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70W vert + LED + organic + microcontroller madness.


bit of a brain dump... 'cause I enjoy learning from my mistakes and I'm not embarrassed to share them

Day 30: Lessons I've learned about my soil (so far)...

The unfortunate need to veg for 2 months (flower cab not ready) resulted in the 1.5L of soil per plant being exhausted of nitrogen and absolutely packed with roots by flower. All pots had become a rootbound block and up-potting wasn't an option so I just went with it.

Bad, Bad, Bad.
With the soil depleted I had more need to keep nutrients available via liquids. With the constant cold and dense rootmass, I couldn't water more than every 4 days or more or the plants would droop and have other lockout problems. It's also made submersion watering somewhat dangerous as the rootmass would become totally waterlogged afterwards and stay that way for a week. It's been a mess, really. Growing annuals in small indoor environments is much further removed from growing bonsai outdoors than I expected. The plants are substantially more hungry, and the approach to mixing up soil I've used for ~20 years of bonsai is too dense for indoor. I think this is partially due to different transpiration rates of MJ, and partially due to bonsai pots being wide and shallow, while my 1.5L (less than 1/2gal) canna flowering pots only have a 10cm x 10cm surface area of soil directly exposed to air.

What I'll do differently next time

Soil: Less finely-screened. Let some larger chunks of compost give the soil body so it can't compact down as easily. More drainage materials. At the moment that means perlite, as I don't have an economically viable source of rice hulls and I couldn't get enough biochar made in time for mixing up my next batch of soil. I'm using this new soil for the mother cuts that are vegging for next round, and they are really loving it so far.

Pots: Anti mentioned some Australian-made square airpots, so I went looking and it turns out not only is the company about 100km from me, their "rocket pots" are the same 10cm x 10cm footprint as my current pots, with the same 1.5L capacity. Too good to be true! I expect to receive a box of them next week some time.

While I'm expecting a very mediocre harvest quantity, I can't wait to sample the Dutchgrown Sweetest Cindy 99 and will probably run a monocrop of the most grapefruity cut next time. This morning I sat down for breakfast and suddenly started looking around for the plant, I could smell it!! Then I saw that we had 5 grapefruit from a neighbour in the fruitbowl on the dining table. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that.

I'll see if I can get some pics tonight, once this storm stops and I can in and out of the shed where the cab lives.


I scrapped the 3rd of the bagseeds as it too hermied. Makes sense, my buddy couldn't work out where the pollen had come from that fertilized his buds. lol.

Looking kinda empty, with 3 plants removed since the last pic update:


This is the grapefruit-flavoured sweetest cindy 99:

Here's the crazy runt sativa that's been in flower for 60 days already, and has zero smell and zero trichs. It's in ~700mL of soil

Here's the second Sweetest Cindy99. This one got put outside in the shade because I thought it had male preflowers... so it stretched a TON and started to flower. I cut 10" off the top to get it in my cab, so I lost most of the bud sites in the process. Still got two good clones from it though

Sam Skunkman Haze/Skunk mix #1:

Sam Skunkman Haze/Skunk mix #2. This one's had long, slender, sativa since the beginning. Insanely easily to clone, I've pulled 5 healthy clones off this, 3 of which I gave away to friends to run outdoors.

And the clones of the Dutchgrown and Skunkman plants: (grapefruit sweetest cindy 99 are the big two on the right)

I need to get more light in that mother cab.


Hey thanks cheesebuds :)
I fucked up this round but I'm all set to do better next run. I'll still get some tasty home-grown smoke for the xmas/new year period, so it's all good!


uggggggggghhh!! Discovered the real cause of my deficiency problems. Fungus gnats!! Damnit. Too late to do anything drastic, going to top-dress with a dried lavender mulch to interrupt their life cycle.


that's how we learn bro. Us micro farmers have to crash and burn sometime to get it right. I'm defiantly kickin it during tha intermission to get ready for the 2nd cycle with that infamous killa controller you created. Nice work..
Not usually a big fan of LEDs but you've done fairly well here, sir.

Kudos on that computer...

Looks like somehting I'd like to add on to my growroom... Would you consider making them available for purchase?

I'm not 100% on anything outside of a computer case


Cab shot from 2 weeks ago:


Here's the grapefruit/pineapple Sweetest Cindy 99 at 61 days, right before harvest.
It purpled off while the others are all staying traditional colours. I'll likely be running 7 of this plant next round, it's the keeper of the 7 females from this round.



It's been drying for 24 hours. The sample I tasted was delicious. Onwards and upwards!


any updates or ideas on yield? i just made a new setup with a 63w penetrator led and a 70w hps, just curious what kinda yield im lookin at


Active member
If you temps are so low, perhaps slowing the ventilation will help? dunno if you've been experimenting with ways to keep it warmer. However its probably better it doesn't swing from 25+ down to 13 .. Hmm heating mat for overnight or something?

I like the setup keep at it, nice colors coming with that harsh coldness atleast :D


New member
Does anyone have the arduino code bonsai used?
I would like to make something similar for my grow.
Thank you

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