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any bass players out there?


Active member
Nice pair Irish....! That 5 looks awesome! That double humbuck setup is the best the thing going if you ask me.

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I played double bass for 12 years before being crippled by tendonitis. I switched to a stuart spector fretless four string several years ago it was the 12th bass made by ssd after reopening in 1994(?) but never played it much and sold it to help pay for a piano. -sorry guys


hmm...not many bassplayers here :jump:

Well, I´ve been spreading the good bass-vibes for about 28 years.

My Ibanez-bass have been my close friend from the start...she had a few years on her back before I bought her. Only the strings have changed once in a while.

My heavy Fender amp have been in the family for 23 years. I had a monster Peavey until my heart fell in love with the great sound from my Fender.

I´ve allways been swinging in bands. 6-7 different bands.

My latest project have been going for 8 years. We meet once in a week. The style is mostly rock...with a touch of pop :confused: . Homemade lyrics and music. Setup is bass, drums, keyboards, guitar and song.

Here´s the weekly snakefarm...lol



Active member
A little thread bumpin' goin' on....

Picked up a low end acoustic bass today for the woodshed...evilbay purch (again dammit, I can't resist, stuff is cheap!) Its got more plywood than a trailer park and the neck is actually four different pieces of wood lammed together (those guys in Indonesia are so damn clever with the wood glue!) Crap, this thing is going to warp like crazy this winter....

Its got s*%t electronics as well....passive garbage..... might have to replace those.

I complain... but can you believe it?.. she sounds true enough. Never had a 'beach bass' before, but there will be some rowdy campfire music coming up soon.

It came with these trippy black (nylon?) flatwound strings.... I've never played anything like that before (except for a classical guitar). They sound really good with no amplification and add good volume. Anybody know what these are about?

Long Live the Indonesians!
Proud bass player here! Been playing for 6 or so years now and beginning to get the general idea. No more flashy slap/pop stuff for me, my goal nowadays is to get "in the pocket" and stay there getting the heads bumping and the ladys' dancing :) I have a passive Warvick Corvette bass, the sound is nice and cuts through the nastiest guitar walls.

Too many favourite players to list, I'll stick to my top five (in no particular order)

Jaco Pastorius - Undeniable sense of harmony combined with solid groove. Jazz or Funk, Jaco is the man

Stuart Zender - Used to play in jamiroquai. Tracks like Travelling Without Moving always blow me away, I tend to ignore the rest of the band when listening to jamiroquai :)

- Justin Chancellor - Bass player for Tool. One of the most creative players out there today. Wonderful use of untraditional effects such as whammy and various bass synths.

- Trevor Dunn - Bass player for Mr. Bungle and others. When the band you play in changes between genres like Jazz and Thrash metal in one song you really need to be something special. The self titled album "Mr. Bungle" from 1991 is one of the most unpredictable records I've ever heard, not to mention "Disco Volante" from 1995. Not for everyone..

Charles Mingus - Often credited for his songwriting/bandleader abilities rather than his bass playing. I think he has one of the most distinct Upright bass tones there is. A huge influence on me. If you are new to Jazz I suggest "Mingus Ah Um" from 1959.


Playing bass for 11y now...fender precision 4 string,and steinberger headless bass...bass&herb...true love!


Hello :tiphat: Abe here
I've been playing off and on since 1978 when I got a new Rickenbacker
when I was 15. I still have it today heck I still have the reciept:biggrin:. I also have a Alembic Epic 5 and Tarus pedals. Crate and SWR amps Ampeg and Crate cabs.


Active member
I just picked up a Fender Squire Affinaty Jazz Bass, I don't read music, Sing a lick (don't haveta) I am going thrue a "mid life crisis" at 47.
I got rage issues, that have become unbarable, so I have been doing very DEEP self analysis.
All My hobbies are ADRENALIN filled, and while fun, I need a CHILL activity to focus on.
Cant think of any thing MORE CHILL than Bass.

Im trying to Self teach ATM. im broke as HELL ATM and shouldn't have dropped $3oo on the starter kit,,, but its brought Me hrs. of peace just picking. walking, and a little slap n pluck.
Ive just started to work on My Neck hand.
I am left handed, but chose to learn Right handed.

Lets get this old thread dusted off.

Peace; 1TT


Active member
I just wrote a long post w/pics of My NEW Bass
Posted(I thought)
Went to another thread, and check this a few min. later, no post showing, went to the forum menue, it showed Me as the last poster,but back to this thread, and NO post.
This happened to me a few days back on a tread that I up from several yrs back, the last time I was active here at IC,,,, Oh well.
Not repeating tha story, but hers the NEW Bass.

PEACE; Twisted

John Deere

Active member
P bass, Ampeg tubes thru a 212 cab is my #1 but I use a small SS head thru a 110 cab for lots of gigs. Mix of country and rock, mostly our own stuff but altered covers as well.


Indicas make dreams happen
I play several instruments but bass guitar is my ABSOLUTE favorite. I play a Fender jazz through an old Peavey Mark IV series on custom built 2 x 10's and 1 x 15 cabs.
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I just got home from playing tonight. It's a regular gig we have been playing every week for 9+ years. Every Wednesday.... nine years. LOL I can't believe we still bring them in. Pretty dead tonight but still made money for the club. The owner loves us.

Sorry, I'm not a bass player (drummer). But, at least we're both in the rhythm section. LOL

I am getting ready to move so I have sold all my drums save a few but I had a pretty sweet collection at one time.

Here's a shot of some of my snare drums...


  • snarecolletionalone-2.jpg
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