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Tomato growers?


Our early girl and cherry tomato plants are blooming! Is it too late to spray some neem oil on the cherry tomatos? They are only about a month old, the few fruits are very small.

Weedman Herb

I think it should be fine ... "think" being the key word here ... I haven't had the need to spray neem on the Tomatoes ... yet.


Active member
neem oil is probably pretty harmless. im gonna dust the lower leaves and topdress with diatomacious eath if this rain ever stops. for the san marzano plum tomatoes i hope the hempy buckets i setup remedies the inconsistant watering thats inevitable lately. i wanna prevent blossom end rot.


Active member
roma-types are particularly prone to BER

the hempy buckets may very well do the trick. the gardening forum has growers who swear by earth-tainers and other self-watering pots

my maters are in rockwool cubes on slabs and my peppers and cukes are in waterfarms so i dont worry about watering cycles as such :)

japanese black trieffle
sungold hybrid

calypso pickling

charleston hot
nu-mex sandia
floral gem
harold's st. barts

carmen [bull's horn sweet pepper]


Active member


cool, thanks what...wait, im hoping. the rest of the garden is on its own- directly planted in ground.

Weedman Herb

I've gotten a few rotten bottoms on the straight Romas ... looks like they're suffering from Black Ass disease ...
We've got a few hundred in cages on our small farm, mostly Cherokee Purple and pink Brandywine, but a few hybrid beefsteaks and red and yellow cherries.
I've grown a variety of heirlooms and I prefer Cherokee Purple and Julia Child to anything else. This year has been disease free so far with good weather and I'm sure the proactive application of Serenade has something to do with that. Unfortunately, a late frost meant a late re(start) and I don't have a single ripe tomato of any kind yet.
super sweet 100, better boy , early girl , jet star (low acid) , supersonic, celeberty, roma, yellow (fotgot name) over 200 in all


Active member
so much rain, first flush all bossom end rot. went and bought cal-mag, hope it helps, alot of money and time.


gets some
Im running a few tomato plants outside for the first time, along with some other veggies. Romas, Brandywines, Goliaths, a few cherry varieties, etc. All in 5gal grow bags, watered daily. Soil is mix of potting and top soils, amended with bone meal, some slow release chem ferts, peat and perlite. They also get occasional doses of the special "inside" nutes and supplements. Ive been pulling ripe stuff for the last couple of weeks. It's just as much fun growing legal shit as illegal shit!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Hey weedman got some gnarly caterpillars, look at these babies on my tomatoes!

This freaking bug ate half of a huge tomatoe plant in just one day!

Just cherries...how boring but they thrive here in the 100+ degree F heat.

Weedman Herb

That's one of the biggest I've ever seen ... I bet that sucker can decimate some foliage ... cherries are good eating ... we're hovering around 95 here ... I'll have to water tonight.