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Temp of clone tray with heat mat



I am a first time cloner and I placed a heat mat under the dome and put some 6 cuts in rapid rooters with Clonex in the small seedling trays on the clone tray and put the dome on the tray. Next morning the digital thermometer standing on top of dome was 85 F and using a laser to measure on the tray under the cuts was 85F plus. Cuts were wilted and drooping flat on seedling tray/rapid rooter.
Temp in clone box was over 80 as well. Crap.
I yanked out the mat and used toothpicks to kind of prop cuts up.
Temp is 78 F and humidity 99%.
Cuts are not brown or dry, still green but drooping badly still. One actually looks a fraction better but it may be wishful thinking.

So with the heat mat I may have screwed myself which makes me wonder does everyone actually use these bringers of death ??


I suppose I need a thermostat for this one. Just hope my cuts pull through. I have no idea if I’m wasting time or not but I have nothing to lose by just letting them be.


Ive had my temp controller set to 78, and its reached temps of 80. I have been struggling with stem rot. Will set it to 74 to be safe, and see if this helps. I don't need things to root quick, just need them to root!

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