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Calyxes with hairs before first true leaves?


Man I seen that shit on an old DJ Short Blueberry plant i had way back when...I swear on the holy plant that it was the best plant out the bunch...was noticeably better smoke...


Man I seen that shit on an old school DJ Short Blueberry plant I had way back when... And I swear on the holy plant it was the best plant out of the bunch... Noticeably better... shit was wicked


Active member
Day 21 - Week 3

Hey there again. I'm going to only post weekly updates from here on out. I moved it to a 1 gallon pot yesterday, there was just enough roots there to hold the clump of soil for a smooth transition. While I was moving it I noticed just how strange some of the first few leaves were. Now that she has some legs to her, she seems to be growing "normal". The one branch is still doing that trifolate thing, it will be interesting to see if it continues on the secondary branching. I pulled the two sides down with LST, it kinda looks like I'm getting ready to mainline it (I forgot to take a picture afterwards). I'm not going to mainline it though and just let it grow natural. I just wanted to pull the branches apart a little bit so they would stop battling each other for the light. This thing is going to be a super bush in a week or 2! After I got the middle opened, I could get a better look at the "calyxes", but unfortunately my camera skills are still lacking. Anyway... here you go!


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pure dynamite
Looks good so far. I'm interested to see how they will continue to grow! I've had good weed from mutants in the past. It may take more time to harvest or yeld lower compared to regular plants, but if you have the space it's worth finding out what you got there..


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Week 4

Week 4

28 Days

Wow its been a month already! I have to admit I check on this plant much less often than I did the first 2 weeks. It's humming along just like any normal plant. The one side is still doing the weird trifolate thing. The secondary branches on that side all appear to be normal.

This thing is starting to occupy a lot of space in my small 2.25 sqft veg area. I'm thinking that I'll take a few clones off of it and move it outside by week 6. I checked for preflowers and still cant see anything yet. I pulled both branches down a little bit more after I took the pictures. Enjoy!


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Awesome! Keep em coming. I cant wait to see the flowers. Love seeing weird mutations.


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Day 33 above soil

Well I'm doing this update a little early, but for a good reason. Today I had the plant out to feed it and I checked for preflowers. She is definitely a lady, visible female preflowers on both branches! I didn't take any pictures because we all know I'm not the best photographer.
So I plan to move her outside in the next couple of days, since she is getting bigger by the day. I took some measurements, she's 2ft long 1 ft wide, and 1 ft tall. Hopefully I can get her out in the jungle without damage. I cleaned up some of the lower stuff today that was struggling for light. I ended up with 5 clones. All secondary branches are bifolate, but she has a good 6-7 nodes on the trifoliate branch. I'll try to weigh the yield from both branches separately to see if the tri side produces significantly more. The picture of the single leaf is one of the weird ones from the bottom.


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Active member
Well other than a few bent and broken leaves, she made it to her new home. I won't be able to do weekly updates but should be able to snap a picture every 10-14 days at least. Thanks for watching folks!


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Active member
Every time I see a calyx with hairs it's a female.

Same here, except for when its a ladyboy of course. This situation is unique though. I'm still fairly certain that first bit of growth was in fact 2 calyxes, but unfortunately I'll never know for sure. I guess I should have tried to pollinate them, growing a seed there is the only way I know that would have given me 100% proof. To be honest, last week I was almost expecting it to throw balls and make me look like a fool.

I'll eventually pollinate a clone or 2, and look through the seeds for this trait to appear again. It would be very beneficial for me to have "Instant Sexed" plants ("Just add water!"). The little bit of stalling it had in the beginning is practically unnoticeable now at 5 weeks.


Active member
I finally got a chance to check on this plant yesterday. My worst fear came true, the plant was loaded with only male flowers. I didn't cull it yet, just because I'm interested in seeing how the flowers develop on the tri branch. It will get pulled in a week or 2 though because it's sitting in the middle of a dozen other ladies. Sorry for the let down guys.:mad:


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I went out to check on the plant Sunday, 3 weeks since moving it out to flower. It produced a nice flower head and some balls had already popped. I rubbed some open flowers on the lower buds of a nearby lady. With as many sacs that popped I'm guessing a few girls got sprayed naturally too. This is the only male out there, so any seeds I find are his heirs.

This is a picture of the trifoliate side. Like I've seen with other people's tri's, there were flower clusters in all of the nodes. I culled it after the picture.

Thanks to those who followed along, sorry for the bit of disappointment. There won't be any more updates.


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Honestly, since you don't know where the plants came from, this is my guess as to what caused this. You said you live in a place where it gets 12/12 year round. I bet that where you got the seeds from, the grower kept inbreeding his plants and growing the next season using the seeds he got from previous years harvest. Since this is from seeds, you can actually see now in humans, that DNA changes each time it is manipulated. The DNA in the seed was probably telling it to start in 12/12 out the gate, just like is has done for many generations before, given your in a 12/12 year round enviro. This would cause it to basically start 12/12, whether the light is at 18/6 or 24/0 or not, at least until it learns the enviro is different and starts growing normal.


Thats a nice looking landrace Sativa plant there though...Would love to add that to my collection for sure! Keep up the good work man.

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