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My Trudeau Garden 2020!!!


Active member
ICMag Donor
You can try making the legs of the car port longer with metal wood or something. Ambitious grow!

two heads

Active member
Like you say Lizardman, it's a good problem to have! It sounds like we're close enough in Ontario to be getting similar weather and it's calling for two weeks with night time temperatures above freezing where I am. Looks like an amazing end to September actually. Hopefully it's the same for you. You might not even need that carport (this year, still a good trade).

It's almost laughable to see a giant carport like that and it can't even cover 4 plants! Mine got a bit out of control this year as well, creating a few of those "nice problems to have". A killer summer for growing here in ON.


Desert Dan - its the back yard

Art.Spliff - ya thats my idea to build a little extra off the frame

Two heads - we have had a killer summer this late season rain and temps are being sasst but fuck what can you do and im kawartha lakes area


Well another photo dump!!!

Our hot dry summer has turned damp cool and rain almost every day! Which is the outdoor game, get to see what stuff molds in the weather. The Blueberry. And SnowBerryBlue are pretty much ready im just pushing the limits.(Oct 7 is roughly chop date)

I had set up those hoops which work great, but this weather was making the poly tarp condense and not helping like i had hoped. Ill be leaving it up for any of the frost days which might be soon. The black dag and gorilla glue im hoping to make till Oct 20 or later if possible.

Fucking aphids have returned and its to late for spray im hoping the number stay manageable till chop...Grrrrr!!

Wife isn't gonna like me from mid to end of Oct. House is going to reek, i plan on harvesting at 4am to keep terps at max, and hang in the cold garage for a few days to hope the aphids that are left leave the plant, then bring them into the basement to finish...

Hope everyones Croptober is plentiful








#4 w6 in flo; 1



Noonin NorCal

Active member
Put a dehumidifer in there at night, even though its not closed up it would probably cut down on the moisture, maybe a fan or two also


Thanks Cali, yours looks nice like allways!

Noonin norcal, fans might help but no was a dehumidifier would be a option the ambient humidity is high 80s where i am this time of year and 100% at night... I need it for indoor soon enough


The GG#4 and the black dog are both 2 or more weeks away from harvest and the blueberry and snowberry blue are nearing final days. It was a good weekend of duck and goose hunting and first of the year trimming...

The blueberry had gotten 3 small spots of bud rot from the dense flowers and the damp weather, so i decided to chop some of the bigger top colas off to relieve the problem, im not to worried as i had planned on cutting it down this upcoming weekend anyways...

The scissor hash off the end of a smoke has a very nice fruity berry taste and smell with a under tone of "blue", and fermented strawberry... Kind of hard to 100% describe but very nice and cant wait for it to be dried and cured for a real test...

I didn't want to wet trim but due to mold i wet trim and even de constructed the buds into the little off shoot buds, and have them laying on a drying rack...

I figure from the tops that i cut up to this point I've got over a lb dry, and still many more nice tops to take. letting them fill in and finish up. I only took the bigger ones.

I took both saturday and sunday mornings to hunt birds since it is harvest season!!






Playing the outdoor game!! With the temps dropping lower and lower, the bugs and pest have almost stopped. But the wet weather has sent mold into full force!!!...

I've been letting everything go till ripe and just keep cutting chunks of bud rot away from the rest of good bud.

The make shift tarp for frost and rain i believe helped make the situation worse for mold with lake of air flow... Lessons learned!



GG#4 starting to look nice!


New member
Nice Grow , try some Dutch passion Frisian dew and or some KC Brains KC 36 for outdoors in Canada they can handle the cold and wet fall weather . cheers


Well my season has cone to an abrupt end!! No fault but my own, leaving the ladies unattended as i had gone to a family members for the evening!!

Come home in the morning to find someone in more need of the weed then my self had taken it all!!! Sad part is it was someone who knew about it from either someone that was in my own yard for a visit or the neighbors.

The persons who came to relieve me of many hours of trimming had brought shears and something to put it all into as there was not a single leaf found in any direction from the harvest, some planning was involved. Im more pissed they took the branch's i pollinated to make seeds on..







Time for some indoor i guess!!


Carlos - in due time what goes around comes around in both good and bad, most people like to brag so its just a waiting game!

OG_NoMan - It was a nice little back yard grow, cant say i didn't try. Next year will be back to the swamps and woods where its safer, just little more hassle. Future grows only get better with more knowledge from each previous grow.. Stuffs already in the works.

two heads

Active member
Oh man, I literally feel your pain Lizardman. I'm in your region and the same thing happened to me last year. Hence the chain link enclosure, alarm mats, and cameras I used this year. It worked and I gotta think it will work for you next year if you try again. I hope you do. I respect your acceptance so soon after it happened but you might decide to fight back by harvesting a well-secured crop next year.

By the way, my plants looked a lot like yours when the rippers were done. They're so lazy, they don't even do a decent job of chopping down a plant. I got 200 grams of tiny popcorn buds from what they left behind but your plants are much bigger than mine were and mine were ripped off on September 25 so they weren't as far along. Looks like you'll get a decent haul of small buds. Not what you deserve for all the hard work but fuel for the fire that's gonna burn all winter.

Really sorry this happened to you. I hope next year is a redemption.


Hey two heads thanks for the input, and ya im going again next year just like I've done every year hahaha... Just not in my back yard, the wife wouldn't like a huge fence and setup in the yard... I said i would try and it was going well till i slipped up and spent a night away which is what it is.... Ill go back to the woods!!! Bring on 2021!!!

Your right i propably got a half pound of popcorn... I also took a couple of the tops off of the snowberry blue and blueberry.. Which turned into 2 - 5 gallon buckets of bud.

Yep they left me the stalks for my dog to chew haha i figure they got 10lb off me.


Active member
Glad to hear you got some nuggets for personal!

I miss guerilla! It was such a joy to me sneakin aboot and everytime I checked em out to water it was a surprise bc I hadn't seen em in a while. My backyard I check on too often so it's not the same thrill. Had a sweet spot in some 10ft willows along an irrigation canal so luckily I didn't have to haul water very far.

Nice work either way this year and I'm glad it wasn't total loss!