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Indoor Vertical Grow Systems 101


ICMag Donor
Glad you guys like it. :thank you:

These pics are from 2 or 3 different runs. The # of plants/screens has changed in each of the last 3 runs. I'm finding that everytime I lower the plant #'s, the grow seems to improve. The last pics/run were a total of 10 screens. This was a test grow for Rez's Galadriel. The full grow is in my signature with 100+ pics :).

The room is pretty small. Approximately 2'8"W x 5'8"L. At its highest point, the ceiling is abt 5'10.....5' at its lowest. Reflectix on the walls...will be extended to the ceiling after this run. Vortex 6in fan. Can 50 scrubber. 35 mil shower pan liner on the floor to catch all the runoff.... 2 small 8 inch fans on the floor blowing up to the bulbs....lots of PVC, plastic fencing, zip ties, and pipe cleaners for training the plants, courtesy of the home depot.

Yes DHF, those are 4oo w HPS. I wish I could have 6oo's, but that space is way too small. I've never measured the distance to the bulbs, but the plants with the best seats around the bulbs have its closest cola's 6 inches away. Sometimes less. Some strains have shown light bleaching at this distance, but others have thrived.
This past summer was my first time flowering during the summer months. Temps were alot higher than normal, and the short distance to the bulb fried some leaves. But in the current run, temps are in order and the buds closest to the bulbs are looking great.

50/50 Soil/Coco mix...Veg times vary, depending on the grow. The Galadriel test was veg'd for 75+ days from seed and had 11 different females. About 2-2.5x stretch. I find that stretchy phenos, 2.5 - 3x stretch are easiest to train and spread the buds out. Thick stems that can support weight help alot as well.

This last grow (10 plants) yielded a few grams short of 1 pound. Yeild varied from pheno to pheno, and different seats in the room seem to yeild better. The last grow was done entirely in temps above 95 degrees....and I believe that caused the yield to suffer.

I'm at day 55 of the current run, which looks great. Yield should be improved. I will get some pics this wkend, and update you guys.

Lemme know if I left anything out.



Active member
I was just gonna rip the net out of the kid down the streets hockey net...but I've decided to copy Marlo's screen set up instead. Props to you my man. The kid down the road n' I thank you for this.


It's a sweet setup for sure, Marlo. I think Home Depot will be selling a lot of that plastic netting these days. In the photos it looks like you tied the plants back to the screen in some cases, but trained them through it for others. Is that right? If so, which did you end up liking better? peace


Jeez, reading all this vert stuff has got me thinking... Can you guys tell me if 3 1k bulbs down the center of a 6x12 room is doable for a stadium grow? Is it wide enough or am I likely to run into issues with plants crowding the bulbs? I think cool tubes could keep things in check...maybe.


i must admit that im not really into vertical grows yet, but i have a hard time to see
how example two in the first post - "The stadium layout" can have an advantage from the plain grow, the footprint is the same only the theoretical canopy is larger.
because the lower brances of the upper plants gets more direct light. the plant numbers is the same though.
the vertical barrel style and the vert-growwall looks promisinbg though


CFP, I think canopy size is the key. I've grown 6oz plants with a floor space of 12"x12". I've also got 2oz plants from the same space. Difference is the canopy...the 6oz'er was a huge plant. If the stadium gives us more canopy space, it will in theory allow a higher yield than the same grow on a flat floor. It's not the most efficient vertical grow style, but for me it's the easiest.


@ devilweed

ok - but i would think to get stadium style to work to optimum it would take a setup where
the footprint actually followed the line of the stadium.
i think the big deal in this stadium would be real SOG like there is lined up for in the Growwall things


Hey Devilweed....The problem I`ve always had with stadium setups is the plants move away from the lights as they step up for diminished lumen absorption......

IME 30" is bout as far as a bare bulb will project sideways and that`s 1000 watters every 2' side by side for the overlap and optimum lumens......

Saw a guy with a 6 x 12 run 2 rows of 3-600`s on top of each other and got closeta 1 gpw with over 200 plants and exactly 50 watts per sq ft....but......His stadiums were on wheels and he kept em huggin the lights and moved em back as they stretched for extreme lumen penetration into the sideways canopy.......

I watched vertical setups for yrs till my `ol Bro Heathie Robinson built some angled shelves/racks and it sent me over the edge.....

The secret is increased plant numbers that dictate yield if you can keep em from competing for light and environment so as to not choke each other out side by side, above and below.......period.......but......with minimum 50 watts per sq ft for dank dense end product IME.....

Increased plant numbers with the plants pointed dead at the bare bulbs.......No cleanin out the back side`s of the plants that`ll never get enough light to produce as in stadium grows.........

Plants straight up the walls surrounded by 3-600`s on top of each other .......small muffin fans directly under the lights blowin the heat straight up to the exhaust/scrubber combo with an active air intake exchanging each room`s air twice per minute........

Marlo.......Keep rockin that setup Bro.......As I said above about plants competing for light and environment , your testimony from personal experience proves that as you removed plants from this micro setup the yields were the same and better cuz they had more room to sweat/transpire and suck juice for optimum nutrient uptake......small areas take dialing for how many plants they`ll support....

The dialed cycle of a pot plant......suck juice and sweat it out , grow like a mofo, swell accordingly and die....get burnt.......simple....babyshit.....

Many waysta skin a mule............Ya`ll keep up the good work.......

Take care and good luck....DHF.......:ying:


Thanks for the input guys.

CFP, I agree, getting a linear wall of bud equidistant from the bulb would be optimal. A bit more work, but optimal.

DHF, my only experience with vertical bulbs is the 1000 watter I have hanging in my room now. I threw it in there because I over-vegged a few plants and they don't really fit under a light hung from a 7' ceiling anymore. Whoops. That said, I don't think watts/sq ft calculation works quite the same for vert. We normally caluclate based on a flat footprint and a reflector. With no reflector, I have to believe the bulbs energy is disbursed more efficiently. May not be as intense in a single direction, but it sure seems like it puts out WAY more light. I can only look directly at the floor when in my room now, and adding a single vert bulb over in the corner made the whole room so bright I can barely open my eyes. I use my welding helmet if I need to go in...lol.

Probably talking out of my ass as I'm just learning about this type of growing. Grows like this get me so fired up: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=185081
I just wanna dive in and start tinkering.


Well-known member
Not knocking vertical , but it is not the end all be all for high yields.IMHO. I get about the same yields no matter what way I hang my bulbs.I have circled the bulb, circled the bulb and 1/4 turn everday (these were one level,) I have also done stadium style with two levels, I have done stacked and unstacked bulbs, also vert/ and hoods, and hoods,and all these techniques with a lot or a little girls, big and small pots , coco and soil,lst , hst, supercropping , monstercropping, organic and mineral....etc. I still yield about the same, which is alot less than what people claim on the internet. I think genetics are the biggest factor in a high yield. Only problem is finding high yielding strains that are dank. All the high yielders I had have been so-so smoke. The best plants I had out of all this were turned about everday, but what a pita.Least favorite was stadium. I'm hoping active hydro can turn these tables, looking promising so far.


DW.....I`ve never run anything but vertical bare bulbs , so I wouldn`t know the difference in brightness from horizontal reflectors , and for the record ..........with bare bulbs ALWAYS wear welder`s glasses in the rooms light`s on per sticky by Mr C.......but........

My lumens were measured by digital meters and not speculated on .......3' away from a bulb sideways is not optimal.........induces stretching and increased internodal spacing for the most part from what I ran over the yrs.....

Good luck...DHF......
Thanks for the input guys.

CFP, I agree, getting a linear wall of bud equidistant from the bulb would be optimal. A bit more work, but optimal.

DHF, my only experience with vertical bulbs is the 1000 watter I have hanging in my room now. I threw it in there because I over-vegged a few plants and they don't really fit under a light hung from a 7' ceiling anymore. Whoops. That said, I don't think watts/sq ft calculation works quite the same for vert. We normally caluclate based on a flat footprint and a reflector. With no reflector, I have to believe the bulbs energy is disbursed more efficiently. May not be as intense in a single direction, but it sure seems like it puts out WAY more light. I can only look directly at the floor when in my room now, and adding a single vert bulb over in the corner made the whole room so bright I can barely open my eyes. I use my welding helmet if I need to go in...lol.

Probably talking out of my ass as I'm just learning about this type of growing. Grows like this get me so fired up: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=185081
I just wanna dive in and start tinkering.

You have to understand nothing can be archive over night,,,

People been growing with hoods and reflectors for decades, from the 70's and so on.... now there';s a saying " if it aint broke, dont fix it "

Human minds usually follow that instinct, almost everyone, now there are always a few brighter bulbs and always stands out .... these are the one that advocate new style of growing .....

there's another sayin " dont know until you try "

I am no expert at growing, but with some senses and logic, i will chose to hang my bulb vertical 360 degrees any day of the year vs' 180 ....

How do you think sun beams travel to the earth ? through some reflectors ??


ps. i am not comparing your 1k bulb to the sun

Not knocking vertical , but it is not the end all be all for high yields.IMHO. I get about the same yields no matter what way I hang my bulbs.I have circled the bulb, circled the bulb and 1/4 turn everday (these were one level,) I have also done stadium style with two levels, I have done stacked and unstacked bulbs, also vert/ and hoods, and hoods,and all these techniques with a lot or a little girls, big and small pots , coco and soil,lst , hst, supercropping , monstercropping, organic and mineral....etc. I still yield about the same, which is alot less than what people claim on the internet. I think genetics are the biggest factor in a high yield. Only problem is finding high yielding strains that are dank. All the high yielders I had have been so-so smoke. The best plants I had out of all this were turned about everday, but what a pita.Least favorite was stadium. I'm hoping active hydro can turn these tables, looking promising so far.

Growing styles .... something might be missing !

This guy seem to get it down alright ...




ICMag Donor
Marlo.......Keep rockin that setup Bro.......As I said above about plants competing for light and environment , your testimony from personal experience proves that as you removed plants from this micro setup the yields were the same and better cuz they had more room to sweat/transpire and suck juice for optimum nutrient uptake......small areas take dialing for how many plants they`ll support....

Yea, hard to believe I ran this setup with 13 plants the 1st time. Less is definitely more in this case. I'm gonna go with 8 plants on the next run and see how it goes.
I have a huge Strawberry diesel in there now that is taking up alot of space and has way out grown her screen. I've had to do some serious training and tying cuz she's the biggest girl I've run in this system. She also looks like she will be my best yielding plant yet. We'll see.....

I'm curious to see how 8 big girls would do in this setup.




Well-known member
Not knocking anyone else. I could show you pics of healthy plants too , just saying I average about the same no matter what. Not new to this.
You have to understand nothing can be archive over night,,,

People been growing with hoods and reflectors for decades, from the 70's and so on.... now there';s a saying " if it aint broke, dont fix it "

Human minds usually follow that instinct, almost everyone, now there are always a few brighter bulbs and always stands out .... these are the one that advocate new style of growing .....

there's another sayin " dont know until you try "

I am no expert at growing, but with some senses and logic, i will chose to hang my bulb vertical 360 degrees any day of the year vs' 180 ....

How do you think sun beams travel to the earth ? through some reflectors ??


ps. i am not comparing your 1k bulb to the sun


maybe some people lie about yeilds but common sense is common fucking sense. when light reflects off something you lose lumens. and if you reflecting half light given off of the arc tube of course its less productive.

too many people have this opinion of if it aint broke dont fix it.

i have friends that still grow in rockwool on ebb and flo table with horizontal lights even thou they helped me trim a harvest of 4lbs from 2 lights when they have 4 lights and harvest 4lbs sometimes average is about 3.75lbs. too afraid to stray from the convential norm.. lol

their loss our gain. there are liers but what you see is what you get. with heath robinson, krunch bubble, northern farmer, myself and other people showing that it is a more productive way of growing, if you wanna stay hiding in the shadows of your horizontally lite rooms, by all means continue... just dont argue with people who have a sense of common sense lol..

VERTICAL BULBS ALL THE WAY... besides "so quick" and "joe fresh" ive never really been impressed by anyone with horzontal lights.

show me the shadows... lol... with horizontal lights and reflectors there are always shadows.
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Whattaudo with the hoods!!?? :dunno:

Probably why they wont give up the hoods.. money invested..

Me, I was sold with the hood=heat sink senerioo.. whomever mentioned it a while back.. thanks..
and Deltas9s', PassivePlantKiller thread/style.