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Killer Mandarine - Urban Legends


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So I chopped the Durban males today. Still have a bit of pollen collected on a paper plate drying.


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I'm rethinking the cross with (Durban x Duck) as the duck seems to be super sensitive to nutes and is not taking my treatment well. I'm not sure if the pollen even tooks since I don't see any red hairs.

First the duck was looking healthy after giving her some epsome salt but now she is yellowing again and I don't know what to do. Maybe she has been getting too much calmag idk. Either way I like other plants more.


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Day 38

Moved the two biggest plants to the right side of the tent. Two smallest to the left side and Durban is still in the middle. Mixed up 4 gallons of MaxiGro 1 tsp and MaxiBloom 1 tsp and a bit of Epsome salts.

Here's the right side of the tent.

Left side

Durban in the middle


Durban got fed today with the new mix. Others didn't need any yet tomorrow probably.


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I just pollinated a few branches that were marked as pollinated last week and it looks like we have seeds forming on Critical Kush. Yay! :woohoo:The hairs have receded and are turning brown. Also pollinated Durban and Duck again today as well. Still got a little bit of pollen for further pollination in the coming days.


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Here are some pics of my favorite plant Critical Kush Auto

Had to stand way back to get all of her in frame


You can't see it but there are some seeds forming

Her tops

This plant is tall as fuck (48" after topping at the 4th node) I would not have been able to fit her in the tent without topping.


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For keeping track of dates

I used the last of my collected Durban pollen to pollinate Killer Cookie today at day 39

Also note this pheno of Durban poison is about 1 week behind the last grow. Around day 40 she looked like this


Much more vigor in the last batch but she grow almost too much so I guess it's a good thing.


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I ordered a replacement cross bar for the tent so I can finally hang 2 lights on each side of the middle instead of having just one light. So next round will be 6 plants


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Hmm it looks like only Critical Kush auto got pollinated. There are no brown hairs on any of the other plants.


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Day 41

I know it's only been a few days since my last update but all the plants are starting to show flowering full mode. So, I thought I'd show you guys.

On to the pics

Auto Duck

Killer Mandarine

Durban Poison Auto

Killer Cookie

Critical Kush Auto

Everyone is looking healthy with the exception of Duck. Even so I'm happy with how all is going.


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Fed and watered some plants today with 1tsp MaxiGro, 1tsp MaxiBloom, and a bit of calmag. I was in the grow room checking on the plants and Killer Cookie has brown hairs where pollinated. Yay seeds!


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Day 47

I've decided to switch all the plants to full dose flower nutrients. Currently I have 2 1/2 gallons of pre flower nutrients once those are gone in the next week. All will be on full flower (two tsp MaxiBloom)

On to the pics

Left side of the cab (Killer Mandarin and Duck Auto)

Right side (Critical and Cookies)

Closer to Critical Kush looks like she may have fluffy buds. I don't mind

Durban Poison Auto




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Don't let your cat go blind under that bright light. :frown:

Both of my cats like to sit under the lights during veg not so much during flower though. Might have something to do with the distance of the light from the floor. As far as brightness they love soaking up the light.


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Just checking the plants (as usual) and it doesn't look like any will be done for day 60-65. So I'm aiming for 70-90 day staggered harvest. Critical Kush is farthest along followed by Killer Cookie. Durban Poison auto and Duck Auto are about the same size and Killer Mandarine was the last to show pistils but is growing really fast she might go 75 days.