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First indoor grow space [cheap & improvised]




I didn't die! and neither did my plants!
The one above ended up 3.5g. The curing completely failed, unfortunately. For one, it dried in about 3 days - next time I'll add some intake filters inside the box just to slow the air flow even more. Secondly, I only had a too big jar to cure it and it was only filled like 1/5 or 1/4 instead of 2/3-3/4 and I'm under the impression that this is the main reason curing failed. It's a good smoke, but it smells like hay or more like grass cut 2-3 days ago. If you break it, then it smells good like normal weed and it kept it's stickiness

Auto WW Day 73
(although at this point I'm starting to wonder if it really is an auto)

She looks pretty good and healthy and it got some height while I was away. Did some more LST on her as new branches appeared and I wanted to get them to light. I don't know about her genetics but she's on day 73 and I see no flower. There are plenty of one-pair hairs all around so I can say it's preflower. So a 100+ days auto is weird at the least. She's on 18/6 light cycle from the beginning.

The Underdog Day 133
I was away for 6 days and this one is thirsty as hell considering the very small pot. So I had to improvise something - I put a pot of 10L water a bit above the plant's level and connected them through a 3mm rope.

When I came back she was perfectly watered, couldn't do it better myself.
Now let me tell about it's smell. It's amazing and I just can't believe something can smell so good and complex. It's a bit spicy and very fruity, maybe a bit a lemon there also and no skunk in it whatsoever. The really surprising thing about it is that it doesn't smell like weed at all. It has about a week left until harvest and it's just sitting in my living room, but it doesn't smell like weed at all inside the home, not even if you smell the buds closely. I cannot wait to smoke a joint from this one

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Just this guy, ya know?
Great job bro! I like the wick idea to keep it watered while you weren't around. Now comes the hardest part in my opinion, waitin for it to cure so it smokes that much better :D


This morning The Underdog was finally ready for harvest on day 156. The smell I was bathing in was incredible :biggrin:

My auto ww is doing pretty well @ day 96. The flowers are starting to form and it got to about 1.2m tall. I did switch her to 12/12 schedule last week and plan to keep it like this until harvest because, as I explained above, I doubt it really is an auto strain. On day 96 should already be in my jar. It kinda messed up my timing a bit since I have to leave home for 3 weeks and now I don't think I will harvest before that. I'll figure something out until then hopefully :D


Quick update because I am so busy this period..
The Underdog ended up at 18,5g. Again, I failed the curing :( because it was drying too fast. Besides the hay smell it has a spicy and fruity smell. The taste is what you expect to get when you smell it. I can taste some mango also. It's not too strong and it has a sativa kind of high, no body high from it almost at all.

WW started to flower for around 2 weeks. I can tell I will be a happy harvester judging by the number of buds formed all around the many branches that I made by LST.

A better update with pics and everything will come in 10 days, when I get back home.
Happy smoking!

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