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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
they are always willing,it just takes for bloody ever to get them is all...

i should be able to get it here at some point,im trying to reduce the herd size anyway...i still have a box of clone shippers i could send back,they could slow boat and it doesnt matter if they get hot...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:shucks: well bugger...forgot to get a phone card yesterday so gotta go to wallyworld real quick...need some more fruit anyway...still taking the bucksaw although fat bikes and non-riders means lots of dumb questions...maybe not dumb,but after riding a fat bike for like 3 years now it gets old...


Active member
well..the good news is i got roots popping out on the Arcata Train Wreck cuts

well..the good news is i got roots popping out on the Arcata Train Wreck cuts

always a great feeling when cuts strike!!!


seeing tiny nubs on the Diesel Fire , FireStorm cuts...when those strike in >>>> goes the Sour D & the GG4


Active member
IDK, I think if he was a good guy he would stop cluttering up the glue thread with pics of plants that are CLEARLY not glue. The fact that he even had to ask if his newer cut looks like glue even though there are literally hundreds if not thousands of pictures of glue on this site alone makes me think he is trolling that thread. I mean his newest looks nothing like glue.

I wonder to, I think he must be very young and inexperienced , I tried to set him up with Tru-Breed genotyping but he couldent afford the 150 bucks to do it, guess I am getting soft in my old age cause I do feel sorry for some people,


Chopped the 1st TK x CB @ day 65, looks like the second one will need 70 days. Looking close at the plant I have managed to keep the PM under control. I will implement preventative measures in the future.


Well-known member
At this point I'm not sure I have the gg4... She looks so bad after getting her pH screwed up and then drying out..... FML

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Chopped the 1st TK x CB @ day 65, looks like the second one will need 70 days. Looking close at the plant I have managed to keep the PM under control. I will implement preventative measures in the future.
I found seeds in Hammers Triangle Kush. That must be what they are. How did the TK x CB Turn out?

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Its a great morning!
The temperature dropped down last night so I opened up the house and blasted the All-house fan all night. It was 64 in the house this am. I just buttoned up the house and clicked on a couple small ACs.

The front and back yard lawn work is all done, and I drenched both with water for several hours.
Im probably going to get out there and begin repairs and resealing the pond and waterfall with thoroughseal.

Bud dog says Hi to Hammerhead and Unc.
He has 4 seeds in the sprouter now. Two I found in TK and two of the DBM. I will be getting cuts from those later just in case he finds something special like Hammerhead did.

Time for another large cup of fresh espresso with melted chocolate ice cream stirred in. YUM! Then a wax hit of OGM.

I freakin love that OGM. I have been without for along time and didn't realize how much it affected my mood and daily outlook on life. Even my youngest son and I get along when we are smoking that.

Another subject: Russian Comfrey. (Bocking 14) Anyone use it before? We are real big on making superior natural Organic compost here. I just ordered a dozen cuttings of it to root. Im going to see if I can get a big patch of it going out in the orchard. That stuff throws long deep roots and pulls up amazing amounts of seriously good nutrients. It may be better then expensive guanos. We don't buy much ferts anymore. Heavy compost dressing is about all the plants need.
I hope you all are having a great day. :biggrin:


Bocking 14 is the one you want, for sure.. But like you might already know - those deep roots, make sure you plant it where you always want it to be! But you should be able to chop it to the ground 3-4 times a year once its established, for a good amount of compostable organic matter.

Should be as good as the guanos, nutrient-wise, and better than the guanos from a sustainability aspect, so it should work out better in the long run.

You can also hang dry it, crumble it up like a meal you'd buy at the store, and topdress with it -> $$$


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: back from riding....getting hot out...and the fucking dropper post shit the bed mid ride:cuss:

thats pretty much it for me and hydraulic stuff...great when it works,but when it fails,you're walking your bike home,if not carrying the frickin thing...havent even had the bike a whole week yet and already two major component failures...which is weird since its all SRAM equipment,the brakes,the dropper post,the drivetrain...brakes,they lock up in the heat,the dropper i used maybe a dozen times and its frozen in place...the shifter and derailleur are like frickin ginsu laser ninja stuff,it works so dang well,crispest shifting i have ever experienced...the bike itself is awesome...once again i see why i stopped buying complete bikes...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
always a great feeling when cuts strike!!!

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seeing tiny nubs on the Diesel Fire , FireStorm cuts...when those strike in >>>> goes the Sour D & the GG4

the only one that gives me trouble rooting is the ECSD ... the rest root pretty easily . not surprising the TW was first .


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
At this point I'm not sure I have the gg4... She looks so bad after getting her pH screwed up and then drying out..... FML

things will turn around for you soon enough ! you & your plants just went through hell !!! plants are replaceable .... your NOT ! :tiphat:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
except im german so it would be leiderhosen...

on a side note though,people do actually wear boots like that around here,and yes,they are perfectly ridiculous looking...im sure through the right cultural filters they look cool...and of course the boots themselves are often showcases of both the tanners and the bootmakers skill...imagine those boots but made from a single rattlesnake skin each with head still attached!

but when you think about it leiderhosen are pretty silly looking too...