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Mixed lot for first grow...


Active member
Congratulations, Alex-F!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

great job...can't wait to hear how the JH's come out for you.

your next run sounds great!! :lurk: :lurk:


This grow is going great! Especially if its your first! I would like to congradulate you as I just saw it now, Don't know how I missed all the fun. I'm currently working on my own indoor grow as well. My cab is almost complete, just waiting on a Dayton fan to come in and ill complete my area. Still need to get some small supplies. Great job and I hope you can come check my indoor babies out too!

Take care


Alex-F said:
Cheers Dr :wink:

Well the JH still aren't finnished, I think they'll need another week or so. The VBS is all dried an weighed, came to just over 100g :joint:

The effect is entierly different, one is so frosty it looks like someone put icing sugar on it (almost like a ww :yoinks: ), smells of berrys and has more of a happy body stone, whereas the other one hardly looks like theres any resin on it, smells real citrusy and has more of an up high :woohoo:

All in all very happy with our first run though :D

Just germing are 4 Free Love from the H3ads, 4 Apollo Mist by Rez, 7 Indoor mix by Nirvana and 4 Skunk#1 freebies. The indoor mix and the freebies aren't germing well though might have to take some JH in again or do some more of the VBS, don't want to be running the cab half empty again :rolleyes:

Nice grow Alec.
Thats a wonderful amount of Verry Berry, Well done, because I was growing in a small crowded trough, I got a very small yield on the VB, about 10 grams, but I got a much better yield with the gumballs- over 100grams .that was also in the same trough. Cant wait to grow out a new bush of VB, but this time in its very own pot.

I also did not have success with the Skunk #1 freebies (is this Sams the skunkmans?) and because I had just got some new seeds from Bog I planted those immediately and forgot about the skunk, actually i am quite relieved that the skunk did not make it because I hear that skunk has a very strong smell and I dont want very strong smelling weed- Its risky enough with so many plants with out them smelling strongly - especialy when they are hanging up and drying.

Boglegum has very little smell when growing, but when hanging up and drying ithe whole floor smelled of drying weed- I got quite panicy and bought air freshener to put in the drying space. so then there was a smell of drying weed and mint from the fresherner. It was just for a few days, but I was still paniced,


Traktor driver
LMAO just to think what the neighbours though about the minty herbal smell :biglaugh: :wink:

My freebie Skunk#1 was of Sam the Skunkman too :wink:

The VBS smelled a lot more whilst growing than drying, no that theire gone and only the Jack Herer are left, there's hardly any smell at all. I've even thought about turning the Vaportek off as the smell is so minute :chin:

We have 14 seeds germed and in jiffys at the moment:

4 x Free Love (Gr3atfull H3ad)
4 x Apollo Mist (Rezervoir)
2 x VBS (Orgnkid)
2 x Jack Herer (Female Seeds)
2 x Indoor Mix (Nirvana)

Will only veg for about 2 weeks so hopefully some will finnish before x-mass :canabis: :D


Traktor driver
Quick update...

2 of the Free Love are males, all other plants seem to be females, fingers crossed :wink:

Fotos on friday, till then :wave: