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Maxigro and Maxibloom with tap water


New member
As far as the aspirin goes....if you decide to water daily with the aspirin in your nutes like I do. I would go 1-2pills per 10 gallons. I tend to caution on the little side of things. But if you decide to only add aspirin once a week then 1 pill per gallon should be ok.

Nice man thanks. what's your intake on pest? Do you prefer keeping your temperature/humidity at a certain level to help slow pest down?


New member
Would I haft to brew the pondzyme?

That's the same one I have, but like I said before if there is chlorine in your water. Adding any type of living enzyme will be moot. The chlorine or chloramine will kill those bennies.

RO water will NOT get rid of chloramine. If that's what you have in your water I suggest you run a dead/sterile res (adding .5-1ml of bleach per gallon of water). You don't have to add bleach everyday once a week should be enough unless you have pathogen.


No need to brew, but you can if you want.

are you using tap water? If so, does your tap contain chlorine or chloramine? If it's chlorine, just let the water sit 24/hrs so the chlorine can dissipate out of your water. If it's chloramine then letting it sit won't do much. Chloramine is a combination of chlorine with ammonia. You can get a water dechlorinator/conditioner from your pet/aquarium store. Make sure to read the label. It HAS TO be able to remove CHLORINE/CHLORAMINE AND AMMONIA. If your tap has chloramine and you use a water conditioner that only removes chlorine it will leave behind a toxic level of ammonia.

If using tap and not doing as listed above. You won't see any benefit of using pondzyme because the chlorine/chloramine will kill the beneficial bacterias.

What system or media are you using.
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New member
Yeah I'm going to try out tap water. I know pondzyme says its safe for fish and plants. The question is is it really safe? I'm going to try and find out if it's ok to smoke after using those products. If it is safe I'm all in brother👍

No need to brew, but you can if you want.

are you using tap water? If so, does your tap contain chlorine or chloramine? If it's chlorine, just let the water sit 24/hrs so the chlorine can dissipate out of your water. If it's chloramine then letting it sit won't do much. Chloramine is a combination of chlorine with ammonia. You can get a water dechlorinator/conditioner from your pet/aquarium store. Make sure to read the label. It HAS TO be able to remove CHLORINE/CHLORAMINE AND AMMONIA. If your tap has chloramine and you use a water conditioner that only removes chlorine it will leave behind a toxic level of ammonia.

If using tap and not doing as listed above. You won't see any benefit of using pondzyme because the chlorine/chloramine will kill the beneficial bacterias.

What system or media are you using.


Here read this


Gives you an idea of you are getting from pondzyme. It all natural so I am sure it is safe. But if you are using tap, might I suggest going the dead reservoir route? The reason behind it is because I've found it hard to inoculate the bennies in coco. In dirt it is a different story.

IIRC pondzyme is the same as Great White and/or Orca (both by Plant success) and a few other products for healthy roots, but at a much cheaper cost.


New member
I did my research and it says for pond use only. Not for human consumption or for fish intended for human consumption.

-I know it says beneficial bacteria with barley 100% all natural.
All natural doesn't mean it's ok for us. All natural crack cocaine doesn't make it ok for humans.

Here read this


Gives you an idea of you are getting from pondzyme. It all natural so I am sure it is safe. But if you are using tap, might I suggest going the dead reservoir route? The reason behind it is because I've found it hard to inoculate the bennies in coco. In dirt it is a different story.

IIRC pondzyme is the same as Great White and/or Orca (both by Plant success) and a few other products for healthy roots, but at a much cheaper cost.


You are more than wrong on that one. But hey being the smart ass that you are I am sure you'll figure out why soon enough. Till then happy growing :)


New member
I'll call the pond-zyme company and mention "if your product is safe for fish and pond plants, why can't I eat my product after using your all natural pond-zyme?"
I also found your chlorine remover which also says the same warning.

There's no warning like that on Bio-cozyme,cannazyme ext.

You are more than wrong on that one. But hey being the smart ass that you are I am sure you'll figure out why soon enough. Till then happy growing :)


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New member
it doesn't say not intended for plants for human consumption. you may be correct. I'll give them a call. Happy growing buddy 😎

You are more than wrong on that one. But hey being the smart ass that you are I am sure you'll figure out why soon enough. Till then happy growing :)


The enzymes is to combat bad bennies and to break down the nutrients so that it is more readily available for your plants. Your plants themselves CAN NOT absorb the bennies through its root system. So I can't or don't see how it will harm you.


IIRC correctly the enzymes from pondzyme are the same as the products you listed. That info can be found on the link I posted for you. If you want to find out go read through that thread, I am not going to for the sake of proving myself.


FYI if you are using coco and non organic nutes. There is no real reason to run enzymes or bennies. It is difficult to inoculate in coco (not impossible just difficult and not worth the effort IMO). Non organic nutes are already broken down enough...adding bennies won't do much if anything.

IF you are running coco and salt (non organic nutes) and pathogens is a concern for you. I strongly suggest you run a dead res.


This is my 3rd run on Maxibloom, first run was fine, I used demineralized water from the supermarket. Second run I got slack and used 200ppm tap water which I have used in the past with other single part nutes.

During veg I started to get phosphorous deficiency spots, using half strength Maxibloom and pH down to 5.8 using phosphoric acid. I thought it must be my meter reading high, so I bought another one, they both read the same, so I increased the strength of the nutes a bit more which seemed to help.

When 12/12 stretch started, I got sever signs magnesium deficiency, which I thought was odd because the tap water has about 30ppm of mag, plus whatever is in the full strength Maxibloom (1tsp/gal). So I added 50ppm of Epsom salts which cleared up the mag problem on the new growth.

Then I started to get signs of over fert, dark green leaves with burnt tips about 4 weeks into 12/12, so I started doing flushes every other feed with pH 5.6water, it's still 200ppm from the tap pH downed, didn't seem to help. The strains are Skunk#1 and WW which I have grown before several times.

I did up the airflow since the first Maxibloom grow, so transpiration would have increased.

Obviously the culprit looks like the tap water, but I have been using that for 15 years with other nutes.

The approx water breakdown is in mg/Litre

Alkalinity as CaCO3 120
Calcium 70
Magnesium 28
Potassium 4.6
Sodium 97

Anyone see something in that list which might explain the phosphorus lockout with half strength maxibloom in veg, and the mag lockout in stretch, then the overfert after that?

Is Maxibloom known to have problems with hard water?

Just started the 3rd. run on Maxibloom and at half strength the two week old seedlings are once again showing phosphorous deficiency already, hence this post.

I will go and get some r/o water from the supermarket on the weekend, but I am really looking for some way to dial in the nutes to suit the tap water.


i dont grow with maxi but theirs a n toxicity going on as well if your saying they get to green?
are they clawed?
what kind of coco?
is the coco buffered/set already?
can we get some pics plz sir?