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H202 dilution ratio?


WOW!:bow:Great lookin setup cannagirl. Yeah, very professional. Res water looks nice and clean too. Thanks for the pics.

Sounds like I just got my facts crossed with the raising pH and so forth. Though this is what I've been experiencing. A constant raising in pH, never a drop. Thought I read something about rising pH from BA on the herp thread, but like I said, could've easily got it mixed up:bongsmi:

No, haven't added any calmag into the mix. Gonna pick some up tomorrow. Still got the yellowing going. Hope that'll take care of it. Didn't seem to help before, but I wasn't using RO then, and had a lot of Ca already present in my tapwater. I think adding in the calmag on top of the already present Ca, caused a K lockout. Shouldn't be an issue now though with the RO. Thanks for all your help.


here is a post from mopho on the slime thread found here

Just found something stuck to the side of my pump that looks really similar to mopho's slime-ball. Not quite as solid looking though. Never seen anything like this in my res before. Anyone know what this stuff is? Res water's still clear, but I've still got the yellowing leaves as well. Not sure what I should do, add more bleach, change the res-water?

Gonna try and upload a pic of the leaves. All the new growth looks pretty good, but the fully developed fan-leaves look like hell.


Was tryin to paste the slime-ball pic above.

Here's a shot of the yellow leaves.


  • DSCF5510.jpg
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Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I'm trying to do this thing sterile for the time being. Really tapped on cash right now. Trying to get by with what I've got.

Ya still out there cannagirl, noticed all your posts had been deleted?


Hey man thanks for checking in on my thread with Too much bleach. I noticed that you have a Tuff box from Homedepot kind of store as your rez. Thats what I am using and I noticed that Yellow lids let light through so I put a large black trash bag over the lid to stop light from getting in there. If light is getting into you rez tank then that may be a culprit.



Ok, this is strange. It's been about two weeks since I added bleach to the res. So I added some more (10ml/gal) yesterday evening. Checked the res this morning and it looks cloudy again. Anyone know what I'm dealing with here? Noticing more little slime bits floating around. Gonna dump the res and start over again. Probably due for a change anyway.


Think my water temp's a little high. Got a small pump in there for circulation that's been running nonstop. I'm thinkin this pump's perhaps raising the temps a bit. Gonna leave it out of the mix this time around. Can't afford a chiller right now.


Active member
What you running Bleach through your res for man. It would be OK to clean with after a grow but ive never seen anybody using it with a grow tbh. H2o2 is what you want to be using, i had a quick back track through the thread but didnt see 'why your running Bleach, is that with your nutes etc? Its a new one on me if so dude! Hows it looking today? If i was you bro i'd go back to just Nutes & h2o2 untill things settle down, balls of Gunk dont sound quite right! What Brand of Bleach are you using man? & how much etc? like i said its a new one on me!


Active member
Think my water temp's a little high. Got a small pump in there for circulation that's been running nonstop. I'm thinkin this pump's perhaps raising the temps a bit. Gonna leave it out of the mix this time around. Can't afford a chiller right now.

This is another good reason to run just Nutes & H2o2, Higher water temps promote Rootrot, there's various forms of Root-Rot all devestating if left untreated & allowed to flourish in higher water temps, low 80f's is just perfect conditions to cause a bloom &/or other infection potentially fatal to the plant. H2o2 is the responce i've given & fixed it the problem very fast.
if you see loads of gunk floating about in your res then id get rid of it & have a little flush through & clean out before filling with fresh. If its like you explained it aint right/normal, not to be just dissmissed & left to get worse.

Whats happened to Cannagirl? where her posts go etc? errhh?


Hey Scrogerman-
Yeah man, I don't know what happened to cannagirl. Looks like she deleter herself from the site. Hope everything's ok.

The bleach thing was recommended by both her and Mopho to keep away the funk if running sterile. I think cannagirl mentioned it on the first page. Plus krunchbubble swears by the stuff, though at a much more diluted ratio. I was initially turned off by the idea as well, but it seems to work well at keeping the res nice and clear, or at least it did up until this morning. Don't think the cloudy res was from the bleach though. That water had been in there awhile. Think I was just due for a change perhaps. Not sure what's up with the slime bits, but it looks very similar to the mopho's slime ball posted earlier on in this thread. Been using the h202 as well. Aside from that, the only thing i've got in the res is GH MaxiGro and BC CalMag.

Things seem to be looking up as far as color goes. Still got the yellowing fan leaves, but the new shoots, I think for the first time ever since growing indoors, are getting to be a nice deep green. I think you called it on the CalMag. Seems to be making a big difference. But yeah, the bleach, as bad as it sounds, seems to be a great additive. Doesn't seem to be causing any problems.


I posted this as a new thread on the coco forum. Figured this might shed some light on my nutrient deficiency problems, and whether they were caused by the BA or not. Seems that some of these numbers are ridiculously low.

Can someone please list, or direct me to a link that shows the nutrient profile recommended for a recirculating, flood and drain type system that includes both veg and bloom for coco as well as the trace elements?

FWIW, here's what I've got in the res right now... and it aint workin too well. Plants are about 6" tall, and seem to be experiencing the same slew of deficiencies I've had in previous runs (P,K,Mg?). Which I think makes sense now considering how low some of these numbers are.

(N): 93
(P): 14
(K): 77
(Mg): 29
(Ca): 83
(S): 20
(Fe): 2.1411
(Mn): .3303

The new shoots seem to be doing ok, which hasn't been the case in most of my previous runs, but the fully developed fan leaves are dropping like flies... Not literally falling off the plant, just curling up and dying. Always starts out with the yellow stripes (Mg I think) followed by dying edges working there way inward, which looks like a P-def to me, though others have suggested K.


Well, so much for the bleach and h202. Seemed to be working there for a minute. Just had a bloom breakout in my res within 24 hours of mixing up a new batch of nutes. Had bleach at ~10ml/gal as well as h202, and it didn't seem to faze it. Gonna give the beneficial bacteria a go. Kickin myself in the ass for not just using it from the start. Any recommendations on the best brands to use? I know cannagirl said she used sub-b and m from General Hydro. Anyone else use this stuff, or have any other suggestions?

Think I'm gonna switch my nutes over to GH as well, the flora micro and bloom (he3d's profile for coco). Been trying to hit the same numbers with what I've got laying around. Tried a few different profiles now, but no matter what combo I use, I keep ending up with my K and Ca too high. Non of em so far seem to be kickin the nute-defs. Gettin burnt out on messin with this thing. Just wanna find something that works and stick with it.


I read most of this thread but didnt see anything mentioned about your rez temp. how high is it? if its already been discussed sorry. will definitly have a harder time getting algae with temps around 68 keep mine at 65. you also have to watch what nutes you are using when you add h2o2. some are very incompatible.mostly organics


Active member
Yeah we've disscussed all that Darrmann, 65f is right on the edge of the low side, 68-70f is optimal, but he's using Coco anyway so its a bit different to hydro type systems. I wouldnt go any lower than 65f, or your gonna lose D'O as you'll prolly know.
Anyway, im sorry to hear about your issues again Billo. I just wanted to say i think you'd be alot better off using a Coco specific nute line like Canna coco or similar, these nutes have already been formulated with K, Mg & Ca cations in mind. I think you'd be alot better off using a Coco specific line bro rather than GH 3 part etc.
Yeah also, i think you should of just sterilised for a week or so & then gone to the bene's, which is what i thought you were gonna do anyway after all our disscussions. Why were you still using the sterilisers bro? Id go with the Physan20 now & then flush the system till clean, then add the bene's. Good luck man, i feel for you bro!
Peace.......Scroger! ;)

Btw, Id never put Bleach in any of my systems, epecially if using Coco, ive never seen anyone using Bleach, only for cleaning systems/grow rooms etc after use. Just because i aint seen it dont mean it doesnt work though. G'luck


Thanks for posts,

Yeah, shoulda went with the bennies from the start as recommended, but the bleach and h202 seemed to be working so well, I figured I'd just stick with a sterile run for the time being. Gotta get over to the shop today and get some bennies.

I do have some coco specific nutes. Got all kinds of different stuff stacked up. Been doing some mixing and matching trying to hit certain nutrient profiles. Turned out to be more of a pain in the ass than I expected. Plus when I hit what I thought was pretty close to the target profile, it threw the bloom into a frenzy. Starting to wonder if some of my old nutes could possibly be contaminated somehow. Though I'm completely blown away that anything can survive in there with that much bleach.

The coco nutes I have are from House and Garden. Started crunching numbers and comparing their coco AB with their Aquaflakes AB (their basic recirculating nutes). Only difference I saw was that their coco had a bit more nitrogen. I figured it'd have increased Mg, Ca and perhaps a decrease in K. Not so sure these "coco specific" nutes are all they're cracked up to be. Every time I go into growshops they're always trying to push some $100+ bullshit bottles of something or other. Personally I think most of it's a bunch of crap. When I was growing outdoors, I got some incredible sugar covered yields using straight tapwater and ten dollar bags of guano. Think it has more to do with the strain than anything else, as long as they're getting the basics that is.

I'm lookin for simplicity right now, then I might start playing around with other nutes and additives and what not (got enough of em stacked up in my shed to keep me busy for a while). There's so many people on this site kickin ass with H3ad's formula (HG 2-part) in coco, think I've at least gotta give it a go and see what happens. I dig the idea of using the same regiment throughout the entire life-cycle.

Thanks again for droppin in Scrogarman, always appreciate your feedback. I know there's others on this site having problems with BA, so I'll be sure to post my results on this thread after giving these bennies some time to do their magic.




Picked up some AuquaShield beneficial bacteria, made by Botanicare. Anyone out there use the stuff? Gonna mix up a new res and give it a go.

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