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A new start


King of Schwag
8 Weeks on the Leftside Cheese

Nephthys Fday 30

Nephthys #123

Nephthys #10

#10 is looking and smelling really already, clearly the one with the best resin coverage of the 7 females.


King of Schwag
Thanks guys!

A short update on the Nephthys grow - They are doing great!




Group shot

They are running stabil at 1.6 Ec, pH is slowly moving up.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I don't know if this helps or not, but I never use a dome for my clones.

They sit in little solo shot glasses filled with perilite with holes punched through the bottom to wick up moisture from the 10x20 tray I have them sitting in. I have a rockwool/growplug holder that the solo shot glasses fit into almost perfectly that holds them about 3/4" off the bottom of the tray. The 10x20 holds about 3/4 of a gallon of water.

If the cutting stay turgid 48 hours they'll have roots coming out the bottom of the shot glasses in 10 -14 days. So far 80-85% of my cuttings make it to clone status.

Update if anyone cares.

I put 6 cuttings into shotglasses as described above. They were dipped in Clonex beforehand.

I also took 6 cuttings, dipped them into clonex, and put them directly into the water in the tray. They are being held vertical by the growplug/rockwool holder.

All 6 of the shotglass cuttings have roots 8-12" long. 2 of the ones in water have a substantial amount of roots, but they are not very long. The remaining 4 all have nubs and roots are just starting to form.

All cuttings were taken on July 28th.

Looks like I'm sticking with the perlite and shotglasses. Though moses wellfleet has an interesting take on it that doesn't require shotglasses. The small holes I drill into the bottom damage roots as I pull them through. I'd like to not damage them any longer.

Just fill my 10x20 tray with perlite almost to the top, add about 1/2 an inch of water, and see what happens.

One wonderful advantage of having to keep moms tidy is having an almost endless supply of clones to experiment with.


King of Schwag
@GOT_BUD? - Thats great mate, many successful ways to clone. With or without clonex, for me it's a waste of money.

Im working on the new clone space, for the aerocloner.

Nephthys flowering on, unfortunet I found thrips in the Nepthys grow and veg caninet.
Treating the mother plants, the flowering plants will get no treatment.

Fday 35

Did a 50% waterchange on the res today

pH 5.55
Ec 1.7


King of Schwag
Ohhh well I got a shit load of hydroton then :D

For the large pot's, that I normaly use in this room. I used about 310-350 Liters of hydroton, for the 28-32 big pots.

In the LED cabinets I use about 90 Liters for all 3 layers, and then there is all the extra stuff in veg.
Rought estimation, I prolly have 5-600 liters of Hydroton in use. Got 150 L in back up, still in bags.


King of Schwag
Day 41 on the Nephthys test grow

A closer look at Pheno #1,2,3

Pheno #3 have almost all of her pistils colored orange, trichomes are still clear, but looks like she could be an early finisher.


King of Schwag
LED leftside Cheese chopped at day 67 (9½ weeks)

Nephthys day 42

The pH have been dropping on the res, indicating the solution might be a little hot for them. Tried to top the res two days ago, hoping it was enough but today the Ec had jumped up as well.
Emptied 30L out the res, topped it up to the max and pH adjusted it a little.

Ec 1.5
pH 5.81


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Those nephthys are looking real nice, always a pleasure to see what you have coming out of your space. Keep up the fine work and know it’s appreciated and here’s to a fine winter season approaching.