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Hey guys!

I remember an other story for this 98 black domina cut. An history like, the owner of Sweed seed working in a Rock Bar and giving an advice to young growers to buy this strain, and it was a finding from this guys.. it wasn't true maybe?

I'm sorry for my bad english!


Well-known member
I grew black dominan dating back to original offering
It was a smallish yielder, looked exactly like the pic in the sense catalog and was awesome in every single way
Also had the original early pearl
Dank as fuck
I’m very curious about the SAD

Yes and no, i don't read Soft secret...but the story of this Black Domina (La barraquera) is not new...It's from Manolo form sweet seed, and he was the first to share and this cut for sure. First time i see this story of a cut selected by nevil. maybe i'm wrong but two BD cut from the same city, and the same era....


Indicas make dreams happen
That's a pretty interesting read. I like to see detailed articles of first hand accounts on genetics. That way you have a direct source instead of a million different stories of how a clone/strain came to be. I like that the author points out that anyone can find elite clones if they put the time into it.

It seems like there can be a bit of an attitude that makes it seem like only top level breeders can know what they're doing and have success. As cannabis history has show, that's not true. 99% of great cannabis has come from average Joes selecting and/or crossing they're favorite plants.

Black Domina was old Sensi work but someone took the time to hunt down some select plants and hang on to them. Years after the original DB has been lost, we're left with this hidden gem from the past cause someone cared to hang on to it. Really a great lesson to learn from.


Well-known member
Great read! I've grown Kannabia seeds White Domina and it was very similar sounding to Sweet Seeds SAD.

I really enjoyed it. I remember not giving it to much attention while it was growing until it was harvested and then it was the jar I raided the most from that seasons offerings lol.

I gotta get me some more of of these or more of Kannabia's.
