Libya, where they outright said, "We are Al Nusra Front: Al Qaeda in Syria."

So. If there's ever a test and you didn't already know, this is the case.

These people were also stating clearly they were working directly for paid American interests, and knew it. They don't care where their money comes from, they make war on the world in the name of Alla, in the name of Sharia and in the name of global purity under Islam.

Furthermore, there is a lot of information pointing to Obama, selling Al Nusra Front - Free Syrian Army but Al Nusra comprises nearly all the forces there - chemical agents,

and selling them to them in packages designed to mimic the equipment Assad has.

There were some emails released online anonymously when an American defense contractor's servers were hacked. One of the email strings seemed to be engineers in the organization discussing the fact that the Obama admin, had sent people to buy chemical agents known to be possessed by assad, placed in the same kind of (ostensibly, 155mm) shell. 105 or 155mm, it's called a "G Shell") package.

Additionally, several videos surfaced where Al Nusra Front guys, were discussing launching of a shell: with none other than Obama's chief biological and chemical weapons expert, in the Army. He interacts with the Al Nusra guys, they're talking about "Is it ready?" and then later they're talking about where they think "it" hit.

I wouldn't be surprised personally, at all to find Obama had been dosing those Syrians with gas. I don't know how many of you guys consider yourselves half-ass savvy mid-east political analysts but Obama selling those guys some shells, is NOT out of the realm of reason.

Obama is a Sunni. That ring he has on his finger, the one he calls, a "Wedding Ring" but which he owned and wore BEFORE he met Michelle - has written on it, the ''Shahada"

Now - Arabic is kinda - it's not supposed to be official but this is the way it is: Arabic is kinda the Official Language of Islam. I don't know how many of you just try to understand Islamic culture, and by extension, the local personal customs of people around the world, but Arabic is indeed the closest thing you can get to the "official language" of Islam.

It's basically a snobbery ring, where - if you can say it about Islam, you can say it plainer and prettier in Arabic. This is a function of the fact that the Holy City of Islam - is Medina.
And that's in Saudi Arabia. Ok well... the Saudi family, have to play ball or get murdered. Not maybe, not kinda, it's play ball or play die-ball. Up to you. So what they do, is they simply allow the locals, In Saudi Arabia, to go around and lead, as sorta the rich sons of men to - well known and tracked - to lead - worldwide Islamic Jihad, and this includes Sunni variety Islamic terror.

Since these young men have almost endless money compared to wherever they go to set up resistance cells, Jihadi acceleration cells, they make sure everyone knows they come from the very epicenter of Holy Islam, and they expect to spread Holy Islam, the way they say, since they're the ones, who have the funds to make sure things can go right for them, once they decide to actually make themselves known as an active working political faction under the black flag of Sharia: the body of the flag is black representing the world, and the name of Holy Islam is written in white, because Islam is the light of the world - these premises, these trademarks, are things you just have to learn about, by studying these peoples' lives and ways of thought, and just get to know who they are, and how they are, and what they're apt to be up to.

Oh I got sidetracked but Obama's ring, has the Holy Conversion Prayer of Islam - a prayer called the "Sha'Hada" - and he's had that ring on most of his adult life.

Well - Obama is a Sunni. And Sunni are just legendary for militarily attacking each other via as tricky and vile means possible, once they fall out with each other for "not being holy or pious enough before other men, and before Allah, and their fanatically devoted assassinations of each other are just the stuff of legend, for good reason.

So. Obama had a problem. Because those Sunnis would have tried over, and over, and over to assassinate him, if he didn't help them against Assad, whose family is from Iran, and their family, are Shia. They practice Shi'ite Islamic customs, and THOSE two sets of people fight cats and dogs.

Shia priesthood rights and heirarchy is associated with being related to the prophet Mohammed.

Sunni religion is a matter of fervency for Islam and the rule of Sharia, and honor for the name of Islam, and savvy in politics of staying alive as a fervent Sunni Jihadist.

So, Obama has or had rather DAMNED good REASON to PUT as MANY AL QAEDA JIHADISTS as he COULD, on the U.S. PAYROLL.

So did Hillary and INDEED - when she and Obama murdered Ghaddafi by paying Al Nusra Front to do it,

* * * GUESS who WENT to LIBYA and whose OIL COMPANY TOOK over ALL OIL LEASES in LIBYA? AL magical gaissiness GORE. * * *

Their murder of ghaddafi was particularly strange because he had defected to the West and was feeding the west various intelligence through the years. After Reagan bombed him and killed his daughter, Ghaddafi turned to peace, a man whose pride had been pretty much broken by the trail of problems his Sunni Jihadist activism had brought him.

Just from me, I observe personally that one of the strange things about the - really, more than rumors, the evidence or certainly oddly widely gathered and aggregated indicators,

that Obama was doing this was how * eerily silent * the media of the entire WORLD was.

You'd have to have kinda been watching and poking around, learning who was who, a little, and just watching how the trees shake in that section of the world, when the wind comes from various directions,

but one of the ODDEST things is that in the face of CERTAINLY newsworthy indication Obama was selling Al Nusra Front G Shell packaged chemical weapons,

not a SINGLE
news organization
on the planet,
would say a word about it.

When this goes on and it's VERY embarrassing to an American Government, that's a damned good indicator that the Americans have just quashed the news, at the professional level, with "I've got something really interesting, that story is going to go nowhere, you know president obama would never do THaT it's preposterous" - buy, sell, hint that careers could crash/not crash and a journalist is sold.

If they went to the trouble of working to get insurance and a key, - they're easy to silence, just silence their boss. All the way up to the president of their country. People can be pushed into not "saying things that sound silly to anybody who knows president Obama" for a LOT less.

Letting their mom fly free somewhere on an important trip "cause I have some frequent flyer miles I can give her, it's no problem." That buys most people.

The reason these Islamic guys are so easy to turn on each other is only followed up adequately by realizing, that - a wealthy Islamic man is still a wealthy man and anyone sane knows, if you follow the paths of these homicidal Sunni warriors, the entire world will just be a ghetto - at least for one-self; so there's a balancing act that goes on between Sunni leadership and their younger generation Jihadi sons, nephews, and friends' sons.

Once true murderous, national terror campaign specialists come to a place, everyone becomes afraid that the shadowy murderer/warlord jihadist will target them next, for pretending they don't see the younger generation struggling for Jihad. They get afraid of each other and for darn good reason,

and they also fear the never ending stream of young Arabic men coming into their countries, just standing around on corners and baiting security personnel in shops, malls, parking facilities, anywhere - under the guise that they are incensed that they're just being a decent pious man of islam and they've been "treated this way."

The truth is those men are shipped out of places where there's a lot of poverty, into anywhere in the world,
where they won't be around to challenge their fathers, and grandfathers, to a duel for control of things.

Trump understands about part of this. But in situations like the one going on in Syria, everyone has painted Assad as a bloodthirsty monster but - he was a physician in London before he became president of Syria. His dad was president and got sick, and somehow Assad wound up president.

And - there is no QUESTION that - basically ALL of the Free Syrian Army are Al Nusra Front, also known as - by their own mouths, all over the internet - Al Qaeda in Syria.


there is NO QUESTION that Hillary and Obama paid some guys from Al Nusra Front to supervise and reinforce the locals in Libya when they decided to kill Ghaddafi because he wasn't going along with their paying Al Qaeda to burn Syria party. Ghaddafi had become a man of peace, and he worked with Interpol and individual countries tracking wanted Jihadists.

So - that's what I know or claim to know about all this, and the thing is - it would be pretty strange if that's not the case because every time you cast around for other stories, you find yourself IMMEDIATELY leaving the realm of 'what's the most LIKELY story.'

Obama saved his own ass from being attacked by his fellow Sunni warriors for Islam, by giving them all the weapons they could use, and all the money they could spend, and three to six countries to loot and burn to the ground.

Hillary helped,
and in return for that
Al Gore's Occidental Oil Company
got all the oil contracts in Libya.

Obama and Hillary's back-burner operations, also include starting and completely supporting the Jihadis in Yemen.

But: Jihad has been having a hard time taking off there, because the people over in the south west corner of the country, are just the wildest people imaginable and none of the rich, connected, especially Saudi but also from around the world, young men, who are old enough to participate in a real jihad, want to go there, and die out in the middle of a place so sparcely populated and just plain wild.

That section of Yemen has never been settled by many people because it's so wild. There's not a lot of water and the mountains are very rugged, so there are just a few threads of road meandering through the region, and none of the rich young men from nearby want to go there, it's not considered exotic enough, there aren't leadership jobs to take, to in effect, build a resume, all there are,
are chances to get mixed up in a medium and light arms fight,
working with half wild illiterate people who can barely read,
so they consider it a place to go die, not to really do anything they consider glorious.

It's not very far from home for the Arabic young men, the ocean's just a few hundred miles away and all the joys and comforts of home, and it's just a place to go die... so Jihad has been having a hard time taking off there.

So I'm looking at this action by Trump through understanding sorta based in what I'm saying here. I think Trump is the ultimate "i'm not emotionally involved with you, you're part of a job, stop doing this crazy out of control shit" type Western leader.

So I think what he does will be designed to appeal to Western media so they'll relate it to Trump's base voters that he's trying to keep a cap on the nasty shit unlike Obama.

I don't think Trump is going to try to get intimately involved with manipulating Islam from within the mid-east region itself, like Obama and Hillary did, because I think he's going to be focused on getting re-elected and trying to paint his own legacy with a much wider brush. He says he wants to focus on rebuilding America after a lot of years of Globalization meaning the U.S.s section of global markets relatively shrinking some, to share the wealth with the rest of the world.

So I don't think things are going to go well for Assad as long as Trump is president because his military guys are going to feed him a very lean picture of what they want at the moment and what they think they need, and I think he'll let them run the Mid East for him,
military men are the original authority worshippers who tell their bosses what they want to hear, in order to not get fired, and sent to Alaska to count fish on the deck of a frozen boat.

So I think what we're seeing right now is our traction in the mid east going down some.
But: our traction there was paying Al Qaeda to burn down the entire Middle East. And this just breeds more and more terror cells, as displaced young men, look for paychecks, and adventure, something to make their lives worth living so to speak, and

Arabic and other nationally financed Jihad, can provide that for them.

So I think the entire Western world is going to more and more, fall into that zone of "I don't really think I understand much about what's going on now. What's this about?"

that is so common in covering Islamic issues because Islamic internicine warfare, never ends. As far as a lot of Islam is concerned, if you aren't making war on the world, then you really don't give a shit, people who give a shit, get involved in a struggle, and try to prop up Islam and repair anywhere it's politics have suffered some setback.

Do I think Trump knows wtf is going on? No I do not.
Do I think it's because he couldn't figure that shit out? NO I do not.

Do I think seven years from now much is going to be different in the Mid East? Not much.

Israel is going to consolidate a little more power world wide but not much,
and their banking interests won't be harassed, so they'll be able to bank money, so they can buy and deploy weapons,

the Palestinians will have to keep rotating leaders in and out as they keep up the image as oppressed victims of world - via Israeli - persecutions of Islam.

This situation can NOT be allowed to get better by the Islamics, of either Shia OR Sunni variety. They make BILLIONS by donations coming in worldwide, supporting Islam and anti Israeli Jihad. That cash and media cow MUST be kept leaking lots of high quality media coverage and cold hard cash.

So .. all in all? This was just another day in the Mid East. Nothing really special going on here, you can't learn anything worthwhile, focusing on this, and the news via which you could get a different story, is going to move significantly further back into the shadows.

News about just exactly who the f*** is who, and what their real motivations are, is going to get ever harder to glean. People like Sessions and Pence, - they are Western Jihadists in their own right, seeking to stop radical Islam as a vehicle of nothing more nor less than murder and terror and they're right on the money about that - but this also means they and their ilk are going to be doing all they can to shame and humiliate Zuckerberg or whatever his name is from facebook, and Google as well; and they are going to start and keep on trying to get them to limit pro islamic sites, and political message channels on Youtube, under same old theories that create lateral censorship through using large nets to filter for ever smaller fish.

You can see that the Americans can't help the Kurds, except to give them money, and that can't last forever because in any dependent relationship like that, with Turkey RIGHT there and the Sunnis of central Wahabist Iraq just below them - they're gonna continue to have problems.

If the Democrats pull off a successful impeachment of Trump, I'll expect to see what you always see in times of Western instability, a resurgence in drum beating, rhetoric, and terror attacks in places where they're not likely to pull the Americans' and the Wests' resolve together, and get them re-engaged in fighting against Jihad.

Basically while the Westerners fight between themselves, the Sunnis and Shia will try to extend their power around the edges where they think the Americans and the West won't bother to get involved with the messy politics of war when they're all trying to blame each other for wars that DO get started.

So that's my story as stoned as I am.


There were some very dark creepy rumors going around that regime change in Libya was directly connected to regime change in Syria by CIA weapons trafficking. The rumors were that the nerve gas used in Syria was trafficked out of Libya from Muammar Gaddafi's stockpiles to frame Assad. The nerve gas and weapons trafficking were directly connected to the U.S. Benghazi compound. Word on the street is some people were not "with the program" when they looked into the back room and saw how the sausages were being made and the CIA had to abort and send in some "cleaners" kinda like "Victor le nettoyeur" This resulted in the death of Ambassador Stevens and others. Some republican political insiders "and enemies of Hillary Clinton knew something fishy and unethical was going on in Benghazi but they could never figure out the whole picture to use against Hillary.

Thats why Republicans had that never ending BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI investigation. They could smell blood in the water but never really got to the bottom of it.

"Victor le nettoyeur"



Well-known member
Maybe the USA was just clearing out old ordinance? Getting rid of some old Tomahawk missile and other bombs etc that the military/industrial corporation reckons should be replaced AT GREAT EXPENSE ? (to western tax payers).

The Ruski's are reporting that the vast majority of these missiles were shot down anyway, and the ones that did get thru didn't cause much if any disruption to anything....

I wonder what is the cost of raining over 100 cruise missiles and bombs down on Syria? Who profits, and who looses?......the truth is usually found if you just follow the money.
Just like our roads crews, if they don't use up their budget they don't get an increase next year.

Of course the UK and France dropped bombs too, just somehow everyone thinks it's just the USA even though NATO has worked with us since 9/11. We are all making money selling weapons.


Seed Whore
Maybe the allied forces should send Cannabis seeds to Syria instead of bombs.

Soon enough the Syrians morale will go to Hell when the Gateway Drug kicks in. :laughing:


Already played....


the rock version of the music totally screws up this all time classic stand off scene between the man with no name, the good, the bad and the ugly.

but the question is, do you see Trump is Clint Eastwood? really?


Well-known member
Maybe the allied forces should send Cannabis seeds to Syria instead of bombs.

Soon enough the Syrians morale will go to Hell when the Gateway Drug kicks in. :laughing:

I think we should just spray the entire Middle East with LSD and turn that Arab Spring into the Arab Summer Of Love.

I'll be on the first plane. :woohoo:
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seems Syrian football fans ain't too happy with his Trumpness the first. lmao....


for some strange reason they dislike the dropping of humanitarian bombs on their nation in the name of peace.

St. Phatty

Active member
For more info on US Missile Defense -

Research the Nira Schwartz Whistleblower lawsuit (attorney name Mr. Affeld). That was in the 1990's, the military contractor falsifying test results was TRW, since bought by Northrop Grumman.

Also research TWA Flight 800. The US shot down one of its own passenger airliners in 1998, during missile defense testing in Long Island sound.

There was also a historically large settlement in the early 00's. About $100 million for another Northrop Grumman employee, represented by SF law firm Phillips & Cohen. I forget the name of the employee/ whistleblower.

Short Version - US Missile Defense programs have been riddled with fraud for over 20 years.


speaking of the missile defense system known as Patriot, it apparently sucks ballz. even the Yemeni Houthis using stone age missiles were able to penetrate Saudi Arabia by using 8 at once. there is footage showing the patriots missing and one of them turn around in mid air and hit the ground in a ball of fire. Saudis said all were intercepted, but the footage told a different story and that was with just 8 old scud missiles used.

in case anyone is a Roger Walters fan check this out, he gets it.



Trump is a Zionist, his family are jews and the Trump fortune was built on jewish capital and cooperation. Israeli interests will be the biggest priorities in his strategic decision making.
To make sense of this, we have to realise that Britain and America, in this context, are servants and foot soldiers for Israel. This is why 4 out of 5 Britains and probably similar numbers of Americans don't agree with any of it.


another video, this one shows some interceptions by the look of it. i know one thing, Putin will now sell the s300 to Iran and Syria, he was asked and agreed not to in 2013, but this situation will change his mind. US talking heads say not 1 missiles was intercepted.

edited to add: it was pointed out to me that this is a fake, at least the context is fake, its air defense system but a US one, nothing to do with the recent events.


Russian ministery of defense is reporting that:

it looks like the smart bombs and plane launched smaller missiles and long range boms, as well as about a third of the tomahawks got through and did destroy 3 targets. on the other hand 4 out of 5 attacked air bases apparently intercepted all incoming missiles. using a number of antique 60 year old air defenses with weird names and with a few upgrades. also the newer Pansir and the 40 year old s200.

i'm just happy that Russia didnt get sucked into the exchange. last thing i want right now, is WW3, just bad timing, what with the IC420 cup and all, lmao. :D
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