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Well-known member
No problem, I and many others have been using this method for many moons...

Regarding isopropyl, a man can not get a bottle of this stuff in Ireland for love nor money.

Its like trying to score a suitcase full of diamonds...

It seems most people have caught on to this stuff and are obviously stocking up with it for cleaning/sanitising maybe showering in the stuff....

Even online i am having issues and most have jacked up there prices, the best I can do at the moment is use the wipes..

I use it for cleaning my vapes.

All the Iso is being used to make hand sanitisers. Most of the 5L bottles on eBay are cut at best. They appeared just after lockdown and at an impossibly low price. While the usual suppliers were having stock issues, these eBay guys were sending stuff cheaper than I could post it. I would agree it's best to give up.

The other alcohol of interest is the one we drink. Ethanol. It's actually quite cheap if the supplier taints it to make it undrinkable, thus avoiding the need to pay the tax man the associated taxes of liquor production for consumption.

We buy it as a cleaning product for our paint brushes or for thinning some paint. The purple/blue stuff. Meths. The stuff put in is almost inseparable and so evaporates off with the alcohol. Leaving no trace. People still drink it so we don't really need to treat it as a risk just washing things. I soak something like a bud bomb for a short time, and the debris still left is just dry ash like stuff that a power shower will wash away. Turning something stuck shut with tar into a shiny thing again.

I have lost mine. Been looking for days. Gave up n put my pipe back together.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
$120 for a spacecase is fucking ridiculous

They're made out of bitcoin. Golden Gate in the same size is $20. Space Case also has a larger $150 model. Acetone, fuels, hot oils - many things will clean metal grinders, but not plastic or wood.


New member
I thought the orange s&b I got with my volcano was a lot better than the other cheap plastic grinders I’d used in the past, but I didn’t like how easily it got gummed up. Got a large Santacruz 3 piece and love it. Action is So smooth. I’d never used a 3 piece...I really like that the grounds fall into the bottom chamber, which can be used as a little storage container.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
When that orange plastic grinder is sticky to work, and there is no flower being ground, it is time to soak it in alky. Mine is ready.

Shit, I soaked my plastic grinder to clean off the sticky, and one of the halfs broke. Don't make me get out the scissors, dammit.
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H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Has anyone got/used the KLIP? Up there with the more expensive ($100+) grinders, but does it deliver as it should?

I know a bunch of people who are trilled with the Brilliant Cut Grinder, but I gave up on "expensive" grinders after the disappointment that my SLX was.




Well-known member
Holy shit! It's DrLongbottom! I haven't seen you here in years! Much respect sir! Glad to see your still with us! If you say it's good I trust you.i think Mrs babba spoke highly of them too.as far as paying 100 bucks for a grinder is just plain dumb.if your gonna spend the money then just get the titanium Spacecase.end of story really if you wanna spend the money.i for one can't do it


Scissors. $5.

When the rivet or screw becomes irreparably worn at the pivot, or the blades are so dull or pitted they can't be properly sharpened, spend another $5.

I have ONE grinder here (no, not the hoagie sandwich...), and the only reason it's here is that it was sent years ago from Vape Nation as a promo when I bought my now-nearly-antique Pinnacle Pro vaporizer.

Much of this focus on contraptions reminds me of the ritualism involved in holding double album covers open at an angle on a table, sorting seeds out of the weed with a pack of rolling papers, as the seeds rolled down to the crease on the inside of the album cover, nearly a half-century ago.

After a while, the whole thing was merely an appetizer by way of ritual, for what the whole purpose was to start with, but somehow it had been converted into some sort of church-like ceremony..... Like a coke head chopping lines of some decent coke.

My better quality, folding, sewing scissors fit neatly into a tackle box, or a dozen other places they look completely proper being, thus attracting little to no attention.

Yep, scissors; $5, and forget about it until you need another pair.

On the other hand, if you're simply trying to stimulate the economy, I can post my mailing address. **Please try to send larger denominations, as we wipe down any cash or coins here, and wiping down a whole bunch of $1's or $5's takes a lot longer than wiping down a significantly smaller number of $50's and $100's. Just sayin'....
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Well-known member
LMFAO those keif catching grinders are nice.i loved my sharpstone for almost 10 years before it got stolen.but let's be real.a CNC machine probably shoots them out for a few dollars.with that said I still miss my $20 dollar sharpstone.it produced decent keif

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Scissors. $5.

When the rivet or screw becomes irreparably worn at the pivot, or the blades are so dull or pitted they can't be properly sharpened, spend another $5.

I have ONE grinder here (no, not the hoagie sandwich...), and the only reason it's here is that it was sent years ago from Vape Nation as a promo when I bought my now-nearly-antique Pinnacle Pro vaporizer.

Much of this focus on contraptions reminds me of the ritualism involved in holding double album covers open at an angle on a table, sorting seeds out of the weed with a pack of rolling papers, as the seeds rolled down to the crease on the inside of the album cover, nearly a half-century ago.

After a while, the whole thing was merely an appetizer by way of ritual, for what the whole purpose was to start with, but somehow it had been converted into some sort of church-like ceremony..... Like a coke head chopping lines of some decent coke.

My better quality, folding, sewing scissors fit neatly into a tackle box, or a dozen other places they look completely proper being, thus attracting little to no attention.

Yep, scissors; $5, and forget about it until you need another pair.

On the other hand, if you're simply trying to stimulate the economy, I can post my mailing address. **Please try to send larger denominations, as we wipe down any cash or coins here, and wiping down a whole bunch of $1's or $5's takes a lot longer than wiping down a significantly smaller number of $50's and $100's. Just sayin'....

Hahaha I feel you and I love my little rituals that give me time to start salivating over what's about to come :)

You guys are killing me... handcranked coffee mills? I smoke a lot but what kind of throughput do you guys have?! I fully approve though.


Well-known member
I was just reading about the Brilliant Cut on this article https://www.vaporizerwizard.com/best-herb-grinders-for-vaporizing/ and it really sounds like the direction I might go.

Do you like your BCG or your Herb Ripper more? :dance:

I understand why you would prefer magnets instead of threads but I can see spilt herb because of dropping it or just weak magnets.a good grinder with threads won't strip and gives me more peace of mind from spills.guy sounds like an advertiser to me.but if you do buy it I'm curious what you think about it

White Beard

Active member
What I like about the BCG is it seems like it’d be easier on my arthritic hands.

2” 4pc seems to be where I land: I have a Space Case and an off-brand (Estigoy) and am happy with both. Only have the SC because I lost the Esti in a move, replaced it, then found it.

I’m fascinated by grinder tooth designs...I may have one of each one day


Well-known member
That's a great point WB.i didn't think of that.those threads can get caked pretty good.sorry.i didn't think of that.

Mr. Stinky

I use a nut grinder. The little hand crank guy. Crazy cheap and stealth, if your into the weed ninja stuff. And I like the coarser grind because I prefer joints in raw papers. The little weed pucks grind it so fine it's hard to pull on.


Active member
That's a great point WB.i didn't think of that.those threads can get caked pretty good.sorry.i didn't think of that.

The threading was the main reason I am contemplating a BCG. I have had a couple of grinders over the years that get partially clogged threading and then they are just obnoxious to work with and I get lazy about cleaning them enough to keep them sliding and spinning nicely


A new COVID-19 niche market for services; grinder cleaning.

Heck, add a punch card system to it. Every 10th purchase of a grinder cleaning & servicing, your next grinder servicing is free.

I think automation is where the -real- profit will come in, though.

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