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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


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hempy grow

hempy grow

starting my first grow with a new system.using the following equipment:
veg room
600 watt mh
4inch exhaust fan (vortec)
2-4 inch passive intakes
19 inch floor fan
room size
6 ft wide-5 feet out-7 feet high

flower room
1000 watt hortilux eye 4 foot parabolic shield
6 inch exhaust fan (vortec)
4 inch intake (vortec)
2 19 inch floor fans
room size
8 foot wide-7 feet out-7 feet high
i plan on flowering 6 hempy buckets at a time in a 5x5 patern,if anyone has any suggestions i am certainly open to any help thanks all!!!
presently have sprouted seeds started in rockwool cubes,plus a couple in perilite vermiculite cups first leaf showing.


BAB...perlite is pretty much an inert media but it will eventually start to build up salts. So for best results you need to measure the EC of your runoff and adust for an EC of between 1.7 and 2.0. Going higher than that for any length of time will burn your plants.

Tommyboi...those plants had 5 weeks veg under HPS lights. That is how they got as big as they did. Ideally one would run more plants with less veg time to get those results...trimming plants that size is a bitch as there are some less than ideal density buds.
I can't afford hydro nutes at this time. What Wallyworld nutes can be used with this system? Shultz liquids mixed in the water?

BAB...perlite is pretty much an inert media but it will eventually start to build up salts. So for best results you need to measure the EC of your runoff and adust for an EC of between 1.7 and 2.0. Going higher than that for any length of time will burn your plants.

Ok so if i am using the hempy formula and i am going to use a 1 part (pbp) instead of 3 system ... should i still be worried?

I'll be using 5 gallon buckets under 600w light in a 4x4x7 tent. Any other basic noob tips?

So far i've been instructed to just keep watching my plants and if im using RO water use calmag. Should i build up to full strength?
BAB...perlite is pretty much an inert media but it will eventually start to build up salts. So for best results you need to measure the EC of your runoff and adust for an EC of between 1.7 and 2.0. Going higher than that for any length of time will burn your plants.

Ok so if i am using the hempy formula and i am going to use a 1 part (pbp) instead of 3 system ... should i still be worried?

I'll be using 5 gallon buckets under 600w light in a 4x4x7 tent. Any other basic noob tips?

So far i've been instructed to just keep watching my plants and if im using RO water use calmag. Should i build up to full strength?


No Jive Productions
passive history

passive history


This article quite clearly states that this lady used this method for growing food in 1969. She is now a very respected hydroponic researcher and teacher who has dedicated her efforts to help people everywhere learn to grow their own food and herbs. Here are more links to her work.



also, see the www.carbon.org front page if you are interested in a short course in passive hydroculture.

I have now grown plants using this technique for several years. I have tried turface, turface and perlite, perlite and vermiculite, and just plain perlite. Ms. Bradley states that she originally used straight perlite for years but that she now prefers 50/50 perlite and coco. In third world areas where people do not have access to or money for marketed growing media, she has used small lava rock (under 10 mm) and rice husks with success.


Active member
another loyal convert here!
haven't been measuring the nutes very well but good results anyway.



Lord Doobie

A discussion of passive hydroculture as it pertains to the cannabis community would be remiss if the name Hempy did not come up. Hempy has been using this technique for years. But, more importantly, hempy is the one who brought this method to the online community. For years he took a lot of grief about it, mostly from people who thought that this would not work. These same people refused to try it, for they were so sure of themselves. Well, as thousands of people now know, it works and works well. Hempy has done more to get new people successfully growing their own medicine than anyone else I can think of.

I think you're right. I believe, somewhere, Hempy acknowledges he wasn't the first. However, he's done the most via the internet to spread the word. He should be very satisfied that his name is now associated and even synonymous with this growing method.
dumb question probably but has anyone automated their hempy bucket using drippers, pumps etc? I guess that takes away the simplicity of the hempy bucket huh?

I use a very simple irrigation system composed of a 5 gal bucket of nuts/water and a drip irrigation system - pump into a 6 gang manifold and then right onto the top of the perlite/vermiculite mix for 1 minute a day ( when the plants get bigger you can set timer for a couple of times a day) You have to watch the PH of the runoff since the vermiculite seems to hold it.. I did have some nutrient lockup in my last grow..going to run a few gallons of water thru a week in my next one..
this might reduce some of the hempy simplicity, but it automates and adds some consistency to the nutrient delivery


Lord Doobie

The only addition over the recent few years is the medium of coco which simply holds the water making it more convenient. Now you can go even longer between waterings.

Everything else has been tried...times a million. They're always wanting to improve it with drippers, bubblers, full moons, and pyramids...ha ha


New member
that thread on riu is way legit and really helpful. once i start school in the fall and have my own place ill be running a hempy setup, im stoked.im thinkin ill run 4 plants in eh route 44 cups from sonic or something and see how many females i get. then after that ill just try to improve on whatever harvest i get. the guy in the riu thread knocks cfl's pretty hard but what if they are just a really easy thing to use for me? do you guys think they could still produce decent yield? thanks.


New member
I have not had a chance to read through the whole thread yet, so maybe this has been answered. Why don't the roots rot from sitting in water in the res. I always thought letting pots sit in water was bad for the root system.


Active member
The plant drinks the nute solution in the rez before it has a chance to stagnate and cause root rot - plus you are replacing it every day or two.


New member
first hempy grow

first hempy grow

this is a experiment using 1000w hps hortilux eye start to finish.
an 2 part grow with connoisseur for flower.these plants here are 3 weeks from seed.htthttp://www.icmag.com/ic/images/attach/jpg.gifp://www.icmag.com/ic/images/attach/jpg.gifhttp://www.icmag.com/ic/images/attach/jpg.gifhttp://www.icmag.com/ic/images/attach/jpg.gif


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one Q

my contribution to hempys which isnt mine anyway

my contribution to hempys which isnt mine anyway

One improvment Ive made on the hempy that could be considered wastful but gains you days in watering.

You need 2 identical containers. Make your hole in the standard fashion. Take the second container and mark where the hole would be. Cut the bottom off of that container at the mark.

So now you have a hempy bucket and the bottom of would be HB. Then I take a 1 7/8" hole saw and drill a hole dead center of the cut off peice. Then put the cut off peice up-side-down INSIDE the already made HB. Make appropriate slits for a snugg fit, no creases. Put a small cup with holes cut into it with sharp sissors or saldering iron INTO the hole that I drilled. Make slits with a razor around the flat surface that is now the false bottom.

Fill the cup with perlite if you use coir, or just fill as normal hempy. This creates and empty res instead of one filled with perlite that takes up precious room that could be used for just water/nutes. See "diy earthbox" in your Google search.

This slight improvment adds DAYS inbetween feeding. BUT be warned that this larger res should not be filled untill roots hit it. Smaller plants can be over watered if res is kept full. :wallbash:
one Q: I'm not getting what you're describing, any possibility you could takes some pics of a construc so I could see it? I wouldn't mind giving it an experimental run to see how it performs.

Thanks for the input amigo!

Stay safe.