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Poppy seeds...


Speed of Dark
I remembered to take a picture before I ate the pod. Well, half the pod anyway. As the seeds mature the effects from the pod grow as well. A whole pod is just a tad bit much right now.
As mentioned before, the Tasmanian genetics followed this ornamental all the way to the bud room.

The pod is still a sealed unit with the translucent seeds big enough to photograph. A couple days ago the seeds resembled trichomes and a magnifier was needed to see them. They will remain about the current size but will come to resemble miniature raisins, dark brown and wrinkled.

I am debating whether or not to start a dozen seedling on April Fool's day and putting them in the grow tunnel the first of June.

Growing a winter's supply with free sunshine is really appealing.
Worry about the current atmosphere on opiates creates conflict.

Former pain clinic clients have usage rates of over 300 mg per day, it is not possible to eat enough pods for a habit, even green ones. But laws are not governed by logic so I worry about visibly growing my own herb garden.

Meanwhile, this thread is on seeds. From seed to seeds.

Next post should be finished seeds and dry inedible pods.


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    Seeds will be dark brown when mature.jpg
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Speed of Dark
Almost there. The seeds are going tan and the pods are losing their green.
The flaps under the crown are pulling back on the early pods so the seeds can dry out. The seeds fall to the bottom of the pods as they dry, they can be heard rattling around when done.
The stalks are held with a velcro wrap but in nature they would lean way over allowing the the wind to sprinkle the seeds like salt from a shaker.

First photo is a pod almost dry and one still ripening. The still green pod got opened for the photo. Seeds are tan, they need to get very dark and a bit wrinkly like a raisin, then they are done.

Next post will be the pod count and some average seed counts inside the pods.
Minus all the test pods used of course, about two per day for the last ten days, while still green. Once the green is gone the pods will break into sharp shards hard enough to cut cheeks and gums.


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    Pods open under crown and seeds dry out.jpg
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    Fully ripe seeds are much darker.jpg
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Speed of Dark
The large container is done, all the pods that are going to open are opened.
The smaller container has 20 pods left that look to be good.

The total count came out to 240 pods viable and another 50 either unopened or severely under size.

The large container had three plants and the smaller had one, making an average of 70 pods per plant. Much better than five years ago when 40 was good.

The seed count is waiting a few more days for the pods to finish drying completely. The seeds are not rattling around freely yet.
A single plant will be grown again, with yields like this a single plant a month should be sufficient for my needs.

Seed to harvest took almost exactly four months to the day, three harvests per year should be a breeze.


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    Only one poppy will be saved.jpg
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    20 immature pods left on small container.jpg
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    Glass bowl is immature pods.jpg
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Speed of Dark
Each one inch pod is the equivalent of 4 mg Morphine Sulphate.
The actual breakdown of content is 2.5 mg morphine and 8 mg codeine, on average. It varies considerably. Trace amounts of other opiates, including Thebaine, are also present.

My script dose is 7.5 mg Morphine twice per day, two pods at a time are definitely felt. Acquaintances using Oxycodone, any dosage, cannot feel pods at all.
Could be me, could be them, could be the difference like going from 151 Rum to 3.2 beer.

Since almost all opiate users end up with tolerance, well, home growing will never keep up.
Good little headache and lethargy pills if only used a couple times a week.
I tried to grow some this year & it was a total bust :( Indoors, outdoors. Different watering regimens & soil types. Those little seedlings are such DIVAS! They make cannabis seem like...well, a weed. :D

I only know about the somniferum variety. You generally plant them in the Fall or early Spring--they love snow & cold weather (but not anything below freezing). And yes, birds, slugs, snails, etc will eat the seeds & sprouts so it's best to cover them with little domes if possible. Cut-in-half water or soda bottles work well. Or if they're in pots you can put netting over the top. Ants carried off ALL my seeds last year! Ridiculous. They must've had an opium party.

If you plant them in the Fall, you'll have a harvest by late Spring or early Summer. If you plant in early Spring, you'll harvest in late Summer/early Fall I believe. They only bloom for 48-72 hours before the petals fall off & then the pod continues growing for about 2 weeks after. I think you can harvest the seeds at any point after the blooms die off.


Speed of Dark
All the pods but one are open and dried, or at least I thought.
One was chosen, the seeds sprinkled out, counted, and the pod cut into parts.

Most of the seeds were tiny and immature, about 600. The rest were good sized and viable, 273, those got counted.

Upon cutting the pod many more seeds were still clinging to the chamber walls. More wind and sunshine most likely would have broken them loose. The total for the first seven pods is about 2000 seeds. Not counted but a fair guess, picture enclosed.

And although this is a cannabis forum I will relate my morning routine.
One pod is crushed then poured into a cast iron hand crank coffee grinder, then two scoops of dark roast Sumatran coffee (mostly decaf) are put in on top of the crushed pod.
The mixture is ground extra fine espresso style then eight ounces boiling water poured into the #2 cone and stirred. When drained another eight ounces boiling water poured over the grounds and allowed to drain.
This is cooled with a half cup of half and half, mm good.

What keeps this cannabis related is the 65 mg of bud oil extract taken with and between each dose. This has proven to almost completely eliminate the rebound pain from inflamed glial cells in the jaw and spine.
This may be why I am resistant to tolerance, I took the oil with the script morphine for ten years.
In the eleventh year the dosage quadrupled in eight months, too easy to pop an extra pill and not remember doing so. This killed many musicians lately and I quit my script out of fear back in August.

Hah, I would like to see me try and abuse pods, highly improbable if not impossible.

Ramble ramble, just had an extra couple doses of oil, good for the soul it is. But the pictures were taken and seeds were counted, even though the pod had under the average amount of seeds.


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    Two hundred seventy good seeds on the right.jpg
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    Top of pod is on right.jpg
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    With this many seeds still stuck inside the count was quite low.jpg
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    Two thousand seeds from first seven pods.jpg
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Speed of Dark
I tried to grow some this year & it was a total bust :( Indoors, outdoors. Different watering regimens & soil types. Those little seedlings are such DIVAS! They make cannabis seem like...well, a weed. :D

"Divas" fits pretty well. The babies get to about an inch and then fall right over.
I began starting them in jiffy pots 40 at a time and putting them under all kinds of different lights, I even froze a dozen in wet soil for a month to fake winter.
The seedlings in this thread were germinated under 700 watts (1100 umol) and the seedlings put in the budroom under the same intensity. For comparison, the marijuana plants get 500 watts (800 umol) under similar conditions.

Divas, gotta have that white hot spot light.


Well-known member
Terrific thread Phaeton. Everything I wanted to know about growing poppies indoors. Beautifully documented with excellent pics and simply explained so even I can understand. Thanks for the lesson.


Well-known member
I have found some Papaver somniferum subsp. setigerum growing wild. They are an indigenous species here, and they were very common some years ago, but the government have almost eradicated them.

I wonder if they worth the effort growing them. About a decade ago a friend found one plant with plum sized pods. He grew it along a few years but he lost the strain. I guess it was Papaver somniferum subsp. somniferum.

Do you know if it is possible to get some seeds of that beautiful Afghan strain with huge pods?







Active member
Slovakian poppies have the highest morphine.

Afghan poppies have the highest codeine.

The ELITE var is the highest concentration of alkaloids in general. No idea where those seeds come from or anything about where to get those. Probably deadly licking a pod if indeed ELITE.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Thebaine is probably the source of most of the world's oxycodone so it's not without value. The conversion is not particularly difficult. Somniferum x setigerum hybrids are supposed to be interesting - high alkaloid content of most opiate kinds is documented. Setigerum has a lot more papaverine and a bit more thebaine than somniferum but the potential for morphine is there especially the hybrids.


New member
I thought I’d lost these that’d been growing in my Great Grandparent’s garden that my Great Grandma got from her parents in her 20’s when they 1st built the house. They’d been popping up here and there since 2003 when I first planted them from a cellophane full of seeds, but this is the 1st one I’ve seen pop up in 4 yrs.


New member
There’s a little runt right beside of her that hasn’t opened up yet. I hope it’s the lavender color. The previous picture looks like red/black, but actually is a deep purple color instead of black. The pods range from 50 cent pc size on the small range, all the way up to silver dollar size.


When growing poppy indoors when should I put them under 16/8 lights? Is it when they are advertised to start flowering (example 70 days from germination) or some time before it?

How long can I keep one poppy plant in 16oz peat pot?

Can poppy be forced to flower early so that they stay small?


ICMag Donor
My Hens & Chicks poppies are beautiful. Big ol pink & purple flowers reaching for the sky but for a day. Pods forming with the next generation of seed inside.


ICMag Donor
When growing poppy indoors when should I put them under 16/8 lights? Is it when they are advertised to start flowering (example 70 days from germination) or some time before it?

How long can I keep one poppy plant in 16oz peat pot?

Can poppy be forced to flower early so that they stay small?

Poppies flower cycle is the opposite of cannabis... in other words, poppies flower on an increasing light cycle.

You can flower in any size container as long as you can keep up with the plants needs.

I'm pretty sure you can force flower just as can be done with many varieties of flowers.

St. Phatty

Active member
"Divas" fits pretty well. The babies get to about an inch and then fall right over.

Poppy seedlings are extremely sensitive to heat.

They like 60 degrees F. They can tolerate 80 to 85 F. 90F might kill them.

They need to be a certain size before they get that full dose of sunlight.


Poppies flower cycle is the opposite of cannabis... in other words, poppies flower on an increasing light cycle.

You can flower in any size container as long as you can keep up with the plants needs.

I'm pretty sure you can force flower just as can be done with many varieties of flowers.

Thanks for info.

Is it all poppies that have opposite flower cycle to cannabis?

If I wanted to make Papaver hybrids could I pollinate P. somniferum with any other Papaver?