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Autistic Diplomat in Training
I've heard multiple times, almost all of us will literally die of complications due to chronic dehydration. As we age, we apparently lose our sense of thirst. Any time you drink liquids other than water, be sure to drink approximately the same amount or more in clean water. I strongly advise filtered water for drinking and cooking.

Fresh lemon squeezed into clean water is amazing for alkalizing the body. An acidic condition leads to quite a few issues, including nausea in the right situations.
Set up a schedule, use timers or get the assistance of others to help you set a routine. Wake and drink 8oz of water. Drink another 8oz a few hours later. Find the balance where you're hydrated without spending all day watering the flowers. ;) Set the schedule and do your best to make it a lifetime routine.

You'll live longer and have fewer issues from dehydration.


mama tried
remember readin on cannabis hyperemesis syndrome and nasuea and hot showers would help. weird how weed came make some people violently ill


Well-known member
Carbonation really aggravates things for me, probably the excess gas. Anything carbonated I shake out before drinking if I want it right away, and/or leave the cap off for future. I do that with ginger ale, which seems to give some relief. Ginger seems to give a calming effect. Not to plug a brand but flat Coke in small amounts can sometimes help.

Just bought some ginger snaps, going to try a few with some peppermint tea.

Rico Swazi

Active member
those folks that can't tolerate peppermint tea might benefit from lemon balm which is in the same family as mint

tablespoon of fresh leaves (one teaspoon dry) steeped in a cup of boiling water til desired strength


Active member
ICMag Donor
Pineapple helps greatly with nausea.

If you can go to a homeopathic physician there are several different remedies that you can try. Some like Nux Vomica work amazingly well.

Often nausea is a sign of poor digestion, things not passing through, stuff building up. Fasting with lots of liquids often helps. Roughage, greens, eliminating protein for a bit. Hard to figure out where to start often. I firmly believe in the work of Carey Reams, measuring my saliva and urine pH, urine conductivity, etc...

Do you see lots of suds after you urinate into the toilet? If so, you are not digesting your protein. Mg can help here. Green drinks, etc.. are full of Mg. Urine should be barely yellow. Look at your urine in the light through a clear glass. There should not be big particles in there. Should be almost crystal clear, very light tint of yellow.

What part of the country you in? There are folks scattered all over that might be able to help you generate some simple numbers to help you get on track. Kind of easy actually...


Well-known member
Was able to obtain a good amount of very fresh lemongrass.It is very active and strong.

Very small amounts added tea have quite an effect. Would describe it as numbing

and comforting. It helps.


Active member
A lot of those listed plants sounded promising, which ones are you considering?

The one genus of Couramin, the Calophyllum, taken at 100mg for 15 days without side effects sounds worthwhile.

Several of them actually seemed worth a shot. One of those three taxus cultivars are native to the northwest USA, supposed to be in higher elevations in Ca down to Lake Tahoe.

There is a proprietary process to extract the bark, but it’s with 200 degree heat and water, I wonder if a home brew of bark is possible. Taxol and Taxonal are prescribed versions of the extract.
Nausea may be your mind and body calling for a fast. 24 hour fasting intervals repeated every few days and fluids an much as you can process. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Well-known member
Been doing doing a little better, doing what I can to try to improve things. Yesterday was kind of rough, this morning, I have practically no urine, and hurt bad. Had to go soak in tub of hot water, increased extract dosage 25 percent and went with 20 mg methadone after considering morphine which often just worsens the nausea.

a couple of grapefruit and some pineapple juice has me feeling a little better.

St. Phatty

Active member
I usually drink about a quart of water after drinking 2 cups of coffee (which is about 24 ounces of coffee).

The other day I over-did it and started drinking a second quart of water.

Then started doing chores - but quickly felt the Nausea coming.

Decided I didn't want to do THAT, and just laid down for 15 minutes.

I prefer drinking water in the morning and limiting fluid intake at night.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Recipe for water

Recipe for water

According to Doc Reams, unless you are obese, you should drink half your weight in ounces. So if you weigh 180 lbs, you should drink 90 ounces, or 2.5 liters or so.

The color of your urine should always be barely tinted yellow. Barely!.

The exception would obviously be first thing in the morning or a diet/supplement influence. Vit B makes for an interesting yellow, beets will give an off tint of red (scary sometimes).

That quantity of water should be taken over the whole day, with equal quantities every half hour.

He also recommended a bit of fresh yellow lemon juice in your water a couple times per day. Juice, coffee, etc.. does not count as water.

Dehydration is one issue, lack of washing out our insides is something else. Reams recommended distilled water. It strips out everything. Water should not be your source of elements.


Well-known member
To those who were kind enough to have responded to this thread, I have for the most part recovered from whatever hit me. Am lucid and able to think a little more clearly. Am pretty much back to where I
my starting point was.
Feel incredibly blessed to only have to deal with nausea and pain, each of which are manageable for
me with cannabis.
My spouse and my mother each had backgrounds in medicine, and each of them were very worried that I would end up on dialysis, and wanted me to do every thing I could to avoid it.
As if there were something I could do about it.
I lost a kidney to renal cell cancer, when they did the surgery it had metastasized.
Each of the last two times I have been in the hospital, I had people try to talk me into
allowing me to let them do the 'tiny little operation' which would allow them to
"get me started, just in case"- on dialysis that is. So I know that industry sees me
as a viable candidate. I am terrified at the thought.
I have nightmares over loosing the independence that I still do have.
To those who responded to this thread, thank you more than I can say.
My current drink is key limes and mint in water.
There is joy to be found in just being able to comfortably
consume and hold down fluids again.
Cannabis and a tub of hot water still work real well for dealing w/
nausea, for which I feel most fortunate.


Active member
just curious...im assuming they have also scoped your guts....

the reason I ask is in my late 20's I ended up with horrible nausea....went from 200lbs to 138lbs...couldn't keep anything down...had to force water...

Tried everything.

Full scope....nothing there they could see...

barium swallow ct thing found an ulcer a bit past were where the stomach met the small intestine...they just about missed it also but the XRay tech had me wait another 15 minutes and did another picture after hearing symptoms...

Dr had me on crohns medication as he figured that was the issue...

Just saying .... just cover your bases if you can .

Hope you get well soon.


Well-known member
just curious...im assuming they have also scoped your guts....

the reason I ask is in my late 20's I ended up with horrible nausea....went from 200lbs to 138lbs...couldn't keep anything down...had to force water...

Tried everything.

Full scope....nothing there they could see...

barium swallow ct thing found an ulcer a bit past were where the stomach met the small intestine...they just about missed it also but the XRay tech had me wait another 15 minutes and did another picture after hearing symptoms...

Dr had me on crohns medication as he figured that was the issue...

Just saying .... just cover your bases if you can .

Hope you get well soon.
Yes, had the scope from both ends and I recall the barium milkshakes
as well. It ultimately turned out to be kidney cancer which
had metastasized by the time they removed the kidney.
I have been more than fortunate to be able to keep going since.
Was left with chronic pain and nausea issues and stuck on oxycontin
and told to go home.
I made the SFV my new home, and dumped the oxy for extract from OG
switched to an all vegan diet, and a change of lifestyle.
The pain became manageable with time, the nausea less so.
Recently diagnosed with lung cancer, and the nausea is
starting to ramp up again.
Chilies,cannabis extract, and tubs of water that are hot beyond all reason.
Those are what I have found which provide relief.
Spouse used to an MD, none of the antinausea meds helped.
The hot water and extract get to be exhausting when the nausea gets intense. Such is life...
Headed back to a tub of hot water now.


Well-known member
This is a very good point and more and more info needs to be brought to light ( in a positive way) in regards to how cannabis can benefit in treatment of certain ailments and conditions.

I get so pissed when I see the media still playing the old stereotype about cannabis use…the hippy dippy image of someone with the munchies or forgetfulness. They don’t have a clue and their portrayal doesn’t help the process or the potential benefits that may be right under our noses.

the media played a HUGE part in getting cannabis outlawed (read up on Hearst and Anslinger ) and no doubt still listens to voices in power that advocate against our freedom in comparison to the pharmaceutical industry dollars at play. they know the truth, but money talks...with them. assholes...


Well-known member
When the intensity and frequency pick up, my little buddies gather round.
Five hairball mobsters laying all over the sofa with me.

St. Phatty

Active member
When the intensity and frequency pick up, my little buddies gather round.
Five hairball mobsters laying all over the sofa with me.

I have to lay down after lunch.

Most days I take antibiotics at lunch.

Sometimes the cat visits. Sometimes the little white Alpha bird just sits on leg or on the floor watching me. 3 other birds are picking on her so she prefers human company mostly.

Also yesterday I found a little lizard, I guess living off the bugs that are living off the peanut shells on the floor of the bedroom.

He ran up my arm and hid in my shirt and then I couldn't find him.

In the middle of the night he crawled out and I thought it was a HUGE bug so I grabbed it and threw it across the room. Hope he's OK.