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DEA Agent
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Everyone needs a little *Old School Hashplant* in their lives


DEA Agent
Premium user
Lots of nice Hashplants on this thread, the Pot of gold looks fantastic.
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Well-known member
That's a great Purple Kush, Black Bart. It's been a while since I've seen the real deal. Some of the best stuff I've ever smoked was indoor Seattle purple Kush in the 90s. $350 an ounce, huge glistening trichomes, wonderful hashy flavors. I'd love to get my hands on one of those old cuts.

The OSH looks great Royal Flush. It's a fast flowering strain, at least the hasplants I used to grow indoors were. 7-8 weeks and they were done, 9 or 10 weeks didn't improve them at all. I loved that.

My little Flashbang ((Snowman S1 x BioDiesel) x MAC)) is a true hashplant. It's a small plant, only 4 feet, but insanely stocky and bushy.



Leaves layered on leaves on top of leaves. Last year I let my thick hashplants go, hardly pruned at all. Then I had terrible mold problems. This year I'm doing a lot of thinning, might have to remove half the leaves on the Flashbang. Otherwise the branches won't do anything. It smells like hash, it isn't going to be a tall plant or a big yielder but the potency and hashiness will be off the charts.

This is my smaller 88G13HP. Not a monster like big sister but she's a nice looking plant.


Her roots were waterlogged by the cool weather, started dampening off the first hot day but recovered rapidly. As soon as the soil dried out.

This is a contender for my favorite plant this year. Black Cherry Garlic.


Relentless is the breeder. She's as tall as me. Finally showed a hair a few days ago. I was so happy. I was sure she was female but you never know until they show. Great form, totem pole shape with decent branching but open so light gets down into the middle. Won't need much leafing.

Last one for now, this is (Grape Ape x Romulan) x Diesel. Wonderful smells when you rub the stem. Sweet grapey, piney, with a hint of diesel. All sorts of vigor. It's got a nice hybrid form, medium thin leaves. When I look closely I can see Romulan over Grape Ape. Can't wait to see how it turns out.


Well-known member
It's a week or two before the plants switch to flowering. I love this time of year, besides having big ganja plants to look at every day the weather is great. Most of the year it's cool and wet, rarely above 20 degrees C/70 degrees F and it's cloudy more often then not. The exception is July, August, and most of September when it's sunny and 75-85 degrees F/23-30 degrees C. Real tomatoes, zucchini and peppers every day. For three months it's paradise, I guess the rest of the year makes you appreciate it.

The plants are reaching their maximum size, it's interesting to see which ones have reached their limit and which ones would get even bigger if they had more sun. My hashplant dominate 88G13HP seems to have reached it's limit. Not a big plant, just over six feet tall and quite bushy. It has an open bushy structure with long branching which I prefer. Much less pruning and mold problems. Light reaches past the outer leaves deep into the plant which means a bigger yield. Here's what she looks like.



You can see how one sided she is in the last picture. That is natural, not pruning. You can see the south side of the plant, I faced north when I took the picture. The first picture I was facing west, all the growth is towards the south east. The plant to the left of her blocks some of the light from the west along with tall trees. She gets direct sun from 8AM-3PM. A lot of my plants are like that, two dimensional because of shade.

There's other strains that would ignore the plant to the left, keep throwing branches at it. It's a 'sativa' trait. We've all seen pictures of the crowded fields of hashplants in Afghanistan, all of them the same height and shape. This particular 88G13HP expresses those genetics perfectly.

When I rub the stem I get a wonderful hashy aroma, one of the best smelling hashplants I've grown. I like her shape and smell much more then her sister I grew last year. Very true to the 80's Sensi Hashplant line. Last year's plant was much more of a mix.

My other 88G13HP is very different. G13 dominate or expressing as a hybrid. She's big and hasn't hit a wall in her growth. Keeps getting bigger and bushier. She's well over 7 feet, 2.2 meters, much taller then me. Here's the pictures.



She's grown a lot since I last posted pictures. She has a strong sweet hashy smell like her sister, maybe a bit spicier. When the weather was cool and wet she had a boytritis infection on her stalk. I killed the fungus with rubbing alcohol and smeared antibiotic ointment on the wound. It's dried out and healed but it left a nasty looking scar. When the autumn rain starts up it'll be a battle to make it to harvest. She's so full of vitality I'm betting on her making it. Good thing I was on it, caught the infection early and killed it. I've lost plants to stem rot, finding it and treating it early is critical.

I made dry sift hashish with last year's flowers. It's great stuff, some of the best I've made. Pressed it with a stainless steel mold.


I've got more pictures, I always hit my limit of 5 too quickly. I'll try to get some more up soon.


Well-known member
When I think of a hashplant I think indica stature with medium density airy buds. Ones that give up the trich’s without overworking. Haven’t seen many hashplants of this type in a while. Some friends have an outdoor hashplant that finishes between the end of august and early September depending on which of the two phenos. Wonderful semi-auto plant of Eastern Canadian pedigree. Always wondered what happened to the older non-Kush hashplant strains.


Well-known member
When I think of a hashplant I think indica stature with medium density airy buds. Ones that give up the trich’s without overworking. Haven’t seen many hashplants of this type in a while. Some friends have an outdoor hashplant that finishes between the end of august and early September depending on which of the two phenos. Wonderful semi-auto plant of Eastern Canadian pedigree. Always wondered what happened to the older non-Kush hashplant strains.
I bring that up now and then, when I do I wonder if anyone else gets it. In the 90s there was quite a bit of that stuff. Where I am in Washington state a lot of good seeds came from Canada. Especially the Gulf islands. Great work done in those days. The stuff that turned up in the seed banks, the sweet skunks and the like, was only the tip of the iceberg. I'm not talking about the 'BC bud' commercial indoor stuff, I mean the outdoor hashplant stuff. There was a '90 day wonder' semi Auto hashplant. Plant it in late May and finish before the end of August. A lot of the stuff was like you're talking about, semi-dense 6 foot tall bushy Indicas, and also a 'bud on a stick' type strain with one main cola.

I've been trying to keep the Pot of Gold Hashplant strain going, the one from California unrelated to the Flying Dutchman strain. I don't have anymore of the original seeds but I made F2s of the tall upright pheno. They were a little pale, didn't have time to mature to dark brown with black stripes but they were viable, sprouted and grew vigorously. I struck out, mine were all male, I just cut them down this morning and harvested the pollen. As I was cutting them I heard rain on the roof of the garage, the weather forecast didn't predict it. I was happy because I don't have to worry about the pollen drifting to my females. Even though they haven't developed hair tufts they're still showing quite a few pre-flowers. I don't mind a few lucky accidents but I don't like out of control pollen drifting around. Instead of carefully bagging, drenching, and disposing of them I could carry the leaves and plants out and toss them under the apple tree on the other side of the yard. I'll check them to make sure they're dead but the rain should deactivate the pollen.

I may have missed on females but my friend has a couple POG hashplant females from the seeds I bred. They're beauties. One has a squat and bushy Afghan hashplant shape. It smells strong, standing near it I could smell the hashyness. Here's what she looked like in the middle of last month.


The other one is one of my favorites in his garden. It's a tall upright pheno, looks like an exact clone of it's mother. The cut of the crotch angles is very steep. Indoors it would be nice, you could pack a lot of them together without worrying about them blocking out each others' light. Since I've got a Prayer Tower plant in my garden we've been calling her the prayer pagoda. Maybe a minaret. Her smell takes you away to another world of beautiful fine hashish. Here's what she looked like last week.


He says she's already tucking, showing a few crystally hairs popping up and leaves stacking at the tips and nodes. Bottlebrush hair clusters are a week away I'm guessing.

When my plants are in Veg I'm allergic to them, they must produce a chemical irritant. When I spend 10 minutes or more working in the garden, tying limbs or de-leafing I break out in hives all over my hands and uncovered arms. The last few days I haven't broken out, it's another sign the plant chemistry is changing and flowering is near.

I wanted to try Sonoma Coma this year but all of my seedlings were male. I've got two breeder males, one thin leaved pheno and one bushy big serrated leaf Afghani pheno. Both of them smell great but the thin leaved one blows my mind. My buddy ended up with an awesome female of the broad leaf phenotype. Here's what she looked like mid July.


Very distinctive hashplant type. She has a mutation, she produces small leaves within the bigger leaf. Check it out.



It's a strange one. Looking forward to sampling the flowers. I'm curious what the narrow leaved pheno is like, I'll have to start more seeds next year.


Well-known member
Things are looking great Rev! Should be a great year for you.

Hoping we all have a favourable fall for us in the cooler climates. I know I’ll need it, lost of early October strains on the go.


Active member
Very distinctive hashplant type. She has a mutation, she produces small leaves within the bigger leaf. Check it out.

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It's a strange one. Looking forward to sampling the flowers. I'm curious what the narrow leaved pheno is like, I'll have to start more seeds next year.

That’s an awesome looking mutation. Keep the pics coming as I’m very curious as to what it’ll look like in late flower.


It's a week or two before the plants switch to flowering. I love this time of year, besides having big ganja plants to look at every day the weather is great. Most of the year it's cool and wet, rarely above 20 degrees C/70 degrees F and it's cloudy more often then not. The exception is July, August, and most of September when it's sunny and 75-85 degrees F/23-30 degrees C. Real tomatoes, zucchini and peppers every day. For three months it's paradise, I guess the rest of the year makes you appreciate it.

The plants are reaching their maximum size, it's interesting to see which ones have reached their limit and which ones would get even bigger if they had more sun. My hashplant dominate 88G13HP seems to have reached it's limit. Not a big plant, just over six feet tall and quite bushy. It has an open bushy structure with long branching which I prefer. Much less pruning and mold problems. Light reaches past the outer leaves deep into the plant which means a bigger yield. Here's what she looks like.

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You can see how one sided she is in the last picture. That is natural, not pruning. You can see the south side of the plant, I faced north when I took the picture. The first picture I was facing west, all the growth is towards the south east. The plant to the left of her blocks some of the light from the west along with tall trees. She gets direct sun from 8AM-3PM. A lot of my plants are like that, two dimensional because of shade.

There's other strains that would ignore the plant to the left, keep throwing branches at it. It's a 'sativa' trait. We've all seen pictures of the crowded fields of hashplants in Afghanistan, all of them the same height and shape. This particular 88G13HP expresses those genetics perfectly.

When I rub the stem I get a wonderful hashy aroma, one of the best smelling hashplants I've grown. I like her shape and smell much more then her sister I grew last year. Very true to the 80's Sensi Hashplant line. Last year's plant was much more of a mix.

My other 88G13HP is very different. G13 dominate or expressing as a hybrid. She's big and hasn't hit a wall in her growth. Keeps getting bigger and bushier. She's well over 7 feet, 2.2 meters, much taller then me. Here's the pictures.

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She's grown a lot since I last posted pictures. She has a strong sweet hashy smell like her sister, maybe a bit spicier. When the weather was cool and wet she had a boytritis infection on her stalk. I killed the fungus with rubbing alcohol and smeared antibiotic ointment on the wound. It's dried out and healed but it left a nasty looking scar. When the autumn rain starts up it'll be a battle to make it to harvest. She's so full of vitality I'm betting on her making it. Good thing I was on it, caught the infection early and killed it. I've lost plants to stem rot, finding it and treating it early is critical.

I made dry sift hashish with last year's flowers. It's great stuff, some of the best I've made. Pressed it with a stainless steel mold.

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I've got more pictures, I always hit my limit of 5 too quickly. I'll try to get some more up soon.
awesome looks great :)


Well-known member
Hi revverend, I hope you dont mind, you post interesting stuff and thought provoking which helps learning
I am a new grower, I tested about 10 varieties, 2-3 seeds from each
I had these leaves formation in 2 different strains from two different providers so I thought the trait was common because % is high, is this the famous beginner's luck?

This is NL5xHz91 grown indoors. Out of 2 girls and a boy only this one showed the trait. It makes very nice hash this pheno


This one is Chocolate Thai F5 male leaf grown outdoors. I had sprouted 2 seeds, I had 2 males one indica which I culled and this sativa male

I made a few seeds with these two, I am curious to see if the trait will show up in the progeny
Counting those leaves, this one was the only strain I have seen with 13 leaflets, I thought a lot of leaflets would be a common trait in cannabis and it isnt, back in the 80's it was known as a trait related to the potency of the strain, picture was taken with cheap phone, I hope it can be seen

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Well-known member
Here’s my blueberry hashplant, perfect timing for my climate for a guarantee of finishing to full potential. Should of grown more.

Being feminized hybrid she’s leaning to the mom with the blueberry muffin smell And stretch with some added spicy notes from the hashplant. Stacking up to make some large tops anyway.



Well-known member
this is really an early finish

is this blueberry hashplant your creation? I don't think it correlates with Bodhi's BlueB Hashplant


Well-known member
this is really an early finish

is this blueberry hashplant your creation? I don't think it correlates with Bodhi's BlueB Hashplant

Yes my creation, my blueberry muffin pheno i found in 50 plants of my (((PCK / Durban Poison) x Joey Weed BB) x Mother of Berry) x Pre 2k BB f2 crossed to a local Atlantic Canadian outdoor hashplant, i believe of similar pedigree to Brian Williams "Hasha".

An early hashplant with medium density that usually finishes late august to early september. When my friend first got the seeds there were two distinct phenos, a slightly later taller menthol type and a early squat fat skunky girl with a thick bottom end smell like something akin to kush but seemingly much older in nature and less refined. there is also some variation in smells/tastes. There is a rarer pheno with a slight grape bubblegum smell but the taste is sooo much stronger than the smell, extremely nice, hard to pick out when growing.


Well-known member
I made dry sift hashish with last year's flowers. It's great stuff, some of the best I've made. Pressed it with a stainless mold.

Hi Rev,

Apologies if I've asked before but why do you press your dry sift?

I usually just store mine in powdered form in an air tight container and smoke it neat over stainless steel mesh.

Have you found any benefit from pressing it?


Well-known member
Blueberry hashplant again, she just keeps going... everytime I start to think she’s gonna near the end she blows out more pistils and continues bulking. Blueberry jam terps are developing toward the spicy/greasy hashplant smell. Not much Crystal due to the hashplant lineage but sticky and resinous. Some nights we were extremely close to having frosts already but doesn’t seem to matter much.

Don’t mind the canned water. Times are tough.




Well-known member
Apologies if I've asked before but why do you press your dry sift?

I usually just store mine in powdered form in an air tight container and smoke it neat over stainless steel mesh.

Have you found any benefit from pressing it?
I wanted to get back to this thread sooner, I was waiting to get pictures of my friend's Pot of Gold Hashplant. I visited him but smoked so much I spaced off the picture, along with everything else I planned to do that day.

The more I make hashish the more fun I have playing with it. Even if there weren't good reasons for pressing it I'd still do it just for the opportunity to mess around with such a wonderful substance. The best way to press hashish is the simplest, hand pressing. It's a great way to press small amounts for personal use. I've been watching videos made in the hashish motherlands, they're always pressing and squeezing their hashish by hand. Much more then I would think necessary. I've realized there's more to it then just the obvious stuff like keeping it from blowing away in the wind.

In a lot of hashish cultures there's an idea that if you smoke unpressed resin you'll lose your mind. Sam the Skunkman has posted about this, how it's prevalent in a many hashish cultures. He came at it from the point of view that it's bullshit, which it is, but myths can tell a lot about cultures. It's not surprising there's rules for cannabis smoking, it some ways it's an anti-social activity that separates you from the rest of society. With psychedelic and dissociative type drugs there's a fear of going too far beyond the threshold and never coming back. Turning into a wing nut. Sieving the plants and pressing the resin is a civilizing act, something that cultured people do. Pressing the resin grounds it and you. Maybe I've been smoking too much, over thinking but I think there's something to it.

When I first started pressing resin I was worried about degrading the terpenes and THC. I preferred hand pressing because it's low temperature and you can press it without messing with the chemistry. When I researched hashish pressing more, watched a Frenchy Cannoli video, I realized that there's a purpose behind heating the resin. When you heat THC it decarboxylates it, turns it into it's active form. Drying and curing do this but very slowly. This is why you can't get high from raw cannabis. You have to expose it to heat, smoking or cooking, to activate it. Decarboxylating the hashish before smoking it makes it easier for your body to absorb. I don't know if it makes it more potent but it changes the high. I've found I prefer it. It's like an accelerated cure.

Heating also changes the smell and flavor. It's subjective of course but I like the changes, seems to be more intense and tasty. It increases shelf like quite a bit, keeps it from getting too dry and is much less harsh then raw resin powder. I'd recommend at least experimenting with pressing, trying different temperatures and types of pressing. I've been heating my press to 180 degrees F, packing the resin into it, then standing on the press. Then I put weight on top of it and let it sit for half an hour or so.