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If you said yes.........then you've just identified the Scherfs to be one and the same as Prescott S. Bush, and his son George H.W. Bush.


  • prescott wife and GHWB 1949.jpg
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Well-known member
yugoslav leader Tito was main player for kalergi plan,after ww2 numbers of muslims in europe was minor(regim ban religion in albania,bosnia was isolated and bosnians accepted alcohol drink.)
till 93,in wartime alija izetbegovic imported wariors from muslims warveterans.
Saudi vehabian community today in Bosna is result of that act.
last 30 years number of muslims in europa rapidly grow,and natural genepool in europe also.
today bosnian leader,bakir izetbegovic said
My dad left bosnia to Erdogan !
history is writen by winers,
Hundred times spoken lies,become truth.


Kiss My Ring
George Soros’ real crusade: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S.


for years i wondered why soros would support legalizing cannabis and after revelations about the kalergi plan and sudden immigration push throughout the west i think i've discovered why.

most if not all employment in the west requires blood/hair drug test.

with marijuana legal and ubiquitous far fewer people are able to pass and land gainful employment, which is solved by immigrating millions to replace them/us.

it seeems to be replacement strategy. see merkels marvel of welcoming immigrants with flowers and candies. open arms to cheap labor.


...well besides the profits he could garner off those investments.


Well-known member
If you can buy legal weed and you must be clean on test to keep job ,something is wrong.
Kalergi plan is for europe in future to have one language (english),one religion(universal christan) and one Law ( romulan with touch of greeks wisdom) powered by white power from New York,
Johannesburg,tel aviv,Vatikan ,Berlin,antwerpen,london,Paris Madrid....


Well-known member
George Soros’ real crusade: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S.


for years i wondered why soros would support legalizing cannabis and after revelations about the kalergi plan and sudden immigration push throughout the west i think i've discovered why.

most if not all employment in the west requires blood/hair drug test.

with marijuana legal and ubiquitous far fewer people are able to pass and land gainful employment, which is solved by immigrating millions to replace them/us.

it seeems to be replacement strategy. see merkels marvel of welcoming immigrants with flowers and candies. open arms to cheap labor.

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...well besides the profits he could garner off those investments.

George Soros’ real crusade: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S.

George Soros is in fact a nobody, just a middle man. He's not a top dog power wielder. He's simply the latest whipping boy, one of a long line of people who are trotted out from time to time to take the blame for every evil scheme in the world, before eventually being retired and replaced by the next figurehead.

Remember a while back when the left was blaming "the Koch Bros" for anything and everything wrong in the world? Same thing.

So any time you see one of these articles claiming "George Soros" is doing something, it's for that exact reason--so that people will waste all their time on blaming this guy for everything instead of figuring out what's really going on. Furthermore, after having built up such an evil reputation for him over a period of time, now they can slip in a few actually good things from time to time to blame on him also, such as cannabis legalization, so that those who've been conditioned to hate him and blame him for everything will automatically assume "if he supports it, then it must be bad!"

Another very recent example of this type of psychological manipulation being used would be the Net Neutrality debate, where amongst all of the various shitty things Obama did that made people hate him, they got him to push Net Neutrality also, so everyone who hates Obama was conditioned to reflexively oppose Net Neutrality as well since "he" enacted it, thus delivering ownership of the internet lock-stock-and-barrel into the hands of evil corporations "because freedom."

Another example of course is how many millions of people in the USA were fooled into thinking Trump is some kind of anti-Establishment hero, just because all of the notorious shitbag politicians came out of the woodwork to "attack" him with weak-assed attacks all through the campaign. If I only had a nickel for every time somebody brightly remarked, "Well if they hate Trump so much, then I'm for him!" Which of course, is exactly the reaction they were trying to trigger...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hmmmm, interesting observation about how the media is manipulated, and manipulates to create heroes and villains..... Fall-guys, whipping boys and patsy's....for us all to fawn or throw-up over, keeping us all distracted with some theatrical soap-opera, of a reality-show about some cracked-actor that became the front man of the free world....

Distracted by the nonsense of it all.


Well-known member
.... keeping us all distracted with some theatrical soap-opera, of a reality-show about some cracked-actor that became the front man of the free world....


Gypsy, are you saying what I think you're saying, that trump is just the front man ..... for what????


Well-known member
Gypsy, are you saying what I think you're saying, that trump is just the front man ..... for what????

He is just a pawn, for what? I don't know exactly but he does distract us from the real news we should be focusing on.

For one, the wars all over the middle East and Africa I've heard very little about those wars from our mainstream media. But I here plenty of stupid shit he does that makes no difference. Just recently OMG he uses both hands to drink water, lol... Russia is the reason he won the election, ( of course they have no solid evidence ), then oh, he's stupid he fucked up some weird handshake at some UN thing. None of makes a difference what's happening in the Middle East and Africa and why? That should be news.

Of course we should be more concerned about UFO sightings whether it just turns out to be something interesting that has happened for thousands of years just from the forces of nature something like the Northern Lights.

HAARP WTF is that really about?? I'd love to know.

Pretty much anything is more news worthy than Trump's eating and drinking habits or how much TV he watches. Who gives a fuck if Trump or Putin have some minor mental health issue?? And how does a psychiatric doctor have any idea what he's talking about when he's only seen them on TV? I think psychiatric doctors have a mental illness just for wanting to learn about how other people act. Everyone is different, get over it FFS!!

Mainstream media is more of a reality show than factual news reporting. You can't just turn on the TV to Mainstream Media and understand what's truly happening you have to look at all sides of the story even the terrorist ideology then try to make your mind up. I've seen most sides and while I don't understand it completely you hit my family or a friend even a friend of my friends or family with a drone strike. Oh, yeah you just created a fucking enemy, of course I wouldn't kill random people in the West I'd go after people who had it coming.

Of course it does piss me off a good friend got hit with an IED in Iraq killing every soldier but him who just got injured and lead to his suicide. But at the same time I don't really blame the Iraqis we should have never gone into Iraq. He knew it was bullshit even talked me out of joining the Army I was all ready to join just had to clean my system so I could pass the drug test.


Well-known member
George Soros’ real crusade: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S.


for years i wondered why soros would support legalizing cannabis and after revelations about the kalergi plan and sudden immigration push throughout the west i think i've discovered why.

most if not all employment in the west requires blood/hair drug test.

with marijuana legal and ubiquitous far fewer people are able to pass and land gainful employment, which is solved by immigrating millions to replace them/us.

it seeems to be replacement strategy. see merkels marvel of welcoming immigrants with flowers and candies. open arms to cheap labor.

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...well besides the profits he could garner off those investments.

You're right on point about that, check out this pro refugee video by CNN. They are filling gaps because Americans can't pass drug tests and marijuana is the #1 cause.


Of course it's not just Soros but many of the elites down to our mainstream media. I'm still for legalization especially because if it's on a federal level they can't take our jobs away. Many jobs in the USA don't require drug tests, but probably majority do, even a bullshit job at Walmart you can't feed your family on.


Well-known member
there hasn't been a president elected since the 60's
presidents are installed not elected
hillary had her hand in the till so she didn't get the nod

follow the money

that's what it's all about:tiphat:

For real, I know Bernie Sanders got the majority of the votes in my state and many others, but the super delegates are who really pick the party leader and Hillary got more delegate votes in my state and many others that Bernie Sanders won by popular vote.

Hillary even got more votes than Trump nation wide but the electoral college is why Trump won. They could have also screwed Trump over like Sanders with super delegates but they wanted him to win apparently, otherwise he wouldn't have won the primary.

Presidents are not elected, they are selected.
Cosmic, the overarching plan is to destroy all existing world governments and religions, to be replaced with a one world government and religion.

Did you see the photos I posted above, proving that many notorious Nazis are alive and well today, obviously being protected by very powerful people?

The entire purpose of taking pictures of well known Nazis and keeping them for decades is so they can be used as proof that these people didn't die, thus serving as a recruiting tool to get the next generation of traitors and sellouts on board.

Remember what I said about Adolf Hitler being nothing more than an actor, a puppet? He was financed and installed in his position by the exact same people who put Trump in office, for the exact same reason: to preside over the destruction of the USA in World War 3, with the end result being "nationalism" taking the blame for it all once again.

When the world lies in a smoking ruin yet again for the third time, the message will be, "See, look what you people have done! Nationalism has destroyed the world yet again! The only solution is world government."

Of course you will never be told....except by truth tellers like the ones in this thread...that all of this is a setup, that all of these events that are occurring are designed for the specific purpose of enslaving the world.


Well-known member

Did you see the photos I posted above, proving that many notorious Nazis are alive and well today, obviously being protected by very powerful people? ......

:laughing: yup, I saw the photos and all they 'prove' is that caucasians tend to resemble each other AND that there's lots of gulable people in the world! :tiphat:


Well-known member
In this moment libian soil is most degraded
place ,syria,iraq,Afganistan also.
In muslims world "muslims brotherhood" is equal "white power(diamonds,wall street,and geological and geostrategic points in white world interes)
Point is this ,Erdogan (member od brotherhood)keep keys,Angela paying for
status quo,eu building army.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....and back to the topic of the thread:

Tracing the Occult Masonic/Pharisaic Origin of EU through EU-founding Father Count Coudenhove Kalergi

Posted on June 19, 2015 by Anders

The following is important because it shows how the one-world visions of a Rothschild-paid globalist were incredibly precisely shaped into practical policy. Count Coudenhove Khalergi is the de facto architect of the EU. He seems to be the instrument of the “hidden hand” ruling the development of the one-world state by regionalisation, including the EU.
He launched 1) regionalisation as the method to unite the world state long before Zbigniew Brzezinski revamped this idea. 2) He created the skeleton of the EU and the Euromediterranean Process at the cost of nation states. 3) He launched the idea of racial miscegenation in Europe so that Europeans would look like the ancient Egyptians in the future. French Pres. Nicholas Sarkozy made this idea a demand (Métissage)

Like the NWO, the EU has occult, satanic, Pharisaic roots and here – in order to facilitate one-world governance by abolishing racial tensions.

Cigpapers: Coudenhove Khalergi wanted Europeans to be of mixed race – looking like the ancient Egyptians (also see below). This would make it easier to rule them by a secret Jewish elite. Coudenhove (or his masters) wanted to exterminate the white race.

The United Nations in «Population division» Review in January 2000 , under the title “Immigration replacement: A solution to declining and aging population,” Europe will need by 2025 159,000,000 migrants.

If we look around us, the Kalergi plan seems to be fully realized. We face Europe’s fusion with the Third World. Interracial marriages produce each year thousands of young people of mixed race: “The children of Kalergi”.

Pres. Nicolas Sarkozy also wants racial miscegenation – Métissage.

Coudenhove-KalergiWikipedia: Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi 1894 – July 27, 1972 (right) was an Austrian politician, geopolitician, philosopher, who was a pioneer of European integration. He was the founder and President for 49 years of the Paneuropean Union (from 1922). His mother was Japanese – and he was born there. He became a Czechoslovak citizen in 1919 and then took French nationality from 1939 till his death. Coudenhove-Kalergi proposed Beethoven’s Ode to Joy as the music for the European Anthem. He also proposed a Europe Day (9 May). He joined the Masonic lodge “Humanitas” in Vienna in 1922, where he would reach several degrees. European Freemason’s lodges supported his movement.

Nazis considered the Pan-European Union as under louis-de-Rothschildthe control of freemasonry.

In 1943, Nazis deprived his Dr. phil. degree of the University of Vienna because he as a Jew (?) was unworthy (He was married to 2 Jewesses).

His ambition was to create a (spiritual) conservative society that superseded democracy. According to his autobiography, at the beginning of 1924 he came through (Austrian) Baron Louis de Rothschild (left – notice Kalergi´s confident connection with Rothschild) in contact with Max Warburg who offered to finance his movement for the next 3 years giving him 60,000 gold marks and connected him with American Illuminati like brother and also Rothschild agent Paul Warburg (see below), one of the 2 founders of the Council on Foreign Relations and of the Federal Reserve as well.

His original vision was for a world divided into only five states: 1) a United States of Europe that would link continental countries with French and Italian possessions in Africa; 2) a Pan-American Union encompassing North and South Americas; the 3) The British Commonwealth circling the globe; 4) the USSR spanning Eurasia; and a 5) Pan-Asian Union and here whereby Japan and China would control most of the Pacific.To him, the only hope for a Europe devastated by war was to federate.

In the winter of 1945, (US Pres.) Harry S. Truman read an article that Coudenhove-Kalergi posted about the integration of Europe. His article made Truman impressed, and it was adopted to the United States’ official policy.
Comment: Balder´s excerpt below clearly shows how the Illuminati-ideology implemented by a clever Masonic stooge.

Pres. Truman and the American Committee for a United Europe (via the US Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, and his brother, Alan Welsh Dulles of the Council on Foreign Relations), were clearly inspired by Coudenhove Khalergi when they fathered the uniting of Europe.

Christopher Booker & Richard North, The Great Deception: “When Coudenhove Kalergi had arrived in New York as a refugee from Hitler, the Council on Foreign Relations arranged for him to spend the war years teaching ‘European integration’ at New York University. In 1946, one of the CFR’s study teams, headed by David Rockefeller and Charles M. Spofford, a senior lawyer, produced a paper entitled ‘The Reconstruction of Europe’, which was widely circulated in US government circles.

In March 1947, after active lobbying by Coudenhove, two Senators, William Fullbright and Elbert D. Thomas, piloted a resolution through both houses of the US legislature that ‘Congress favours the creation of a United States of Europe’.

Winston Churchill’s celebrated speech of 19 September 1946 in Zurich commended “the exertions of the Pan-European Union which owes so much to Count Coudenhove-Kalergi.

In November 1946 and the spring of 1947, Coudenhove-Kalergi circulated an enquiry to members of European parliaments. This enquiry resulted in the founding of the European Parliamentary Union.

Speaking at the first EPU conference, Coudenhove-Kalergi advocated the constitution of a wide market with a stable currency. On less guarded occasions he was heard to advocate a revival of Charlemagne’s empire.

He continued his advocacy of European unification in memoranda circulated to the governments of the Federal Republic of Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy. He recommended negotiations between the European Community and the European Free Trade Association towards forming a “European customs union” that would be free of political and military connections, but would eventually adopt a monetary union.

In an interview in the first Pan-European Congress in 1926, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi expressed the supports on Jews (whom he greatly admired) by the Pan-European Movement.

Where did Coudenhove Kalergi have his revolutionary ideas from?
From the Synarchy (harmonious society)?

The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11: 1-9). being rebuilt in defiance of God. Note the stars are inverted, satanic pentagrams (Goat of Mendez) and that people are contemptuously pictured as robot-like blockheads.

Wikipedia: Synarchy has its origin in the Tower-Building-World-Unifying strategies that were initiated by Nimrod/Zoroaster over 4000 years ago. Increasingly, the terms have been used to denote rule by a secret elite.

The most substantial early use of the word “synarchy” comes from the writings of Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1842–1909). Specifically, Saint-Yves envisioned a Federal Europe (as well as all the states it has integrated) with a corporatist government composed of three councils, one for academia, one for the judiciary, and one for commerce.

Wikipedia Alveydre Saint-Yves was the originator of synarchy. He knew many of the major names in French occultism and was a member of a number of Rosicrucian, and Freemason style orders who claimed descent from the Knights Templars who trampled and spat on the cross – Chinon Parchment. The the Sovereign Order of the Temple of Christ : “The Temple Order works from ever for the union of the two complementary branches of the abrahamic tree, Christianity and Islam).

As part of this concept of government Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, gave an important role to secret societies or, more precisely, esoteric societies who safeguarded the government from behind the scenes. He saw the Rosicrucians as having fulfilled this role in medieval Europe Saint-Yves believed that an ancient synarchist world government was transferred to Agartha within a hollow Earth.

However, the Zionist idea of ruling the whole world is older – and outlined by the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

“According to the records of secret Jewish Zionism, Solomon and other Jewish learned men already, in 929 B.C., thought out a scheme in theory for a peaceful conquest of the whole universe by Zion. As history developed, this scheme was worked out in detail and completed by men who were subsequently initiated in this question. These learned men decided by peaceful means to conquer the world for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic Snake, whose head was to represent those who have been initiated into the plans of the Jewish administration…” (Epilogue, Protocols of Sion, 1905 Edition).

The llluminati Serpent: In “The Two Babylons”, Hislop writes: “In the mythology of the primitive world, the serpent is universally the symbol of the sun… As the sun was the enlightener of the world, so the serpent was held to have been the great enlightener of the spiritual, by giving mankind knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:5). Right The serpent on Moses´staff (not cross) in Sinai Desert (Numbers 21:8)


The following is borrowed from the Balder Blog and gives a deeper understanding of the mind of the Architect of the EU.
“Praktischer Idealismus” was published in 1925

Comment: As my readers will know, I find Kalergi´s mixing of Judaism and the teachings of Christ a blatant misunderstanding – since Christ definitively liberated us from Pharisaic Judaism. He was put to death by the Jewish Pharisees for that revolution. Also Kalergi´s Kazar theory has been disproved.


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