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why is your humidity so low man ...iam thinking that the stomata cant open in 30% humidity ..so water cant evaporate from the leaves & breath

the leaves are a plants ..mouth & nose man ..if the stomata dont open properly they will die

they should not be drooping like that ...only overwatering , underwatering & shock cause leaves to droop like that ...so get your humidity up to at least 40-45 % ..peace
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Thanks FLuroro, the I've put wet towels in there and the Humidity is upto 40% gonna aim for about 50-60%...and hopefully they will recover...
Papaya can take abit of abuse ..but W.W is very sensitive ..go easy on the feeding ...now is the most crucial time

its just W.W's & Papaya's nature to grow a bit slow in veg if your noticing ...at 5 nodes they explode ..dont overfeed again WW

WW doesn't need alot of food ...she will not forgive you ..she will go hermie or you'll get males ...peace
Thanks for that mate...yeah i was wondering about the slow grow.....

It's just White widow in at the moment, i changed my mind about the Papaya...

I also have:
Shiva Shanti II, B52,Blue Mystic and Bubbelicious (but not planted yet)

they are currently at 4 nodes at the moment...Still growing, lots of Roots which are NOT slimey at all...just a bit brown (that could be down to the Superthrive - not sure)

But lots of White root growth too...they are still growing albeit slowly, I last fert. them a week ago after a flush (wasn't full strength - ½ i think) and now all im doing is Topping up with Ph adjusted water.

So we'll just see how they go !


Hi guys, welcome to my updates (sorry its been ages)....

Well out of the 6 White Widow i germed, 3 turned out to be Girls and just id. the 3rd male.

Pulled out of the system before they got any further.

Im currently in week one of flower, pistils already showing on my girls... :woohoo: . Temps /Humidity/ Water Temp and EC all settled down:

Temp 78
Hum. 50%
Water temp 64
EC 1.8 - i called General hydro in France to confirm the readings / usage - My French and Italian is better than i thought !

All 3 girls at about 32 cm got rid of the root rot...which im not sure i had cuz they wern't in the least bit slimey...but golden brown! but now mostly White roots after using Cannazym :)

Oh and ive made an adjustment to my Lid to cool the water temps...which worked !

..and of course the 3 ladies in Question !
( can't see the back on but she's there !)

Still Using Gen Hydroponic nutes im on 12/12 (first 5 days)
In the Third week i plan to use Canna PK 13~14 (which i've already Purchased).

well thats it for now...going looks good so far !!

thanks for looking ! - any comment much appreciated

CB - "Beware of Toffee boiling Dwarfes!"

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
hi mate...I was actyallu only wonderingyesterday where u had gone to.... nice to have you back pal.... Well its my turn top be jealous of you for a little while, as i am currently without a grow-and it hurts. Lon story, involving a lose call, a robbery and an upcoming eviction....so full of excitement hahaha maybe i could sell the film rights.
So you have 3 PC fansd running in the res cooling the water huh....and is that getting the water temps sufficiently cool now then mate??
i just had a look at the pic...WTF??? where did the B&Q inline 10 in a pack red and black drippers from the patio kits come from then mate lol.... yup ive got a shitload of them sat around at home myself, i prefer the end of line ones personally. So, Drippers huh, ur obviously not using it quantum style anymore so what made you change the way you were running it then??
Did you take some cuttings for ur next generation??
Hiya Harry - nice to be back...yeah the temps of the water drop signif. mostly dont do above 68 all nice n cool, Yeah with the Drippers the Rockwool wasnt getting as soaked which i think that was the start of my problems, although i can still go back i might just use the quantum as is supposed to be on my next grow with just very short watering times...instead of running all the time (i know that's how it's designed but i think it maybe too much for the White widow i have).

Didn't take clones this time but im only 6 days into flower....im pretty sure i can't do it now without annoying the plants...lol...

Cheers - CB - "Jesus is coming, pass the Kleenex"


They dont seem to be ready for flower from the pics. What was your nute using in ML?? For veg? Mabye you didnt use enough. I like 3 ml per gallon of each during veg. I have had crazy grougth using this method.
Hi joselima,

The pics are a bit deceiving, they were growing at about 1-2 cm per day

Well the last time i measured them and they were 18"...tonnes of roots, i followed the GH growsheet instructions plus i vegged them for 6 weeks instead of the recommended 4, with a 1 week flush in between. the Nutes were as follows.

FloraMicro Gro Bloom

Week 1 4ml per 10l Same Same

Week 2 4ml per 10l 6ml per 10l 2ml per 10l

Week 3 6ml per 10l 9ml per 10l 3ml per 10l

Week 4 8ml per 10l 12ml per 10l 4ml per 10l

Week 5 10ml per 10l 14ml per 10l 5ml per 10l

1 Week Of FLush with PH adjusted Water


Week 6 10ml per 10l 15ml per 10l 5ml per 10l

WEEK 7 13ml per 10l 7ml per 10l 20ml per 10l

CF/EC/PPM has stayed constant and inline with the Growsheet, this is my First grow and just wanted to do it simply the first time round just to get a feel for how the Hydro Works.

Air Temps constant
Water temps WERE high but have now dropped to the correct levels (having installed the PC fans in my Res. Lid)

Humidity was a bit low in the begining but now has levelled out at 51%
Got good airflow with a Tower fan (12 quid from Amazon - including delivery)

If i fuck it up then i've learnt a lesson, if i dont then its the start of something that can be improved, with help from people Like Harry G i'm sure i can make this work.

Like i said it's my Very First grow, im pretty glad they are actually growing, i've id'd the females pulled the males for this grow, and im quite happy as long as nothing disaterous happens they should be ok, even if the yeild is low...im not bothered this time round...that's something to work on for next time.

Oh BTW i'm not having a go, i appreciate the input, just felt i needed to say all that to justify what and how MY grow is going !

They are now on (as of today) 2nd week of flower

In 2-3 weeks time i'll be adding the Canna Pk 13~14
(one application)

Then 2 weeks before the end ill just flush with Ph adjusted water.


18" is more then enough and 6 weeks is great. I have my girls vegging between 800-1000ppm with nice grouth. Hey i will be very interested to see how your girls turn out. Also if you want a cheap cheap ass way to cool the tank((im sure you already know this)) empty 2L bottles. I keep one in the frezzer and one in the tank. Im not as mechaniclly inlined to build a computer fan AC so this works good for me.

I am interested to see how this thing turns out. Nice grow so far.
Picture update of my First grow...

Picture update of my First grow...

Well Boys n Girls...im at day 11 of flower and these Girls are at 54cm

temp - constant 78
Humidity 45-50 %
water temp 68
EC ( yes i now have an EC/CF/PPM nutra wand) = 2.00 :woohoo:
i've put 1 cap of Canna PK in (5ml) into my 60 ltr of water....the proper dosage will go in about 3 - 4 weeks time....

Flowering Nicely as you can see...V thick stems n big fan leaves...

This last one is the bigger of the three...stem is as thick as my thumb...
( the pic doesn't do it justice)

Hope u like the pics..comments appreciated as always...

CB - " Lets get Retarded(ha) lets get retarded in here" :bat:
Flowering at start of week #3

Flowering at start of week #3

Hi guys, quick update....

My 3 Girls are flowering beautifully, Ec meter(Nutrawand) helping tremendously...

Still sticking to my GH 3 part, flowers blooming...height is now 63cm..

and budsights alloverthe place...i've put in 1 cap of canna pk every week to start to plump up buds, before the main dose goes in...in two weeks time

The Stripes on the leaves : Just the light coming thru the canopy....

...and even tho im still a noobie and first time grower, my Next grow is Papaya and Shiva Shanti II to which im applying - LST as u can see by the first pic...2 weeks old and on PH'd Water (with some Formulex n Rhizotonic)

The LST i've applied (for other noobies interested in this method) - Just put an Elastic band around the Rockwool (in my case 3 inch cube)....that way you can just tuck the tie into the Band without the need for re-tieing then Loop it round the top of the seedling it's only been on a nhour and already started to bend back up towards the light..."

Well, any more comments appreciated....where's HARRY GYPS. when u need him ???

- CB "I'm the pie fucker, I'm the pie fucker - Well in Prison son...you'll be the Pie"

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ooops...too late !....only a capfull which is 5ml, hopefully it won't do any harm seeing as its such a small amount, i just read somewhere someone using it from day 1 of flower....(at a bigger dosage with no problems....ya live n learn...)

I was gonna leave it after this week till the proper dose time in 2-3 weeks...so ill see how it goes !

Cheers mate !
More Pics....

More Pics....

Hi all heres a quicky update as to the development of my 3 White Widow females...

Starting to Frost really well, and Trichomes appearing on the Buds which ar starting to swell... :woohoo:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Looking great ...nice to see you pulled em round after the issues mate.
Im actually jealous of you now anyway...ive lost almost 5 weeks so far of growingtime and itaalready feels like a year lol.....my buds would have been lovely by now....hehe...oh well no point toruring myself...the new spot will be ready soon and i can get on down and boogie again....
Keep up the good work mate...ur girls look happy
Be lucky mate
Cheers Harry always a pleasure to get a Thumbs up from you, being my mentor n all...lol....

Hope you get up n growing again real soon !

new seeds should be here tomorrow from Rhino seeds ( BLue mistic and Bubbleicious)

so they can get ready to go in



nice grow Cillitbang, plants looking well. Im a noob in hydro systems and found a lot of good info here (thanks Harry). Im around buying the same extractor, can you tell me how about a loud of it?

good luck with harvest

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