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Rx Green Solutions Axiom Harpin Proteins are a plant health promoter that activates a plant’s growth and defense genes resulting in improved plant growth, increased plant yields, increased quality, and greater shelf-life. Axiom Harpin Proteins are produced in nature by certain bacterial plant pathogens and plants develop receptors on their seeds, roots, and foliage to detect the presence of Harpin Proteins which triggers an “early warning system” leading to increased plant yields and plant health in both hydroponic and field settings. Check out Axiom

The identification and isolation of Harpin Proteins came from research at Cornell University attempting to understand how plant pathogenic bacteria interact with plants. A first line of defense is the Hypersensitive Response (HR), a localized plant cell death at the site of infection. Cell death creates a physical barrier to movement of the pathogen and in some plants dead cells can release compounds toxic to the invading pathogen. The work was published in 1992 in an article in the journal Science and it was discovered that Harpin Proteins could elicit disease resistance in plants and, surprisingly, increase plant growth, leading to increased plant yields. Check out Axiom’s Proven Results

Further discovery about Harpin Proteins was when foliar sprayed in limited quantities; Harpin Proteins would effectively activate a plants defense response. Importantly, these topical applications of Harpin Proteins did not elicit any visible HR. The effects of Harpin Protein on plant disease resistance and plant growth, together with the simple means of application, provided the basis for commercializing Harpin Proteins. Harpin Proteins were first commercialized under the brand Messenger® developed by Eden Bioscience in the early 2000’s. Axiom contains a new and improved generation of the Messenger® Harpin Proteins.

Axiom is pure Harpin αlphaβeta Protein, the latest commercially available generation that has been extensively tested and proven to increase plant yields, plant health and extend shelf life in a variety of crops. Axiom’s Harpin Protein multi-year results among plants is extensive and has been documented across the world include (Check out Axiom’s Case Studies):

• Increased plant yields from 8% – 20% in row crops
• Increased plant yields from 10% – 30% in vegetable crops
• Reduced nematode populations by 50% or more
• Increased shelf life and storability of fresh cut vegetable crops from 5 – 7 days

When Axiom is seed or foliar applied, the plants “panic” and turn on stress-defense and growth systems. Research, field trials, and producer experience show results are improved crop vigor, stamina, nutrient uptake, and reproductive growth. Axiom also reduces nematode egg and juvenile populations among roots. Combined, all these outcomes provide producers with greater plant yields, plant health, and in some crops fewer culls and longer shelf life. Because Axiom is a foliar spray, the strong results can be expected in both hydroponic and field growing settings.

See Axiom Harpin Label for Applications & Rates (review label for details and precautionary statements)

Foliar Spray: Axiom is best applied through a foliar spray every 2 – 3 weeks during the vegetative and reproductive stages. Unlike many foliar applications, Axiom will be completely absorbed within 24 hours of use, therefore there is no excess residue residing on your plants come harvest time!

Mix one, 2.0g packet (0.07oz) of Axiom in 1 gallon of water for up to 1,000 sq. ft. of coverage; for coverage up to 1 acre, mix one, 2.0oz packet of Axiom in 50 gallons of water. Apply with a sprayer.

Rx Green Solutions Axiom Harpin Protein is approved and registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and covered by over 100 Domestic and International Patents

For further details, please visit Axiom’s Website or Axiom Harpin.

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