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Help identify " Black Death " in Hawaii


Well-known member
So did anyone check the root balls for Nematodes?

I plan on doing this shortly, it makes sense as some branches are affected more than others on bigger plants. I've got some crab shell meal and some bud factor x to try as well (chitosan)


Well-known member
It is so rare to encounter, I have only seen it a couple times over the years.

As far as growing in the rainforest, ya just gotta build a well ventilated greenhouse that you can seal up in late flower and run commercial dehueys and then an a\c for drying. I am off the grid and often am running 2 Honda 2000s 24 hours a day when in late flower\harvesting.
Purple ish young tip. 1plant. 1 shoot.

Purple ish young tip. 1plant. 1 shoot.

43degree latitude. Good seasonal weather so far. 1 plant getting a purple blue black colour on leaf tip of young shoot. 1plant out of 7. Widow hybrid.


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Well-known member
I live on the coast of Maine and get this almost every year on a few plants . We call it tar top for lack of a better diagnosis .

It starts when the air gets humid with cool nights.

IMO its a airborne pathogen

Some plants stop growing around the third week of july and start to look yellow like they have a nitrogen def.

Would love o know how to combat it

I have used Green Cleaner
Baking Soda
and others and nothing works
I believe it gets inside the plant systemically


Well-known member
I live on the coast of Maine and get this almost every year on a few plants . We call it tar top for lack of a better diagnosis .

It starts when the air gets humid with cool nights.

IMO its a airborne pathogen

Some plants stop growing around the third week of july and start to look yellow like they have a nitrogen def.

Would love o know how to combat it

I have used Green Cleaner
Baking Soda
and others and nothing works
I believe it gets inside the plant systemically

Same here in Canada East Coast. Do you get it in pots or only when growing in native soil?


Also there is a better thread on TH C Farmer - Dark purple disease


Well-known member
I'm in the midwest by the great lakes, first time experiencing this purple shit. I had two in the ground that are fine no problems and 4 in 65 gallon smart pots, two of those have been culled and one had a few tops pruned out and one in a 65 is showing no symptoms yet.


I'm in the midwest by the great lakes, first time experiencing this purple shit. I had two in the ground that are fine no problems and 4 in 65 gallon smart pots, two of those have been culled and one had a few tops pruned out and one in a 65 is showing no symptoms yet.

I had it this year in Virginia. My plant was in the ground.

St. Phatty

Active member
Is it plant dependent or does it get all of them ?

It sounds like a situation where plant and pathogen are maybe meeting up for the first time. Pathogen gets an upper hand.

But maybe after a few generations of breeding you will observe resistance in some plants to the black mold pathogen.

It sounds like lower humidity might help.

But one thing I always wondered about dehumidifiers. They seem to generate some heat.

And heat seems to cause plants to transpire more moisture.

Do you have an antiseptic lung room where you can de-humidify the air (and keep it cool) before shooting it into the grow room ?


Well-known member
Brown Trout ,I grow in 100gal smarties with Promix . I use North country organic fertilizer
The only plants that don't seem to be bothered are the Blue Satilite 2.2 x SFV OG Kush

My Herijuana got hit pretty hard

Sticky Sat

Active member
Has any of you tried to use tea tree essential oil (mixed with neem oil...) as a preventive...? It works great here to repel lots of viruses carrying insects so it could maybe help for you too...

Even if tea tree is not 100 % efficient, somewhat weakening the attack could help plants building up their SAR against the virus... Aside from tea tree, there's many other interesting essential oils to try...

Good luck guys... :)
Thank you Sticky Sat that is valuable fod for thought. I clipped the abnormal purple/navy growth and haven't seen a top since(appx one week) 43degrees latitude preflower mid August


Well-known member
Must be 30 years since I saw this. I can't quite place it. I think in a cellar, with rubbish compost. My money is on fungus. I may of seen it take just a couple of growing tips outdoors, since then. Little low down ones, where much of the branch was below the surrounding vegetation.

A quick search, brings up over watering, low P, and Botrytis.

Edit: Soil testing for P should be legal. There are even licensed home growers in Hawaii, so sending leaf samples to the lab is possible. Some slides could culture any mold, and we know it's grey. Does the dead tip ever grow grey mold afterwards?
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Well-known member
Maybe at the end, but its attacked by everything at that point. It (the plant) just continues to grow.. like someone burned all the buds. Whole plant sometimes. Then they never get bigger. Sometimes a branch is unaffected and 1 branch makes buds...
Seems viral to me, but thats just a guess. Seen more in deep puna with humidity, curious if kona growers have seen it.
Happens all over the island. Its not fungal. It's a viroid or pathogen. No one here is sure where to send lab tests, I doubt the UH would help us.

I've been testing a hypothesis. I started a bagseed from my friends crop who gets hit hard with this purple, distorted-funk. After countless hours of research this viroid passes its genes down via seeds. The tester has been away from all sources of infection (my garden does NOT have this viroid) and is beginning to show symptoms. I will probably cull it today...
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St. Phatty

Active member
I live on the coast of Maine and get this almost every year on a few plants . We call it tar top for lack of a better diagnosis .

It starts when the air gets humid with cool nights.

Is it like an adult plant version of Damping Off, that kills seedlings ?


Well-known member
They live on in a tortured state, growing slowly, some branches making normal growth, so the first time its normal to try and finish the plant. But its a sad plant without much to burn. Leaves, stems, no buds. The one good branch looks pretty normal usually. I stopped doing this.

St. Phatty

Active member
They live on in a tortured state, growing slowly, some branches making normal growth, so the first time its normal to try and finish the plant. But its a sad plant without much to burn. Leaves, stems, no buds. The one good branch looks pretty normal usually. I stopped doing this.

Sounds like the plants I grew under fluoro's in the closet in college.

My room-mate narc'ed on me but the RA's allowed it.