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Excellent find, picking up a little a bit of history down by the shed.
Funny we haven't had a patch of frost this year and the daffs are out in various places looks like it could be a long spring; here's hoping anyway

Big Eggy

Active member
I've had a medium hard frost yesterday and today but only the 3rd time i've had to scrap the car this winter. I didn't plant my daffs year but my Crocus's are nearly up, might plant the Daffs in a few container to avoid wasting good bulbs. As soon as the hawthorns near me start to flower i'll be starting my mj plants for this season.


you got hawthorn hedge? I just pulled out a massive box hedge (its probably wrong to hate a plant but I hate box) and exposed the hawthorn growing amongst. so I reckon I'll have a hawthorn hedge in a mere... 10 years or so :watchplant: :watchplant: :watchplant:

Big Eggy

Active member
Hey Paulo73 forgot to say hello! Hope you've been keeping well??

you got hawthorn hedge? I just pulled out a massive box hedge (its probably wrong to hate a plant but I hate box) and exposed the hawthorn growing amongst. so I reckon I'll have a hawthorn hedge in a mere... 10 years or so :watchplant: :watchplant: :watchplant:

I'd love a hawthorn hedge but they take so much time to establish.. i've got a strange looking Hawthorn tree in the centre behind the fence.. it has grown into a horrible shape over the years, probably due to the amount of Ivy that we had over the back. I plan doing something inbetween a coppice and a pollard next month to try and get some new growth and keep it as part of a informal mixed hedge.

What did you do with the Box you dug out? The one in Monty Don's (BBC GW) garden was brought through a news paper ad .. if you still have them maybe you could wrap up the root balls and sell them?

Edit: Oh yes i use Hawthron flowers as a guide to when sping is here for good.. although have been caught out a few time with late frosts and young seedlings since i moved from the south.

Big Eggy

Active member
Hello all,

just a few pics form the weekend.

The Finished Fence. (Total Cost £60.00ish)

Lavenda Cuttings

I took a whole tray of these and managed to get ten to take (I still struggle with MJ cuttings). Thankfully the mild winter has helped as they were taken very late in the season.


Cornus Alba (Dog Wood)

I've taken eight of these from a plant that we had in a winter container in 2010/11 winter.. it didn't seem to like it's new home up near the decking so i chopped it back really hard. Never tried this before but have read that they are the so easy to get to root.. think they have been in these pots since Oct last year so they should start to grow soon.. i hope.


And that has been about it for now.. I spent all day yesterday sawing the tree stump (with a hand saw) down to the hight the mrs want it.. She wants it to be a play table for the kids. I got about a 3rd of the way through by knocking chuncks out with a splitting iron. The dude with the chain saw didn't realise or want to listen that two stroke oil should be added at a ratio of 50:1 not 1:1, and he wondered why it wouldn't start????


New member

That's a whole lotta work. The yard is sure looking nice now. I love the repurposing of the old yard debris.

I really gotta start taking advantage of my land like this...I love growing stuff and a get fit program to boot.

Big Eggy

Active member
Hello all..
A bit of an update for those wondering were i've been over the winter.

We had some great weather over the weekend so the lawn got it's first cut.. Still a bit patchy in places with some Veronica Major weed springing up all over the place.. Will try and get these all out by hand as i'm too sacred to use a weed and feed this early on.. Did some scarafying too to get all the crap out that has built up over the winter.




Have also got the beginings of a leanto strated at the side of the house.



everytime i see the typical english plumbing on the outside of the houses i wonder who invented that and why :) hehe

anyway - nice to see the garden developing! i bet ur going to enjoy it this summer! :D


Big Eggy

Active member
Agreed not very will thought out.. My new boiler has a condensation pipe that connects to the drain pipe at the front of the house.. Christmas day 2010 the pipe froze solid and the boiler would fire up.. Had to pour warm water on it for hours.
I do plan on painting the pipes black this year just the paint is so damm expensive.


man - that must really have sucked!

isnt there any way of covering the tubing with isolation material?

paint is really expensive. i got a house i need to paint every few years and its soon time :( if i dont paint it the uv light will dry up the wood and it will turn into crap too fast.

atleast bricks is low maintenance! :)

Big Eggy

Active member
Hello all.. Sorry been away for a while as my new job doesn't allow time for sciving on icmag.
Been pretty busy too so let me get on with an update.

The Lawn.
Been pretty happy with how it's come on.. gave it a feed about a month ago and think it's on about the 5th cut now. The mrs has done a nice job on some edging for the kids play area.



Well-known member
Toking bench mate?

Nice lawn...You taking up croquet? I got a terrier track down the middle of my lawn, banked corners the lot...:biggrin:

Big Eggy

Active member
Hey RD How's things???

Smoking Bench.. Maybe in 90 ish days if all goes to plan with some new autos i put in last sunday.

The Ones i had going over the winter got rumbled and since then i've just not had the chance as the below will show.. this has been taking up all my free time at the moment.

The Lean-to


I've incorporated a screened area for the bins so i don't have to have them in the garden anymore.. very pleased with how it turned out.. The sand and slabs that the bins are sitting on is recycled from the spot the wooden shed used to sit on... Funny thing was when i lifted the first slab there was a perfectly preserved Reebok Classic print in the sand.


This is the shot from the back with all the purlins in place.. for anyone worried about the uprights rotting, They are secured into anchor brackets that keep the posts off the floor and the brackets are bolted to 12x12" concrete footings that are 12" below plus 12" above ground.

a lot of the time has been spent penetrating the concrete all ready there and removing the asbestos from the roof.. which is a story on it's own....

well i already knew that the roof of the outhouse was double skinned asbestos but what i didn't know was that the council builders in the 60's thought it was a good idea to pour concrete on the inner layer???

well you can image my dismay when i lifted off the first pannel of the outer skin only to discover a 6" think layer of concrete.. AGGGHHHH

well it was easier to get off than i first thought but getting rid of the asbestos is a pain in the arse.. Double bagged double sealed etc etc

Luckily my council are pretty good about taking it at the tip.

any way enough for now.

Edit: Just thought i'd add the only power tools i've used for this is a 15 year old Black and Decker Drill and a Tesco Value Cordless drilldriver.



large member
ICMag Donor
Good work man,

Nice preparation for summertime!

i've been there, built decking and a wooden framed path with a saw and screwdriver, not even any 12v assistance!

AF's got rumbled by who? the iron lady? :)


handsawing is where the skill is at :) those laserguided powersaws are for noobs :)

keep it up eggy!

Big Eggy

Active member
Thanks guys.. I forgot I did use an angle grinder on the house were the flashing will go.
I just looked at a picture at the begining of the thead of the garden by year ago.. The mrs got a bit emotional of how far we have come.
Hey mitch as for the af's yep the mrs spotted them but they wouldn't have amounted to much, just had a poke around the ones I planted last week and the are growing so should be up soon.. Will be able to hide them with the tomatoes i've also got going. She has promised me that when the kids are older I can resume proper growing... Only 18 years to wait. What do you make of the F1 season so far?


Well-known member
Good work mate.

My missus wants the same kind of lean-to doing, I'm keen to get it done, grow some big plants under it.

What you using to sheet the roof?