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26"x26" 220w HPS Vertical micro grow


Okay, upon further examination it shouldn't be too difficult to raise the fan up a little so the plants can be closer to the lights. I haven't been able to spend much time with them over the last few days, with Thanksgiving and all there's been a lot of family over and some staying here, but things are getting back to normal and I'll have more time by the end of the weekend to tackle that project.

Took the plants out last night to grab some pictures and take a closer look at 'em, the first pair are Blue Cheese and Purple Bud, the second pair are both White Widows.

In the last pic (purple bud, up close), am I being paranoid or is there a nut growing there? (male)


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They're looking great JustDoIt! :ying: That last one is sort of looking like male parts, but I'd give it another day or 2 before you make a final decision.
Keep it green & :joint:


Looking good JustDoIt! Our grows seem to be similar except I got shit for genetics and I'm down to 3 in flower, one turned out to be a dude. Like you I added a 70w to my vert 150w. Not sure if it is going to help me it is used and the lamp seems to be weak and a new one from lowes is $20! I can order one from the net for $6 but I need to wait till I need more 150 bulbs because shipping will get me.
All looks well!

The last seedling might have a nut, it's hard to tell. I'm guessing you prob know by now?

Those individual flat screens hold the plant in tight so you prob be able to get the ladies pretty close.

Keep it raging!


No confirmation yet on if the Purple Bud is a male or not, upon close examination the "nuts" I thought I was seeing appear to be sets of leaves beginning to open up? At least that's what it appears for now, I'll stay optimistic until I'm 100% sure either way.

I raised the fan and the lights a little so the plant pots could slide under the fan in the center, bringing them closer to the lights. Now the bulbs aren't centered quite as nice as they were before but I think it's good enough to get the job done, I'll have to revise how the bulbs are hung before the next round! These pics are from a few mins ago, when do you guys think I should start 12/12?


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Looking good JustDoIt! Our grows seem to be similar except I got shit for genetics and I'm down to 3 in flower, one turned out to be a dude. Like you I added a 70w to my vert 150w. Not sure if it is going to help me it is used and the lamp seems to be weak and a new one from lowes is $20! I can order one from the net for $6 but I need to wait till I need more 150 bulbs because shipping will get me.

Cool! I can't find your grow on here, is it? I'd love to see what it's like! What have your results been like? Thanks for stopping by! :tiphat:


Dude, we do have similar setups! Height-wise we seem to be right at about the same place too, in relation to how far up the top bulb the plants have grown. How long have you been vegging, and since you spotted a male I'm guessing you've already switched to 12/12?
I'll check out your album (hadn't thought of that!), thanks for letting me know!


I'm new to indoor and this is a new cab with bagseed. Don't know how long I vegged on account of I started these seeds in a window before I built the cab but I flipped them two weeks ago. They were neglected for sure. They were a little over a foot tall when I flipped them 2 weeks ago. The openings in the screen are 2 inches so you can tell how tall they are. The flower chamber is 23" x 23" and 41" from floor to bottom of the fan/filter. I could have waited and filled the screens more but I didn't know how much they were going to stretch. I had a gnat problem that I think I'm on top of now. Hope to maximize the space better next time.


Active member
ok JustDoIt, I just read through your thread, and these are my suggestions:

Hang that scrubber horizontal and remove all the extra duct. These will increase the efficiency of the blower, b/c it will have a shorter distance to push the air, and no bends to get around.

Do you have an active intake? You could put some PC fans down on top of the passive intake holes, and pull in cool air. I would put them on a timer though, so they only come on during lights on. You really don't want to go below 70F lights off. +10F lights on. You're real close, and could probably do it just by fixing the exhaust...

For RH%, you can send in humidified air with the intake... You're size grow can use a standard humidifier, or ultra sonic pond foggers... and you just have the intake suck the moist air in.

You've gotta spend some money on temperature and humidity controllers to get these things dialed... I like Dayton humidistats and dehumidistats. I'm not particular about cooling controllers... you can build your own pretty cheap.

Those damaged fan leaves... if it wasn't your cat, then you have bugs. You should pluck a fan leaf, flip it upside down, and shine a bright light on it and stare.

Anyway, nice cab. I like that you stacked 2 smaller lamps rather than hang 1 big one. You're on your way!


Hey Bobblehead, thanks!
I did rearrange the ducting a little bit, though now I'm struggling to keep it warm enough in there!
The intake is passive, I see no need for fans to draw air in. Now I've got small boards blocking some of the airflow coming in because temps are so low. haha

For humidity I've had a small dish on the floor in the cabinet right beneath the bulbs. It brought the humidity up, and I mist the plants once or twice a day with plain water as well.

I was going to switch to 12/12 today but found a few small light leaks (can see light from the outside, but there would be no direct light into the cabinet... don't risk it though) I'm gonna plug up first.

Over the last couple days they've reacted to the last time I watered them I suppose, I watered them on Thursday and the only thing different than usual was I couldn't find distilled water, so I got the "purified" water. The label says it's purified by distillation or reverse osmosis. I used 1.5tsp FF Grow Big and 4 tbsp FF Big Bloom and ph'd to around 6.7
I've been putting twice as much plain water through them as normal to kinda flush them out every 2-3 times I water/feed them.

As far as the Purple Bud which I was concerned might be a male, I'm still a bit confused. On the one hand, it looks like "nuts" growing, but looking up close it almost looks like it might just be new sets of leaves budding out at the node... I took one off and kinda pushed it apart a bit, am I just in denial that it's a he, or am I good? Either way I think I'll keep it, I might wanna get some seeds from this grow...


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Few more pics then I'm off to the infirmary to do some research and figure out what's going on with the yellow/brown leaves!


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Well, Purple Bud turned out indeed to be male, I found a pollen sack that was opened, certainly not little leaves growing out. Sooo I took two cuttings, stuck 'em in some Light Warrior, and put 'em back in the veg cabinet (the tiny one!) under two CFL's. The rest of the plant.... well... it used to be. haha

The only reason for wanting a clone is in case I decide to try crossing it with a lady or two or three. Probably not this time around though.

...And then there were three...
Bummer about the dude, but the other the look well! The yellow/ brown leaves im guessing is a nitrogen deficentcy. Just double up on your "grow". Don't worry about it much, your about to flip anyways. Once your into flower and stop adding "grow"they will start falling off! Next time now you know that strain like more nitrogen.

Keep it going


Thanks all4theluvofit! I've got cal-mag, haven't used it in a while though. Good call. Is that something to continue through the flowering cycle as well?
I do mist the plants at least once (usually twice) a day with plain water, would adding some Grow Big to the foliar spray be the best way to quickly correct a nitrogen deficiency like that? The bottle says .5-1 tsp per gal for foliar feeding...

I've also got some b'cuzz foliar (1-0-0), would that be better?

I was just checking out your thread, seeing your latest harvest is making me real excited to see what my remaining 3 ladies look like in a few weeks. I'm excited for the next round in the cabinet already, I've learned so much from this one (and continue to do so!), growing is such a fun hobby hahaha
Well I guess I've never tried foliar feeding. So I guess I'm not the one to help on that one.

I give my SLH tons of cal-mag, and will give it up to a couple week into flower. At some point you want the plant to stop putting it's energy into veg and put it all on budz! I stop giving my grow a few weeks into flower, then cal mag, then etc. I keep adding molassas til the last couple weeks, then flush!


Looking good JustDoIt! :jump: For a cheap Cal/Mag fix, I give my plants 1tsp/gal of Epsom salts every month or so. Are you checking the pH of your run off?
Hope that helps. :ying:


all4 - Thanks man, good stuff to know. Just watered them tonight and added a tsp of cal mag to the gallon of water (as well as a Tbsp of Grow Big and a splash of Big Bloom)

StupidBoy - Thanks! I've got Cal-Mag so I'll be using that, I've read about using epsom salts as well (actually I think that's what I used on my first grow haha). I just watered them tonight at a pH of 6.6 and the runoff I collected from one of them pH'd at 5.3
So the pH is dropping considerably through the soil? I know the optimum pH range for nute intake is in the 6.3-6.8 range, should I feed 'em with a higher pH (7?) and see how that affects the runoff pH?


Is tonight the night? I think tonight's the night, I'm going to set the light timer to 12/12. Nothing too exciting to report back other than one of the white widows has almost filled the screen and the other ww and the blue cheese are filling up, though not as evenly as the first.


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