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It's time to meet my mothers...

Elevator Man

Active member
Here's a quick pic of the next generation of all these girls - the clones of each variety. I took four of each for safety, and they're named in vertical columns. Fingers crossed for all these...:)


Elevator Man

Active member
OK, the plants have had 7 days of 12/12, and they are starting to flower! One benefit of keeping them on a 16-day veg regime instead of 18 :)

There's not much significant to show, except massive growth, so I'll post pics as soon as there are some decent buds to look at - in a week perhaps. But I think I'm on for a very decent crop this time :)

Elevator Man

Active member
Here's a quick taster of the new pics. There'll be many more tomorrow, with a full update of the grow so far...


Elevator Man

Active member
Well, I finally got to photographing the grow-out of my mothers again - we're on day 27 of 12/12, and looking very tasty indeed. I'll label where appropriate. Sorry for the HID light, but I didn't have time to do it at lights-out (which is 7am - fuck that!)
One thing to note is the shrivelled leaf trait of the Purple Flo - it's immediately obvious which one that is! It only shows this trait in my main growroom, under HID light, with CO2. Under fluorescents, or outdoors, it doesn't. Outdoors, the plant is very bushy and rounded, but indoors, it grows straight stalks that drop their shade leaves. Does anyone know what this is? The color plate of Flo in DJ's book looks very similar, so I'm not too worried.

All varieties are growing vigorously - the mystery mother has some leaf problems, but it's more likely under-nuting than over - this strain normally soaks up huge amounts of nutes. It was forced into flowering whilst re-vegging, so I was expecting some problems. But it's making up for lost ground now. The CrissCross is packing on resin much earlier than the others, and is already seriously frosty.

All in all, it's looking pretty good so far, and I'm still hoping for 5-6 oz per plant, the Purple Flo excepted, which if I get three, I'll be happy. I do have four more Flos on the go, in a new thread starting very soon. Any comments, I'd love to hear them.

So here we go - first, all together:

Then we have the CrissCross - the heaviest resin producer by far:

Now the G13 - fat, and spreading out rapidly:

Next up, the mystery strain:

Now for the Nirvana NL X BB - many, many tops on this one!:

The green Flo, looking fabulous:

And finally, the weird one - the purple Flo, with the shrivelled leaves. This isn't a nute problem, before anyone asks, but I do need opinions on why this only does this under HID lights (and CO2):


Elevator Man

Active member
Just for reference on the purple Flo issue, and to prove how different environments can affect a pheno, here's a few pics of my outdoor purple Flo, taken 5 minutes ago.
This plant was a cutting from the same branch of the same plant that my indoor version came from - i.e. they couldn't be closer, genetically. And just look at the difference...at two weeks budding (Sept 1st trigger-date):



Active member
wow.. never seen anything like that leaf curling.. so are they yellowing/drying out too or just curling up like that? very very strange. i'm going to be running dp flo indoor for the first time this winter so i'm trying to learn as much about it as i can.

but yeah that one looks amazing outdoors! those stems!!!

Elevator Man

Active member
Yep, they're drying out completely. But they don't yellow - they go brown. Like desiccated. Once the brown gets to the stem, they just drop off. Most of the stalks are now completely bare apart from the buds. Problem is, with no shade leaves, the buds don't develop properly - the water consumption now is half what the others get through. It's really weird.
I can only assume this particular pheno just does not like an indoor environment. There's some pics of it budding in my gallery. It is a gorgeous smoke though, which is why I've kept it for now...
BTW, water pH is perfect always - 6.5. Nutes are 2/3 recommended strength, and only fed every other watering. Only addition is CO2 via yeast/sugar/water. Did think it could be that, but everything else loves it :)

Also check out my friend's grow of the same exact pheno - also outdoors. If you thought MY stems were purple...

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Elevator Man

Active member
I switched on the second 600W light on Sunday at 35 days - three more weeks of 1200W should do it! Temperature is much higher though, and I'm having to leave the growroom door open most of the night, and vent much more often. It's running pretty much 82-88 around the canopy :(
Still, they should be able to take it with CO2 - they look OK so far. And as far as budding goes - very impressive. I'll post pics this weekend.

Elevator Man

Active member
Update at 43 days...

Update at 43 days...

Well, things are moving swiftly now - on 43 days and they're starting to swell. The purple Flos are actually increasing now, despite having no shade leaves left. Everything else looks very happy.
I've got the two remaining female Malawi Gold squashed in there too - they're on 15 days flower. I just added my five Skunk#1, now on 2 days flower. Once the main harvest is down, these will take over, plus my last two female Flos, currently vegging. With flower times of 12 weeks, 9 weeks and seven weeks, they should all finish roughly together!

The main pics are with lights on - sorry for the quality. I did photograph every plant, but I hate the HID cast so much, I'm going to rephotograph everything again tonight, and will post mostly those instead. But here's a taster - the individual bud is from the CrissCross variety:


Elevator Man

Active member
Well, they were 'bonsaied' quite severely anyway, due to the lack of space in my mother room, so there was always a lot of nodes. But those growing frames are absolutely superb for 'semi-LST' - basically every time it send up a stalk, I bend it under the frame and clip it on with cable ties until it's strong enough to support itself.
I got barely any vertical stretch at all this time compared to normal grows - almost not enough stretch, to be honest, the buds are so packed. Apart from the two Flos which stand proudly in the center!

I'll post some new photos tonight of each variety in close-up...

Elevator Man

Active member
Update at 47 days...

Update at 47 days...

Well, things are starting to pick up now. The plants had their final feed Monday, and are on the home strait - 9 days to the projected harvest date of eight weeks. They're just beginning to swell.
If they want to go longer I'll let them, but I'd rather have them down now - the two Malawi Golds are straining at the leash at 3 weeks flower, and the Skunk#1 are still waiting to show sex at five days flower. So it would be good to get all these out of the way before then - the purple Flo will definitely be first - I expect about 53 days max.

So here's some photos - the drool factor is definitely increasing now. I'll take some more tomorrow, of the other three - 'Mystery', purple Flo and the G13. And for anyone who thought Flo was always a low-yield variety, be prepared for a shock..:)

Northern Lights#5 X BigBud:


Flo (green pheno):


Elevator Man

Active member
Update at 54 days...

Update at 54 days...

Well, things are coming to a head. All the buds on all the plants are swelling severely now - they've been on pH-balanced water only for the last 9 days, and it's working a treat. Most shade leaves are yellowing - some nearly white on the NL X BB!
I expect to chop the CrissCross and the Mystery Strain on Sunday, at 56 days exactly. I was hoping to do all of them, but the G13, NL X BB and the green Flo are all still chucking out new pistils. This should be the final push, but as usual I'm torn between pulling them down a few days early or leaving them to totally finish. I have other plants that need to move in quick, and space issues mean I may just have to chop them all by 58 days max. Whatever - they look fantastic.
The Mystery Strain, as always, is still by far the smelliest and most delicious. I'm starting to think it may actually be some kind of diesel/kush hybrid, now I know more about them, and have seen more photos. I found out a little bit more the other day - the guy I got it from claims it was some weird cross that may have come from the states around '91 and had "some weird Super Skunk" crossed in with it. Sound familiar? :)
The smell is just indescribable - acetone, petrol, pear drops, turkish delight, etc. Wonderful.

Here's some new pics - I've only photographed plants not yet posted - apart from the green Flo, which is so incredible, it just had to go in again! Enjoy!


Mystery Strain:

Green Flo:



Yo ElevatorMan

Yo ElevatorMan

Your grow is outrageous hot! Very beautiful and lush. Such vigor and strength.
Excellent Garden!
Mercy those are bodacious!
Happy Growing!

Elevator Man

Active member
"Such vigor and strength" - I like than one...:)

I'm harvesting the CrissCross and probably the NL X BB tonight - there's still plenty of white pistils left, on the NL X BB in particular, so I'd like to leave them a bit longer, but I just don't have time. Most of the trichs are cloudy though, with one or two amber, and plenty new clear ones, so it's not too early, certainly.
The G13, Mystery Strain and the Flo I have to leave at least one or two days more. The Flo is astounding me, frankly. It went about 57 days last time, but I think it could do 63 easy - still growing out huge foxtails like crazy! But I can't wait that long - I may just have to finish it off by starving it of water...:(

Elevator Man

Active member
Harvest Update...

Harvest Update...

Well, I harvested all of those mother plants over the last couple of evenings - not too bad actually. I threw away less than one plastic carrier bag of leaves, and I mean the small ones! Way too early to guess any yields, but in terms of efficiency of bud to plant, (and not including the branches they're hanging on), I'm guessing over 90% is usable material, and 90% of that is solid bud!

I didn't get to take any more photos, but I will post some shots when it's dried, including some super-juicy macros which will astound and amaze.

Also my Malawi Golds, Skunk #1 and the new Flos can now take centre stage, so I'll update on those - probably in a new thread.

Just two days before a test bud...of six different varieties...:)
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