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Best affordable co2 controller? Opinions?


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Hey guys, I just purchased*my first co2 tank*which is labeled as 20lbs (really like 26.7 I think?). It came with a Titan Controls regulator. The optional controller that I could have added during purchase was a mechanical timer, which I definitely skipped on.*

I have been checking out Amazon and I found this one and it has really good reviews and quiet affordable.*


Anyway, this is my first time using co2 and I am excited to see how it changes things up in my room. Those of you who use it, how often do you fill your co2 tanks? 20 lb specifically? I was estimating weekly but I'm not sure. I won't be venting as I am aware that it is not necessary. Also what have you guys found the optimal temp range of the room while running co2?

Also does it matter if the co2 is food grade or industrial grade?

Thanks in advance!


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Went ahead and chose the controller in the link. Seems to be a good choice and very affordable! Thanks anyway guys.
